PSA: Just Don't Respond

Though this may not be vidya, I would like to make a PSA for all the newfags here:


And as a secondary PSA: You can put "sage" into the Options field to post in a thread without bumping it.

Thank you.

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I have a keyboard and I must shitpost.

Over half the content on this site is bots replying to bots

I'm also making your life miserable, and you probably deserve it. Faggots deserve it for every dumb transgression made by janitors, to be honest.

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how come racism is bannable here but homophobia isn't

they dont get it op. They think this is just like any other social media site and just have to express their own worthless opinion.
Conscience of quality is completely gone on Yea Forums

OP, you're right, but this board has both the youngest age and lowest IQ on this shit site. I mean it's the videogame board what'd you expect? At this point I almost guarantee that more than 50 percent of the posters in this board don't even know how to post without bumping the thread.

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racism is bananable here?

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all 6 of us who have a brain already know this
but here's a bump
also don't just avoid responding to stuff you hate. find some thread under it that you like and get involved in that.

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tourists genuinely believe that responding to bait is a righteous crusade and their moral responsibility

is this working?

people need to know they are wrong and have bad opinions


Note enough people sage shit threads. And because of the convoluted rules you can't mention that you are saging a thread which would remind others to do the same.

I mean I just report any spamming, offtopic, low quality posts and NSFW. It doesn't clean up the board right away but it does get cleaned up. I also agree that sometimes you gotta resist the urge to reply to bait.

everyone sorts by last reply anyway, a sage is still pushing that thread to the top of the catalogue for thousands of people

Options field, user.

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Trolling and shitposting have been apart of literally every board since their inception. It's why the discord tranny invasion and many many many of the others always fail in the long run. The only ones who actually give a shit are newfags

Depends on the mods in question. You have some of the older minded mods who know that Racism is pretty much hand and hand with the spirit on the entire website where is there are the rules lawyers who take the racism is in fact in the rules that is is suppose to only be permitted on Yea Forums.

Whereas Homophobia there has never been such a rule in place. That is specifically why we universally refer to people and their specific genre of faggotry. IE newfag, sonyfag, xboxfag, nintendofag, PCfag, etc. You could say that it falls under the purview of trolling, but again that falls under the mindset of said mod who is presiding over said board and at which time of day.

Same thing.

Announcing a sage is also a broken rule fren.

That's the spirit fren.

Also frenly advice depending on the mod you can get banned for this thread alone, depending on if they want to treat this as the only meta thread allowed as per Hiroshimoots ruling. Again, depends on the mod and the time of day. Because it falls under not Yea Forumsidya related.

All of it really boils down to pic related.

Specifically this kind of faggot. I can understand certain things user, but sometimes just let people have a bit of fun or the board just becomes fucking boring. Even the unpaid jannies understand this.

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I will always reply to a vidya butts thread

caught one heheheh

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underage redditor thread

I fucking knew it!

whatever bro, just post vidya lolis.

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That counts especially for all those coomer threads. Its ridiculous how much they get spammed.

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Die faggot
go back to r*ddit where you belong

I always bump horrible threads

>It's why the discord tranny invasion and many many many of the others always fail in the long run
according to you, they're part of board culture. it's more trolling and shitposting; so they are winning.

>racism is bannable
this "rule" is only enforced if you get on a janny's nerves

>go back to r*ddit
but this is r*ddit

it's an imageboard bro
these are all on topic, believe it or not

If we could ban and keep away anyone from these sites, this place would improve dramatically.
>muh pol
Who the fuck do you think makes bait threads to lure them here?

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That is the law of attention
whatever you give your attention to you get more of that thing , especially if you think of it with feeling

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No, simply because they're not causing anyone to leave or stop doing what we've been doing. Instead we're causing them to break down crying about us pointing out the obvious that they're just men in dresses and they keep 41%ing themselves.

I don't call that winning.

the reason why porn was banned on blue boards was to prevent porn dumps. there are porn boards for a reason

Can't be flagging me for racism If I say nigger without a maliciously racist intent

>I don't call that winning.
They're free to not come here and go back to the millions of other places that bans people who even think of criticizing them.

shitposting and trolling has never been about getting anyone to leave; its for pissing people off
>it's causing them to break down crying about us
lol the opposite. They're so notorious that anons think discord posters are everywhere
See the crying happens about trannies, not the contrary

I don't like this thread, did I do it right?

classic line tourists use when they want to larp as an oldfag

i wonder who we should ban

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This is the most backwards fucking logic I've ever seen holy shit.

Reminder that sageposting while putting the word sage in any other field will result in an autoban.

