Why does this make Nintendo friends so mad? Isn't this everything you've always wanted...

Why does this make Nintendo friends so mad? Isn't this everything you've always wanted? All your classic Nintendo games and all your Switch games available for free on a handheld device? You would think Nintendo fans would love this but they hate it.

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Linking the other thread to show others that you're just an assmad sonyfag trying to get pcfags and Nintendofags to hate each other.



is the hori split pad pro good?

Why is the nintendo retard in that thread acting like you can't pirate games on the steam deck?

What the fuck is this thread? What is seriously wrong with nintendofags? They have to make up an entirely fantasy world in their minds to cope with the switch.

OP eviscerated

There's been some guy all morning making like 10 different threads trying to shit on Nintendo in different ways

Because that's the OP. His objective is to be as obnoxious as possible on both sides to trick people into fighting.

It's alright but I've had two sets drift on me so I wouldn't recommend unless you want to repair it yourself.

Okay but why are Nintendo fags acting like you can't pirate on the steam deck? That's what I'm seeing in that thread.


The Steam Deck is so based for causing so much nintendie seethe holy shit

Nah I actually enjoy supporting the games I want to succeed instead of purating and buying them when they're 75% off. Mostly because I want to see more of my favorite games. Feel free to kill yourself though

I was talking about emulation retard. If you want to play classic Nintendo games on switch you have to pay a subscription to rent them. I'm talking about emulating them for free instead.
>Feel free to kill yourself though
Imagine getting this mad from misinterpreting a post like a dumbass.

This is the fourth in a series of threads the OP keeps on making and he's been shitposting about PC, Xbox and Nintendo in all of them.

to think that all of this started because a nigger was seething about Kirby

What does that have to do with steam deck you fucking moron?

Just stop schizo. Why are people not allowed to dislike Nintendo? Why do you think pic related is a reality for any of the people on Yea Forums? Only redditors think there's an "alliance." With modern Nintendo, you get:
>Dripfed content in games
>Absolute bare bones Kindle-tier OS that lacks smartphone features from the last 10+ years
>Bad framerate and visuals
>Worse entries in their popular IPs
>Horrible NSO
Could go on honestly. If this board wasn't blinded by nostalgia we would be giving Nintendo hell for not being more like Microsoft where you can play any of their old games and access them in a sub plan that's actually a good value.
The ones that do hate it as a projection of their anger towards Nu-tendo and their shitty practices.

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Nah, the tranny started seething when people said bloodborne flopped.
Which then turned itno seething at Kirby.

People get really mad when you point out that Nintendo games don't get discussed anymore.

Here ya go

Maybe you should actually read what he posted.

That thread is full of schizos on both sides.

PCfag here. Bloodborne did sell more than Kirby so either they both flopped or neither did.

>snoytranny SEETHING at being found out

Nice try, snoytranny

user, think about what he said.

So why do nintendofags hate the steam deck then? OP has a point, isn't it theoretically the ultimate Nintendo bing bing machine?

Doesn't support games I want to see more of nor does it make my online experience better when the alternative is being stuck playing with redditors and Brazilians, also I grew up in the 90s. Being sensitive to frame drops isn't a personality trait. You're just a faggot so in short kill yourself for even thinking it's comparable or assuming that I didn't understand what you're talking about when it's all deck fags have

based half-life 1 2 and mods on the go

I have. I'm still right.

Nigger. The Switch is making you PAY for emulation. The Steam Deck is emulation too it's just free.

>seething about being found out
>poster count literally went up
Legitimately insane. Take your meds lmfao.

Why are you seething so hard?

steam deck isn't free tho

Damn this nigga mindbroken by numbers

>implying your post made the count go up.

yeah well ive been buying nintendo games for years but how come we still dont have a new fzero game or even a pikmin game?
we barely fucking got a metroid game.

fuck this shit. buying nintendo games does jack shit.

Why are you seething so hard?

Holy meds

Emulation on the Switch:
$300+$50/year, limited library, limited input support

Emulation on the Steam Deck:
$400, unlimited library, any controller you want to use

snoys can't handle the fact their cope doesn't change reality

>So why do nintendofags hate the steam deck then
Think user, why would Nintendofags be mad about the deck when the deck makes the PlayStation redundant in the console market by having the exact same games people actually want but portable.
Therea a reason the OP, hates PC as well.

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mmmh I wonder which Nintendo game could I emulate today

That's what I'm confused by. The Steam Deck is the ultimate Nintendo machine, but Nintendo fags hate it? Why????? It has more Nintendo games than the fucking switch does.

So emulation on deck isn't free, glad you agree.


No you dumb nigger I pay so i don't have to play with jalapeƱo Jose from southern Mexico that has a ping of 1400 or whatever or to get stuck in lobbies with some streamer fag lowering the quality of the game or some nigger trying to make mlg viral videos for updoots or some retard trying to meta the fun out of everything. I don't care about old games. I care about supporting the games I want to see more of and not having to play with worthless niggers online

It's free after the initial purchase of the hardware to emulate it on. The switch charges you a subscription and requires you to connect to the internet (which also costs money) to keep emulating.

