Let's take a moment to feel embarrassed about watching and enjoying this

Let's take a moment to feel embarrassed about watching and enjoying this.

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I like his content.

Can we all agree that Yahtzee is just a voice actor and MovieBob is actually behind all the scripts and opinions?

Sure, after we're done feeling embarrassed about watching and enjoying this

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I've been watching ZP for over a decade - I still remember when he had various music tracks for his openings, and when he got a lot of people pissed for shitting on Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
However, it's really apparent that Yahtzee is just getting older and has kinda softened on some of his stances. I don't watch any other game "reviewer", and ZP's reviews are just an opinion so I take it with a grain of salt.

XPlay was one of my favorite review shows to watch as a kid.

moveblob is a retard so this is impossible to believe

One of the only gaming related channels I still find entertaining even if I don't agree with a lot of what he says

>I've been watching ZP for over a decade
I honestly had no idea that faggot was still alive. I was nostalgia baiting.

t. OP

He merely pretends user.


He's casual as fuck at games but accurate in many regards that limp dick shills get wrong

It's pretty much alright still.
OP is a niggerfaggot as usual.

Yahtzee took the marriage pill, instead of paying gabe a wage and keep making videos together, so they can both drag each other down in their 40s as bitter incels

i stopped watching ecelebs and review shows once i realized their opinions are shit and they have no taste

No. He really, really doesn't.

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>I don't watch any other game "reviewer", and ZP's reviews are just an opinion so I take it with a grain of salt.
I think that's what keeps me coming back, the fact that he keeps his reviews to what he liked and didn't like about it and refuses to give a score. His bias is clearly there but it's also consistent. As opposed to review sites that usually get a person who specifically likes the genre of the game they're reviewing so most games end up >80% at the end of the day.

not really because Yahtzee tore Other M a new one while MovieBob whiteknights that trainwreck

yahtzee is like 50 why is he still making videos about videogames on the internet

I still watch a bunch of his videos every few months.
The only problem is he doesn't get many interesting games to feature in his reviews because the industry crashed and there's jack shit coming out these days.

It's part of that criticism culture, what can't you just enjoy things user?

I don't feel embarassed because I don't take anything that breathing ballsack says seriously, as well I shouldn't. I just tune in for the haha funny weird analogies, like a normal person.

Posted the wrong pic

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Yhatzee is based

Yea Forums in general hates Yahtzee because he pisses on turn-based RPGs a lot

Still watch him. He's still the same as he ever was.

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He is based.

But he's an average shitter when it comes to action games so any time he reviews an action game I just feel embarrassed for him.

I think what I most enjoy about him is he doesn't hold back from calling out industry bullshit and comparing games that follow awful trends.

Because he gets loads of cash from it.

The Kino Inquisitor would never denigrate himself in such a way.

I like his metaphors and analogies although it comes from the John Oliver style of comedy. It not really funny because its true, its funny because its possibly true.

why would I be embarassed. I've watched his reviews for years and played many of the games he's talked about so I can weigh up his tastes and opinions correctly.

t. Jimminy Cockthroar fag

It still hurts

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It was good when the intro music was different for every episode.

this shit is absolute proof that nostalgia goggles are a real thing, like god damn, I never watched this back in the day so I have no bias there, but I can't get through even a little of this garbage show, it's the standard fare crap about "le hecking epic gaymur" or whatever other cringe shit from that era, and yet there's so many people here that look back fondly on it, I just have to assume they grew up with it because there's no other way to defend it

I went back and watched one the other day and it wasn't that terrible honestly. Less embarrassing than most of the dogshit on youtube.

This guy has always been a "muh pc mustard race" cringe faggot and I've always seen him as such.

He got filtered by Stranger of Paradise.

Video games, faggot, VIDEO GAMES.

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He's been doing his gig long enough that he predates Oliver's tenure of being relevant

Well I don't agree with him on everything but he does make good points now and then. I feel like if there is one thing you don't like or they say something wrong once, the thing is to write them off entirely and say they are shit and that's just not fair to anyone. Do you have to agree with a personality 100% to enjoy their content?

Nah, TikTok exists.

he talks too much

I stopped once he pozzed out and every video became DRUMPF.

Why would I be embarrassed? He's based.

Listened to picrel, it was funny. I'm genuinely impressed that he's managed to keep up ZP for 15 years now and still somehow be prolific in other venues as well, including siring heirs upon his woman. Truly remarkable.

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I honestly never watched Zero Punctuation but I feel a little embarrassed for liking Penny Arcade as much as I did.

>filtered by a shit game
Working as intended

>i hate all jrpg except earthbound paper mario and persona 5
nobody with this take is worth taking seriously
also >i've always liked dark souls guise I SWEAR

It was a product of its time, get over yourself man.

I’ll take the 90s attitude or 00s lol so epic XD shit over the “gaming is for everyone” thing we have today.

Remember that one year when Yahtzee singlehandedly kept the escapist channel alive?

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He's unironically the best gaming critic. He only lightly touches on politics in games, and doesn't have the spergautism of someone like matthewmatosis. Hasn't suffered any mental breakdowns like many formerly decent critics either. Only reviewer I can still watch from the cringe era of 2010-2020

his assessments line up with my preferences...
also he makes a few funny jokes here and now...

Contrarian white guy pls go.

so gabriel...
what was YOUR game of the year
>pre-emptive chop smacking

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i literally just started watching a ton of these videos. they just started showing up in the sidebar and i clicked on a few out of morbid curiosity and found myself agreeing with most of his opinions. despite smacking of that long gone 'grumpy hecking swearing gamer' personality archetype, I think he's pretty good at writing smart little jokes and generally has ok taste

he still does desu


Yeah. Sometimes he tries to sneak some really shitty political take but not really like he didn't do this 10 years ago

i actually kinda wish yathzee ditched zero punctuation and stuck with lets drown out with gabe

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I still watch him
Although I don't agree with most of the shit he says, I've watched him for long enough to be able to use him as a benchmark to see if I'd like any of the latest AAA garbage

He's only 37

>Lindsay Ellis

Like her words mean anything after she took her ball and went home.