Is there such thing as coming of age game?
Games that depict teenage romance/angst
gibe sauce b4 404
fucking kiddies on this board. This is the hentai anime. The one and only. If you don't know this one youa re a retarded idiot who doesn't know any anime. You don't understand what god is but you know people... you fucking moron...
The only good hentai is Stepsister
Wow Japan!
You're joking right? Honestly kids these days. It begins with 'U', I'll give you that much
teenagers don't really have sex do they
for me it was La Blue Girl
wow videogames
>virgin at 21
>never had a gf
I still have time, right? I don't see myself getting into a relationship in the near future
I know people that lost their virginities at 15 and even 14. Trust me, the average teenager has sex. Most zoomers lose their virginities at 16-17
It's over, bro. You end up here for a reason.
I'm 33 don't wait it's already embarrassing
good. nothing better than knowing some goy is addicted to Yea Forums and has very little experiences in life
Bible Black, personally
I'm 37 years old and I've never been on a relationship; I've only have had sex with prostitutes.
A girl won't magically fall on your lap by herself.
did he die?
Eating pussy is gay.
>it's already embarrassing
I know man. The people I talk to at college have all been in relationships and it's obvious. There's another guy that is a virgin like me and it is so fucking obvious. I wonder if they see it in me too.
For what reason? I came here for teh lulz
literally how
aren't they scared of STDs and pregnancy
how do they talk to girls
Actually, that's when I lost my virginity. Met a femanon in 2016, we had a blast together throught the year.
So yeah, not too late, but you better do something about it, not just lay on your lazy ass waiting for shit to happen.
The one where the guy cuts his dick off and puts a parasite there.
found my first gf at 20, it happens. Just gotta put yourself out there user, and don't be autistic
Literally happens all the time just not these days I miss the 99s
>bitch casts "the world" right as she goes to blow you
30 here. It is too late for me because I fucking hate relationships
Za warudooooo
>aren't they scared of STDs and pregnancy
Bro they use condoms. Some don't though and the chicks take birth control.
>talk to girls
You'd know if you weren't autistic. I am in my 20s and I still don't know how to flirt with a girl or date chicks. I can talk and joke with them but I can't do it romantically.
>The only good hentai is Oni Chichi
Urotsukidoji Legend of the Overfiend (1989) Uncut Version
you are a wizard harry
35 is when it's over
I miss eating pussy so much bros...
>aren't they scared of STDs and pregnancy
They aren't and they don't give a shit; why do you think teen pregnancies are so common?.
The only people making such a big deal of both are Yea Forumsirgins using them as excuses to justify their virginity.
>how do they talk to girls
They simply do. Teenagers see the opposite sex as just that: the opposite sex.
Again, Yea Forumsirgins are the ones who delude themselves into believing that talking to a girl is the same as defending your country on a courtroom of law.
Every JRPG ever
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji
>got a GF at 13 in HS
>lost count at 50 different chicks i banged during high school
>dropped to basically none after i graduated
>now 35 and haven't been laid in almost a decade
Such is life.
Lost my virginity at 26.
Eventually got married at 29 and currently happily married with 2 daughters.
There is time.
I lost my virginity at 28, you have time bro. I was a NEET kissless virgin until I got a job at 28. Got promoted, and slept with a 19 year old butt-slut a month later. Sexed 4 different girls after her, before meeting my wife. I'm 33 now and have to hide my rampant porn addiction, but am pretty open with all my anime and vidya shit.
It can get better, but you have to make attempts.
even if you're a retarded zoomer just fucking reverse image search it faggot
what the fuck is the point of sex if you always use condoms
our schools gives out free condoms to kids from 13 and up and already did when I was at that age 16 years ago.
>all that graphic violence and maybe 15 mins of sex
I don't know who this was made for but it certainly left a lasting impression on me
The series would probably make a good game, especially the warlock sex nazi from the sequel
I'll tell you a secret: anime isn't real.
wtf? i don't remember seeing shinji rape asuka like this
>happily married with 2 daughters.
>find girl
>become friends
>make her laugh, have fun together
>tell her: "Hey, wanna go on a date? I think you're cute."
>go on date
>talk and joke and flirt and hold her hand
>have a good time
There. You now have a gf
It is actually quite easy to get laid, you dont have to be a chad etc. Quasimodo would eventually get laid if he just met new people constantly. The problem is that you're on here instead of meeting people. And meeting people is really, really hard without friends, so good luck... Use apps.
If you hate relationships then its kinda hard to have a gf.