Seriously, the boards got noticably worse around 2016. They got steadily worse the whole time, as well, but since then it got almost unusable for me. I only drop in once a week or less.

ok thanks

This will never work as long as there is a bunch of other retards who will reply.

You know what we need to do? We need the IP address of every /pol/faggot, every company warrior, every pedo and every frogposter (even apu muh fren posters). We track them down, kidnap them, then make them play olympic level SAW games that will kill them in horrific ways or at best leave them horribly mauled (i'm sure a /k/ fag can help us design the games).
We will stream it, make a permanent sticky with the link to the stream. And add a feature so that every time a guy tries to be funny making a shit fucking offtopic thread, an ad with pics of the dismembered corpses of other funny guys pop ups, with the question: Do you really wanna submit this thread?

That way, this board will improve.

based nigger enjoyer

Fuck racists
and fuck niggers

I don't see porn in any of those images.

And you should be the first one to play.

no i think we should bring back the homerun captcha, that will work

Mic check mic check 1 2 1 2

2016 was the fourth or fifth major drop in quality this site has gotten.
Gamergate, the 4*2 exodus, 2012, 2007, and I'm probably forgetting a few, all took a massive shit on this site and I'm only still here after almost two decades because I'm mentally ill.
If you only remember 2016 being a problem, you're also part of the problem.

They literally are though retard. There's been a metric fuck ton of screen shots posted about them doing their retarded little raids posted all over the place.

Define shit up the board. Because personally I think that the entirety of all of the sub boards that derived from Yea Forums originally should just become one again. Thats why a lot of the fun shit stopped getting posted like the FoTM, gaymen with bros, etc. Personally I miss the late night sink posting threads because that's how we got shining gems like tilefag.

That's just how it's been since GG and moot shotgun fired all of the old mods from that era and their replacements took over. Then once it got sold to hiroshimoot it got better in the sense that they didn't just hand out bans like candy, but at the same time they just stopped giving a shit mostly unless it's just blatant or they want to be a bit petty. I got banned for like three days for posting about the origin of pepe the frog getting posted on Yea Forums for not vidya posting like a week ago or so. So, it's gotten better, but worse at the same time. I blame VPNs. Mods kind of got shitkicked when most people can just ban evade with impunity without the mods being able to do anything besides delete the thread, but with the way there's both a concentrated effort by mentally ill men with too much time on their hands to shitpost and that people use bots to post dumb shit all of the time it's just a constant barrage. Ironically I feel bad for the current mods because they are constantly getting shit on for not doing their jobs properly, but can't do much about it really in the long run. But at the exact same time there are things that they could do, but just refuse to do. So it's this vicious cycle of they could fix literally everything right now by just getting more mods, but they won't

the grand majority of oldfags of Yea Forums are polfags directly because of the five guys scandal and moot being a backstabbing cunt.

You should also mention that reporting is a thing.

Trannies sure are deranged

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The entire site has gotten worse since I started coming here in 2006, but that could be rose-colored glasses, it could be a lot of things. I haven't been to Yea Forums in years, but it's now all cuck shit and trannies. Same with /gif/. You can't really attribute that to the election.
Not to mention, the election pretty much only affects the US. I think it's a lot more gradual than people think, but 2014 is the real catalyst.

Because the jannies are homophobic pieces of shit. It's why if someone says "REE KILL ALL FAGGOTS! DIE GAY DIE!" that person won't get banned but if i reply with "Kill yourself homophobe" i am IMMEDIATLY banned for Off topic.

All homophobes should be murdered.

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Because being a faggot is a choice.


>Because the jannies are homophobic pieces of shit.
Lol, half of them are trannies.

I'd like that. Thing is if you dox and kill every pedophile you're gonna get rid of all straight men and trannies in Yea Forums, and then the catalog would be JUST videogame talk by based gay men and there wouldn't be garbage off topic threads or child porn or tranny threads of posting the women trannies wish they were.

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There should really just be a general fictional character porn board. /r34/ or something.

I want to invent a machine that can quantify and replicate all of the mental and physical pain that has ever happened and will ever happen in the entire universes life-span. The machine will compress that quantified agony and suffering into 1 attosecond. That suffering would be multiplied by its own current value every additional attosecond. So for example, all the suffering in the lifespan of the universe would be doubled in the next attosecond, then that doubled value of agony will be doubled in the third, and then that new value will be doubled in the fourth, and so forth. This machine will also compress time, allowing googolplexes of lifespans of the entire universe to occur every second of real-time.

I want to trap the homosexuals of Yea Forums in this machine and inflict infinite, unimaginable, ever-increasing ultra agony on them for all eternity.