Glad we cleared all that up.


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>It's free after the initial purchase
So it isn't free then. You seem kinda dumb bro

>I don't care about old games
Because you literally can't play them LMFAOOOOO. Nintendo won't give you old games to play because they want your dumb ass to keep buying their shitty new games.

So it isn't free, good to know.

They literally are mad though?
More free than being charged monthly and having to reconnect to the Internet like switch emulation.

They seem pretty mad given that they're literally denying reality and pretending the post count isn't going up with anti-Nintendo posts.

Still isn't free.

So not free.

Oh my god.
They don't.
This entire time Nintendo was only ever brought up if someone said something negative about it in a blatant anti-deck thread both pre and post release.
In said anti-deck threads any mention of Sony and how the deck made them irrelevant was met with an absolutely rabid defence force that would scream nincel at the top of their e-lungs and kill all discussion from that point on.

You fell for the propaganda, hard.

So, they aren't here?

Then why are they acting like emulation costs money on the steam deck?


Where is my free steamdeck?

>literally can't play them
>has no argument so has to default to trying to use mental gymnastics
I have a pc, several raspberry pis, 2 hand made custom handheld wiis, a psp, a Vita, 3 Gameboy, and a 3ds on top of my switch. I'm sorry I'm not a gaming vegan like you or a social parasite that was convinced by the quirky gen x retro game reviewer that old games are actually good because a lot of them aren't.

Why do people think you can only enjoy one console? I don't understand the console war loyalty shit. It's like pokemon vs digimon and failing to understand that you can like both or think that both are shit.

I have a PC for multiplat stuff and Nintendo/Sony for exclusives. I will admit ps4/5 had absolutely nothing I wanted and I just use my ps1/2/3

Well we clearly have a Nintendofags ITT who only play on their switch. Why do they only play on one console? I actually don't know.

Because that's OP and his cohorts you idiot. Why would the group that emulates the most here say emulation isn't free?
Think user, think.

I just don't understand why you're so mad at the Steam Deck then act like you're not.

>All your classic Nintendo games and all your Switch games available for free on a handheld device?
why do people pretend this thing has functioning windows drivers?

Literal stockholm over being ripped off for a shit-tier emulation "solution" lol.
Holy seethe. And the irony? Games like Trash Ultimate and Splatoon 3 when it releases are literally only going to be played by streamers and Youtubers, and Nintendo will promote it just like they did with Trash 5.

Imagine limiting yourself to one console. None of these companies even respect their fanbase. Nintendo won't even let you play their old games lol.

Why would it need windows drivers?

So not free.


can you actually boot stuff outside the steam OS? serious question, I haven't used one yet

Steam Deck cost of emulation per month: $0, unlimited library

Switch cost of emulation per year: $50, limited library

I will copy and paste this post for every reply you imply steam deck emulation costs money.

It's true

>Why do people think you can only enjoy one console?
The real question is why do you think anyone said that? Well other than this user looking to shitpost. In reality most of the posters on this board are idorts or at the very least have a switch, pc and ps4 with the growing redundancy of the two current gen platforms.
Anyway, we call out sonyfags because they are the only ones that act as if you have to remain exclusive to a single brand as they have for Sony. In addition their seething hatred and need to mention Nintendo to deflect blaming people who don't exist here whenever possible gives them away.

Why would you need to??? It's not 2007 anymore dude Linux emulation is actually better than Windows emulation on most systems.

The steamdeck isn't free

damn, wasn't aware the deck was free.

>He fell for the Linux meme

Steam Deck cost of emulation per month: $0, unlimited library

Switch cost of emulation per year: $50, limited library

I will copy and paste this post for every reply you imply steam deck emulation costs money.

damn, wasn't aware the deck was free.


PS5, Steam Deck, and Switch all use Linux dude. What's the point of Windows? Being one of the last players in Halo Infinite?

by your logic nothing can be free because you have to pay for the electricity bill to turn the machine on.
software that you don't have to pay money for is by definition free of charge.

Why would I get a steamdeck if I can just use my phone or laptop for emulation?

But you can already emulate on the switch

life isn't free

Steam Deck cost of emulation per month: $0, unlimited library

Switch cost of emulation per year: $50, limited library

I will copy and paste this post for every reply you imply steam deck emulation costs money.

Thanks for keeping my thread bumped ;)

the first response will be along the lines of take your meds tendie or tendie schizo


double so if your a nintendo cuck


Touch screen controls suck
Sure go ahead, but I don't have a laptop and many people don't anymore.

Emulation on the switch costs $50/year and library is very small.

Steam deck isn't free,also

>Emulation on the switch costs $50/year and library is very small.


But the switch is?

You might be saging but I'm not. Every time I reply to you and remind you that switch education costs money I bump the thread back up.

Also announcing sage is against the rules so....


And it fucking sucks lmao. Imagine paying a yearly fee for the right to play a 20 year old game lmfaoooooo.