Just hire a prostitute if you want to have sex with no strings attached
my wife will let me eat her pussy or ass as much as i want and she has just 0 reaction to it whatsoever.
we are practicing "role playing" where she plays the role of a girl who actually wants her pussy eaten, like every other woman i ever met...
how did you do it
Tinder. It's a very superficial dating app, any woman that matches you will 100% fuck you based on your looks. Will they do it immediately, or want to outside of a relationship? Some of them yes, most of them no. Will your personality ruin it for some of them? Sure, not everyone likes everybody else. The most important part is trying.
I honestly thought I would never have a stable relationship.
Then it just kinda happened.
I honestly believe there is someone out there for everyone. Just have to find that person.
how? story time?
I fucking hate normalfags.
Not that user but sometimes one just gets fed up with the BS people in general (because I like traps) gives you even when you just want to have some action.
I had a girl ask my bf if I want to date her he brought her over and said congratulations you are a couple my first gf 12
I probably have some kind of a meme disorder or I'm aromantic because I unironically never want a relationship. Seems like hell
>It's a very superficial dating app
it's also 100% bots now lmao
I'm turning 30 in a week and I'm still a virgin, but most strangers think I'm already married. It's an interesting situation.
But what if I'm a virgin with 0 experience? Do I just act like I know what I'm doing? Fake it till you make it?
Exactly. Just be yourself, bro. It's easy.
ikr, the absolute state of this place.
>find girl
>become friends
>tell her hey wanna go on a date
literally how the fuck do you do this without having a panic attack and passing out
Honestly I don't care about sex either, jacking off every now and then gets me going just fine. I do however need to make up a story so I don't embarrasse myself in front of coworkers
Just kinda happened.
Girl I was working with had a crush on me, I had no clue. She asked me out. We went out, and it just clicked. Before her I had literally 1 gf my entire life.
How is this thread still alive
>This is the hentai anime
Bible Black? La Blue Girl? Another Lady Innocent? Pidgeon Blood? Night Shift Nurses? Immoral Sisters? Angel Blade? Cool Devices?
>he cums in 5 seconds
>cumming as soon as the girl touches you
lmao what a fucking pussy, this shit wouldn't fly in real life.
Why are 4channers mostly sex starved virgins?
I'm dating tons of women and they almost all have been utter trash. Worst humans I ever met.
It's really never too late. You got to look in the right place though. However, if you hate relationships and old want sex, then try Tinder or get an escort
>panic attack and passing out
Maybe you should try dating yourself, since you're essentially already a woman.
Really wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Shit just kinda happened. I believe everyone has a real shot. Just have to be in the right place at the right time I guess.
I made a tinder and got two matches and neither of them replied to me
also how am I supposed to see who likes me without paying
am I supposed to just swipe every single girl
how do I meet up with them when I don't drive and live with my parents
Basically, yeah. Once you get to know a person you'll also have a better idea if it's worth mentioning your virginity or not. Again, some people will be turned off, others won't, some won't care. It's all a bit of luck but you have to at least try or you'll never get anywhere.
vidya butts just came up, should only be 15 minutes or so now
I don't know, why are you a sex starved virgin?
What games lets me run an underground underaged sex trafficking network that caters to the world's most powerful elites?
anywhere. College, work, some hobby clubs dunno man
talk about common hobbies or just joke about random shit
>literally how the fuck do you do this without having a panic attack and passing out
You'll feel confident enough if you're friends. You're already comfortable talking to her
user I am 33 and to me that seems like complete horse shit. Every man I have ever been friends with has regretted their marriages and has mixed feelings about love and devotion. Just because you love someone don't mean your ass is gonna be happy.
Bf is best friend lol I forget nobo6 used it like tha6
I'm being serious.
I'm not anything special, play vidya all day and never been a ladies man. But I still found someone. There is hope user.
>This is the hentai anime.
it's not Front Innocence
/r9k/ lost
Kitazume's character designs are distracting here. The girl just looks like Hathaway Noah in a wig.
>when I don't drive and live with my parents
>not eating pussy
Do you want to get cucked by Tyrone?
Virgins are expecting their first time having sex to be amazing and life changing. The irony is that it will be life changing, but only because you'll realize that it isn't amazing (unless you fuck someone you love who loves you back). Prostitutes are for people who already have sexual experience, so I'm sure most virgins will just have a bad time when they hire one.
>I miss eating pussy so much bros...
fucking how? That shit is disgusting literally every time I do it. The ONLY(only) reason I do it is because they get off on it, does literally nothing for me