I love Malenia

I love Malenia
simple ass

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 00-25-10.jpg (1920x1080, 2.64M)

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What's wrong with her skin?

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 00-52-07.jpg (1920x1080, 2.63M)

Elden Ring fans literally want to fuck aliens kids and rotting corpses, that's how starved for human interaction y'all niggas are

She just needs to take a good bath (with me)

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 01-23-42.jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

too much lotion

She looks way hotter with her outfit on. You know I'm right.

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 02-08-25.jpg (1920x1080, 3.3M)


Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 02-13-28.jpg (1920x1080, 2.25M)

Flame, cleanse me!

Her outfit is beautiful I give you that.

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-25 23-28-33.jpg (1920x1080, 1.77M)


Attached: eldenring 2022-04-25 23-39-49.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Let Me Fuck Her


Attached: shot0007.png (572x445, 388.9K)

She's rotting
Ponder the scent.

>flashes underwear

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 00-02-13.jpg (1920x1080, 1.86M)

How'd you take these screenshots?


Attached: GIDEON SAYS.jpg (799x796, 417.81K)

the fact that i can put her remembrance in a blender says otherwise

Attached: 248173.png (393x335, 153.91K)

Camera mod

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 00-30-12.jpg (1920x1080, 2.36M)

That Rotussy got me acting up

Found where?

You're right hand comes off?

Why are prostheses such a thing? Did I miss something?

6.5$ locked behind patreon niggery but I got for free. Interested?

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 00-18-51.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)


The rot is actually quite tame, but the blackened, cracked skin on her more intact arm and leg is pretty horrific.

Attached: Rotussy.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

Yeah, could be fun to play around with.

Lol nice

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 02-16-41.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Imagine biting into Malenia's rotted skin and peeling it off as pus fills your mouth

What happens if you peel those flakes off?

>we want the Bayonetta audience

Noice, thanks. How do you use it?

>good ass

the right leg's skin looks almost like harlequin baby syndrome, which is as horrifying as it looks. the arm, however, has this layered checkered pattern, like a weaved basked.


Launch Elden Ring first then launch .exe and select ER process. It's braindead easy. All key shortcuts for camera actions - written in app.

Attached: pirouette.webm (1024x576, 3M)

Attached: 169870222694.jpg (1439x960, 171.35K)

Attached: Rot.jpg (853x960, 166.03K)

>gay jojofag spent his time making this
>Tarnished...why are you undressing?

Bitch got rot pussy

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 20-49-49.jpg (1920x1080, 2.28M)

I think those weaves are from Miquella's experiments to stop the rot.

astonishingly low test post

She's literally aids. You like rotting away chicks with scars and scabs? Go get you a methd out tweaker for 5 bucks

I just got the butterfly thing, butterflies will actually feed on corpses for protein. Kind of a disturbing mental image.

Attached: FQpkEdwXEAQz0q3.jpg (676x933, 103.42K)

You DO have her figure right Maleniabros?

Attached: Malenia....jpg (1730x1958, 776.24K)

It's much more like radiation dumbo.

>free patreon mods

And just like that MaleniaCHADS prove (once again) that they're on top of the Elden Ring hierarchy. Above all the plebs


Attached: 1624288060740.jpg (1485x1976, 342.27K)

Ma'am please please ma'am let me fugg

Bring her to Miquella or Miquella to her. And then you might have a chance.

It doesn't look that good, hopefully she'll get a better one in the future. I bought an art print of pic related though

Attached: FQufhaTVsAMkouS.jpg (1326x2048, 383.4K)

I need This figure.

Attached: statue 4.jpg (1152x2048, 445.26K)

imagine if that statue really was 1:1 scale (twice as tall as a human)

Attached: 97198473_p0.png (1433x2024, 1.65M)

What? the figure looks great. I hope her second form gets one by the same people too.

Attached: Malenia3.jpg (2283x1555, 3.4M)


Attached: Malenia lick.png (676x1000, 773.63K)

god i wish that were me

Same but 2nd form is lewder so...

Attached: Malenia Body.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

me on the right

I noticed her breasts have been eaten away by the scarlet rot same with her eyes. her outfit has padding to make it seem like she still has them.

thats pretty sad desu

No problem.

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-26 01-31-56.jpg (1920x1080, 2.42M)

that's what I was reffering to about her arm in it definitely looks less like scarring and flaking and more like a corded, or braided appearance.

She probably smells like rotten cheese.

It's maybe weird but I want to hug her. Real tight. I would probably only reach her waist. This thought for some reason makes her really hard.

Attached: 1499104011808.jpg (720x405, 21.27K)

Maleniabros, It's our time.

Attached: Malenia2.jpg (3508x2248, 1.55M)

makes me*

Attached: 1482710959012.png (300x300, 204.9K)


Butterflies and flowers actually. Bro read more item descriptions...

Attached: 041.jpg (2048x1548, 1.92M)

and i want to BREED her

She's unsightly. Disgusting.

Attached: smri.jpg (600x485, 40.36K)

ER porn animations are mediocre at best. I'll wait for guys like LazyProcrastinator maybe to create something.