Super Mario Movie Delayed To 2023

It's a bad omen

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I think they want to coordinate the release with a game, or something in the nintendo world park

It came with a simultaneous announcement from Illusion studios, the project isn't going well. Sonic 2 has them nervous.

i mean, Sonic also got delayed too

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I guess this means that Sega is dead and Sonic will disappear from the universe - OP.

manufactured controversy

The difference is the sonic movie was actually good

is there anything they could put in the mario movie that could get people this hype

So same thing as Elden Ring scaring BotW2's developers?


The film's plot already leaked, post credit scene is supposedly dry bowser

Nope. Nintendo's doing a Mario movie because they chase trends. They always have. There's nothing interesting about Mario, Nintendo refused to make him interesting since his inception. There's no world, no characters, nobody has any personality. Nintendo can't accept this and pushed forward on a retarded project anyway.

Sonic always had an interesting world, fun characters with lots of personality and early on explored dynamics between them. There's fucking nothing there in Mario. They delayed it hoping to make SOMETHING but sooner or later they'll have to accept it because like detective pikachu, nobody fucking cares.


>autists screeching
remind me never to see a video game movie in theatres

My guess is Nintendo popped their head in to see how it was going and it went something like:

DK: COUGH COUGH, DUDE DIDDY!! I'm choking on the banana slamma weed you know what I'm saying COUGH COUGH

Diddy: Woah trans rights my guy!!!

Peach: Ugh I'm SO OVER this damsel in distress routine!!!

Bowser: BWAH HA HA I have been unbanned from social media and Twitter thanks to Elon Musk Mario!!! I'm gonna post the N WORD!!

Luigi: I was always a black woman, I've been white washed this whole time!!

Mario: Blood and sex and violence, but we are cartoons, so it's funny!!



Considering the voice cast, it's pretty clear this will diverge substantially from everyone's idea of what Mario is

manchildren are a plague

>Christ is King, wahoo!

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Nah. You can't do anything with Mario. Nintendo designed him as such, he's more sanitized than Mickey Mouse.

Ninty realized they couldn't compete against the holy trinity

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Visual Novels aren't games.

The facts are that Elden Ring couldn't even top the original BOTW; Elden Ring isn't even on Nintendo's radar. You fromdrones are getting pretty desperate to remain relevant lmao.

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then why the fuck was the old version used for the first toys?
fuck off with your conspiracy shit

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those look like shitty 3d printed statues made during an interns lunch break

holy fuck the right is so fucking soulless what did we doooooooooo?

No. It’s good. Especially if they time it with the release of a huge mario game

>cuts out all the bad ends
>cuts a shit ton of character building filler
S;G adaptation is decent but nowhere near great

It wasn't. 6/10 at best. Mario will be shit too.

>nowhere near great
But what are you comparing it to?
Most video game adaptations are garbage

The sonic movie was fun. That's more than can be said about the woke mario film we're going to get

Backwards long jumping, alternate universes, mario if he real, wario show you fun, etc etc.


Mainly because everyone's idea of Mario just doesn't work as a movie. Mario is the quintessential vidya IP, I don't mean that as a bad thing but it's dead in the water when you try making a movie, cartoon, comic etc out of it. The characters don't talk and there's no depth whatsoever. To be optimistic, I think Mario has the potential to make exactly one good film. There's zero sequel potential; what are you gonna do for a second film, introduce fludd?

tendie chuds???? what do we do now?
our beloved company cancelled all our vidya so that this movie gets made, and now it's delayed??? what the fuck?

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This. So much this. I was going to leave my room for the first time in 20 years for the Mario kino, and now it's delayed???

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A delayed movie is eventually good, but a rushed movie is forever bad.

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>a secret black site research facility dating back 50 years
>My god....Project Waluigi

>that autist screaming "LET'S FUCKING GO" during a kids movie in a public cinema

>The sonic movie was fun
It wasn't
>That's more than can be said about the woke mario film we're going to get
As opposed to the woke representation in the Sonic movies

fellow tendiecucks??? no....

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It really wasn’t. It was Alvin and the Chipmunks Sonic edition.

>pretending the Snyder cut was good

it's over. tendies on suicide watch.

it's an okay bait but please, for the love of fuck stop posting it. braindead retards will take it seriously

What woke politics are there in the sonic movies?


>all this autistic head canon over what will end up being a boring and by the numbers family movie just like the first Sonic film

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if it's not nintendo then it's woke

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Nigga the game was going to be released at the end of the year, way after Elden Ring was realeased on a console that doesn't have Elden Ring.
Nintendo always have delayed Zelda games since OoT.
>inb4 muh goty award
Nintendo never gave a fuck about awards only care for profits.

I really would like to know if you get all the bad ends until you unironically find yourself doing all this shit to get the true ending. I mean travelling back in time and sabotaging everything was kinda awesome

gee I wonder

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cope harder, tendie. it's not even releasing on the shitch.
mommy nintendo is going to make you buy a new overpriced toy with a new obnoxious gimmick in order to play BOTW2

Are you following the conversation? The Mario movie will be shit too.

>console warring over mediocre Hollywood movies bankrolled by Jewish pedophiles

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Black people?? Holy shit...

They need to add a 30-minute african comedy sequence like Sonic 2 did

How elden ring scared developers from a console that doesn't have anything to do with them? Hell even the people they develop for are different.
Mind you I find elden ring better than Zelda "oops my sword broke" so please answer my question.

Faggot take.

>Black families at a wedding of two black people is woke
Go back to Twitter if you want to obsess over race

Nah, that would be console waring to defend these mediocre videogame movies

Gaymers pretend that the shitty sonic movie was good because it was a "victory". Literally tranny behavior. That's why the sequel got forgotten so damn fast, there wasn't any reason to clap anymore

>black people existing is woke politics

Go back to /pol/