This game was actually pretty good, why did it do so poorly ?
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
porn is free
Because capeshit is only popular in movies, not games.
what does that have to do with the game ?
this might be a valid reason. capeshit movies/tv are more popular than the comics themselves
Everyone thought it would be another Avengers tier dumpster fire and Square didn't help the awful marketing.
>guardians was cool 10 years ago
>60$ game for Reddit humor and 80s throwbacks
I played it on gamepass and liked it well enough, but it was pretty average.
The game is ok. Gameplay and story structure it feels like last of us but with more action.
This. I agree it’s quite a fun game but I never would have thought that before it launched.
Avengers debuff
thoughts on Nikki ?
what ?
Few months before Guardians square released Marvel's Avengers but it was so shit and have very bad monetization that people don't want to deal with capeshit from them anymore.
>why did it do so poorly
No Gamora sexy costumes. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
>boring combat
>huddle mechanic is retarded
>"""your choices matter""" end up not mattering at all
>game is literally just a series of linear corridors sprinkled with tedious combat sections
>story starts out funny and irreverent and rugpulls to sappy plights of personal drama from chapter 2 and remains that way for the rest of the game
it's sad that the best parts of the entire "game" are when you are chilling on your ship and listening to your crew's context sensitive dialogue.
there were a few
Such as? If you pull out form-fitting hijabs I'm leaving this thread.
It's a game nobody asked for.
It's one of those games where the action/gameplay parts are very slow and uninteresting and the other 50% of the game is walking while listening to dialogue
In other words, you have to have brain damage to enjoy it
>they ditch this sex-hair for retarded, dyke hair at the end.
This killed all my interest in a sequel.
>I need to be able to fap to the characters for me to play a game
kill yourself
>>I need to be able to fap to the characters for me to play a game
Yes? You want to play this for the reddit jokes or something?
the stench of avengers being shit did not help at all
The Avengers game unironically killed this.
Nobody wanted to gamble their money on this shit to see if it was actually good or just another GaaS Destiny clone designed to milk their wallets.
After the Avengers game flopped they needed to delay this and rebuild hype around it, and actually explain properly in marketing material that it wasn't a cash grab
avengers was a lot of fun and I have no idea why people hate it so much
Shill thread.
shill post
>why did it do so poorly
>>>$59.99 + $10 Digital Deluxe DLC
gee i wonder
I didn't see a single advertisement for this game. Meanwhile I couldn't not see that shitty avengers game
but thats every game now ?
Because it was associated with the Avengers game.
they never once said anything about it and the avengers game in the same sentence
why have there been so many threads for this game in the past few days? some kind of guerilla shill campaign ?
user, I mean everybody thought it was gonna be bad like the Avengers game. I believe it had the same devs.
Probably some dude who played it on Gamepass + that one dev who lurks this place
It was $40.
Marvel's popularity is dying, only thing that will continue to be extremely popular is Spider-man and anything connected to Spider-man
not OP but I did check it out on game pass. its ok . the visuals are better than I was expecting
I played on gamepass too. The game has a lot of soul despite the 'modern' look about it but it's clear the budget didn't go exactly to the gameplay. Also it starts getting old near the end, I was happy it ended where it did.
most people brushed it off as another cash grab movie tie in
Same publisher Square Enix.
Devs are Crystal Dynamics for Avengers and Eidos for Guardians.
it is a cash grab movie tie in
>This game was actually pretty good, why did it do so poorly ?
why would i buy a game like that and you can only control person?
the entire selling point appars to be that you can control all the guardians, which was not enough to make the game sell...because everyone thought that
why does the game exist
You can make it even better by disabling ingame AA but it's a bit pain in the ass requaired hex editor.
>in 2012 nobody really knew or cared about Guardians outside of comic book nerds
>OP asked why it sold poorly, not why YOU didn't buy it. Reddit humor and nostalgia-fuelled shit usually sells.
Truth is, Avengers being the pile of turds that it was coupled with Square Enix's general incompetence fucked this game's sales.
can I disable it on xbox ?
yeah but it's also an ok game
you guys literally only like it for waifus. its a shit game
I don't think you can.
It clearly has effort put into it, and it does not tie-in to any movie. What the fuck kind of drugs are you on?
See here, dev? That's why you don't half-ass your games. Coomers won't pick up self-censored designs, and reseteratrannies will still complain if the girls are the least bit attractive. Commit to one or the one (though it's not likely the woke crowd will buy your game anyway)
I just checked and you're right I can't disable it
you're a retard
Lady Hellbender
He just likes to hate things for the sake of hating things.
you will never be a woman
I played it and hated it. For those of you in this thread saying it was good why did you think that
>Follows the comics universe
>Completely different timeline and multiverse from the movies
>It has literally nothing to do with any of the MCU movies except for sharing characters
>Movie tie-in
Why are you such a nigger?
This, and the shit launch of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided made gamers reluctant to take a chance on it. Squeenix needs to die.
did it make a billion bucks?
As a game it's meh, gameplay goes from bad early game to barely ok mid and late game.
Strong points are writing and visuals. Dialogs are great, very often are witty and funny which for me who hates capeshit with my soul was a very big surprise. I really liked the characters, well except rocket, Visual are sometimes are stunning and very detailed. Also music is also very good.
no it lost money. black panther did.
im asking if black panther made a billion dollars
I played it for the loli
>still rangebanned from posting images
Kill yourself gookmoot you humongous faggot I'm NEVER buying your pass
no, it's roughly
which roughly comes out to 475M
Capeshit fatigue.
Simple as.
>I played it for the loli
you are literally everything wrong with video game players
Perhaps. But if you add lolis I'll buy your game :)
>I played it for the loli
You are literally saving video games
based cunnysseur
Personally I don't NEED to be able to fap to them but by god does it help