I'm going to a gaming con soon, what should I expect?
I'm going to a gaming con soon, what should I expect?
COVID and possibly AIDS
>gaming con
Me on the right
made for white men
Didn't this chick smell really bad or something?
To deal with people who don't practice hygiene.
severe autism
I'm pretty sure if a chick does this is because a male swapped bodies with her
finna cum on that tummy
Expect to get sick.
kill yourself
imagine the white cream in that little brown belly button
Intense amounts of autism and awkwardness.
You don't get a nickname like "tunamelt-chan" for no reason
giev autistic nubian princess pls
You're guaranteed to get laid at a con?
White childbearing hips.
>that tfw when no black weeb gf
Bad smell in certain fans, ugly bitches looking like tifa+autism+200 lbs. Cool outfits, shit outfits, and overpriced everything. Really the only benefit of a con is if you have a shitload of money to waste on stuff that would be half it's price anywhere else. I never wish to return to one, it was a waste of time. I imagine it would be fun in a large group of fellow autistic dress up weebs, long as people take baths, but they prob won't.
How bad do those weeb darkies want to get BLEACHED?
Built for BYC
Built for AMBF
Depends on how much they've fetishized white dudes.
God i wish that was me
literally made for BWC
How much do you think they fucked afterwards?
usually they are raised by their white mothers parents so they instinctively find their white grandfather attractive as the only stable male presence she has ever known
thus she gets bleached
ugh it's like a dough
Now I remember. It's been years since I've seen that video.
that's a dough I'd like to knead
you would even a dog you sicko
he's living the dream I bet he got sat on afterwards
sex with black women is best, no I am not from discord chuds.
uhh /pol/cels??? explain this
It's okay, my dick is woke
Only convention I've even been to was Saw Con 2008. It was fun despite the furries.
>rachel went from just being a hottie presenter to a political doofus getting in drama about calling people nazi's and holocaust deniers
What's ligma?
cottage cheese can be dyed multiple colours
Joe mama lmoa
This. I. Was on a business trip and there was a convention right down the road I got a ticket for the one day just to walk around and see what it was like very interestingly enough the whole place smelled horrible
went to gamesconvention the first three years when I was a kid
first year:
>100% about videogames, only people attending are people who care about videogames
>not empty but also not full crowded
>could just walk up to whatever and play games that aren't even released yet, developers were present and you could casually chat with them
>getting swag left and right, my whole backpack was full
second year:
>still mostly about videogames but normies began to creep in
>much larger but it starts getting a bit stuffy
>have to probably wait in line for a bit to play, no developers just professional convention hostesses
>even more swag, one backpack wasn't enough
third year:
>probably 50% is about videogames, full of faggot cosplayers who are just there for attention whoring, countless stalls that have nothing to do with videogames
>even bigger but everything is stuffed to the gills, the whole place reeks of stale sweat, absolutely disgusting
>have to wait 30 min in line to watch a trailer
>nothing for free, you have to participate in some retarded event on stage making a fool of yourself to even get a keychain
never went there again after that, but probably got a lot worse
Flu, stomach bug, cold and now potentially COVID.
I`m a racist but..
I want to go back bros...
>Brain Age Guy
I hate women so much it physically hurts
This is at Fanimecon wtf
How I get this??
It's Milwaukee, right? Pinball and 50 year old dads. Just get blackout drunk on a twelve pack of Pabst Blur Ribbon and tilt every table like a nigger
feels good to troll people merely by existing
cringe and stinky air I would assume.
You will
be a woman
tfw live in Baltimore and Otacon finally left us cause our city is a fucking shithole
You're either a faggot or a tranny.
>girl literally pulls the loveshy's hands onto her body
if he didn't close that he's ngmi
The girl in the blue jacket actually encouraging the awkward autist in the red shirt is kinda cute.