So? Trannies can't be homophobic? You try being a gay man who doesn't like bleeding front holes and see if trannies won't go full homophobic pieces of shit ranting about gay men not liking women. I can't even search for gay porn anymore without half the options being straight porn because "Men have vaginas too, bigot!"

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sink threads were Yea Forums you larping faggot. this is pathetic

>Trannies can't be homophobic?
You'd think they wouldn't be, but I'm not mentally ill, so.

Based on what?

We live sad times, and future will be even sadder
Super Sad Bros. Ultimate

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>Fag being a fag
What a surprise no wonder your ass gets banned faggot

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>if i flood the thread with word diarrhea it means i can't possibly be a newfag

Why wouldn't they be? They have no connection to gay men at all so what exactly would stop troons from hating gay men?

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Yea Forums was just Yea Forums 2.0 for the grand majority of it's life. We rarely talked about Yea Forumsideo games and even then it was just trolling each other's shit taste in vidya.

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Is that the fucking mystery machine in the background

why are you pretending to be an oldfag, what mental illness causes you to do this?

Nah it's the AIDS mobile.

Bullshit. Yea Forums was literally the seat of Gamergate for a reason. Yea Forums stopped caring about videogames when trannies and incels started to invade this place like crazy just to post porn and child porn. THe only times you freaks talk about games now is if said game let's you play as a woman and be a dyke. Don't even know why you guys come here if you're gonna be coomer trannies, you can go to porn boards if you have no hobbies beyond masturbation and crossdressing.

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i dont get this image why would the funny colour shirt guy hang himself over donkey kong rap?

You'd think all the LGBTQ people owuld want to stick together. Maybe I'm just terribly naive in thinking that being a minority would be a uniting factor.

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Give me one single reason why a community full of cheerful gay men would want to stick together with man hating feminazi dykes who just claim to like women because their boyfriend broke up with them, or gross homophobic biscum who are just straigth people harrassing other sexualities and claiming to be open minded despite the fact they are just privileged straight trash and literal trannies who are not only not even a sexuality, they are an "identity" and their whole culture is based around homophobia and being rapey.

Why tf would any gay man want to stick together with a community that wishes us dead and hates us for not liking women?

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based on me fucking your mom

>this guy and then the DoA third-worlder
are jannies getting their groove back?

>Racism is bannable here.
>3 results found.

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Are you unable to recognize a fig leaf rule when you see one?
The purpose of the rule is to grant jannies a pretense of legitimacy when they want to ban you specifically but don't have a good reason to do so.

You'd be surprised how often they backstab each other.

The fuck are you talking about? We literally spent a lot of the time posting traps to mess with newfags who didn't know any better. The tranny menace wasn't a problem at all back then because we didnt care. We actually use them for the butt of a joke for damn near a decade. As for the CP that was mostly reserved for /gif/ and Yea Forums and got smote on high immediately.

The only time Yea Forums ever actually gave a shit about vidya was when we could mess with each other or troll normalfags like the Video game awards. Like pic related. That was the entirety of why things like Killing floor, Infiiniminer, Ace of Spades, and many many other games ever made it passed a week in FoTM because we could actively bullshit each other the entire time.

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It's partly moot's fault for making sage hidden.

Again. Yea Forums was the seat of gamergate. Take your whole "Yea Forums never cared about games!" elsewhere. This whole "Yea Forums is a child porn and tranny board" is new.

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What an interesting phenomenon.

If the jannies were paying attention this thread wouldn't be up, retard.

No shit dumbass. And that's been the joke about Yea Forums since it's very fucking start. We talked about literally everything else except video games. We hate video games. Besides that we're saying the exact same thing you retard.

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Didn't read.

>We talked about literally everything else except video games. We hate video games.

Why do you keep lying?

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I say nigger relentlessly on this site and only get banned once in a full moon. Jannies see it. And only ban if they feel like it.

>trannies kill the most trannies
>therefore, trannies are the most dangerous homophobes themselves, then advocate for killing homophobes
Lol. Lmao.

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The fact that this thread has been up for more than 1 hour just speaks about how much jannies and mods care about this shitty board

2007. The first year of true popularity for smartphones and social media caused a massive influx of normalfags to the internet. Prior to then you had to be a bit of a nerd or tech geek to regularly use the web, and had to be very much so to know about Yea Forums. As the internet has become normalised in the lives of even the most mainstream members of the population, this has naturally led to a decline in the quality of the average poster because the average poster is more likely to be a normalfag.
This combined with the fact the site is steadily being overrun with zoomers who are collectively the dumbest fucking generation means the site is going to shite. It wasn’t 2014 newfags, or 2016 election tourists. It’s the normalisation of the internet and the fact zoomers are idiots.