3x3 - "Just like what you like for Christ's sake" Edition

Gonna post an extra one immediately after this just because

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Both Hit and Run and Road Rage were great.

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3/3 Big respect for SvR
2/4 J&D, Melee
6/12 DE, Nier, X, 8, Y7, RDR2

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I do love both but was trying to limit picks to one game per series and Road Rage has that more quick arcade style replay value for me (Hauling ass through the Entertainment District as Grandpa in his little Shriner's Cart)

>warped instead of 2
kinda cringe

would normally recommend games but kinda busy

patrician Oddworld enjoyer
1.5/4 + AO, ~ RE4, - Spyro, MGS2

1/3 + Luigi, - Melee, DKC
for some reason Melee feels very slippy to me after playing Wii U and Ultimate for so long

2.5/10 + SotC, RDR2, ~ RE4, - Death Stranding, Disco, NieR, Pathologic 2, Elden Ring, FFXIV, Dishonored

0.5/3 ~ SotN, - DeSu, F-Zero

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95% of people posting these have unbearably generic taste
i know that playing vidya takes a lot of time (especially if we're talking about RPGs), but will you please branch out at least a little?
also, if your mosaic doesn't contain at least 1 unusual pick, you definitely need to play more vidya

Extremely based taste, user. Fucking legend!

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the thread theme is "you like what you like", so first of all, fuck off
second, even if you do branch out and try other games, having to pick just 9 won't give you many options after the decades and decades of gaming most of us have

>the thread theme is "you like what you like", so first of all, fuck off
no need to get butthurt, i didn't say that people should stop putting the games they like in their mosaics, just that they should branch out more
popular games are popular for a reason, but i'm sure that for everyone out there, there is some lesser known title who someone will love more than the popular ones


I need to go back to Oddworld, I got near the end and never finished it, I think I got stuck. Catherine looks good, I own the remaster but haven't played it. GTA Vice City is great, Crash and Spyro are based as fuck. Haven't played MGS but Resi 4 is a masterpiece. Haven't played the Larry game.
Hell yeah
Castlevania Sotn looks so good, I need to play it.
Pretty based, I need to play Dragons Dogma and Hollow Knight. DKC Tropical Freeze is a 10/10
I need to play the Silent Hill games, they really look like something I'd love. FF9 is the next FF I need to play. Dark Souls is good, I wanna play Earthbound and Katamari. I wanna 100% Sonic Mania and I hope Bloodborne gets a remaster. I love Pokemon but gen 2 is my least favourite gen, I didn't enjoy heart gold as much as Fire red, Emerald and Platinum. I haven't played gen 5 yet.

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user, the thing you have to understand is that 3x3s have a wholly different dynamic when it comes to Yea Forums. There is a lot more myopic dick-sucking of well-regarded "classics" than in something like anime for example.
If you posted a 3x3 on Yea Forums with Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and AnJ, you would get made fun of and told to go watch more anime. However, if you put in Yea Forums equivalents, MGS2, ocarina of time, SM64 etc. you would be praised by the other posers who post in these threads.
Yea Forums taste is generic because all they have played is the same overrated shit. I guess because most things deeper than the surface level isn't translated or too elusive for the average poster.


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>There is a lot more myopic dick-sucking of well-regarded "classics" than in something like anime for example
pure bullshit, you're either insincere or literally never browsed 3x3 threads on Yea Forums (although i will give you that Yea Forums at the very least has a bit more people with varied taste than Yea Forums does)
if anything, Yea Forums is the only board on which at least a decent amount of people has varied mosaics, and then it's not 3x3s but much bigger mosaics

I'm and here's every single game I enjoy
I've played over 400 games so it's not like I haven't tried many, and that ranges from very obscure games barely anyone knows about all the way to the classics
certain games are popular for a reason, there's not much else to it

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I'm liking the sudden surge of catherine appreciation in these threads


user with the based taste, I'll eventually get to Death Stranding soon managed to keep myself in the dark for the game all this time

tactics ogre is great

good stuff

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>I've played over 400 games
it doesn't look like it, the only unique picks on your image are a short hike, joust, grow home and nidhogg
well, maybe you did play over 400 games but at least 90% of it was pretty popular stuff

well here's every single game I can recall playing, definitely missing a few though
I've yet to find an obscure game that's on the same level as Abe's Oddysee; as far as being a cinematic platformer goes it's as good as it gets, and it just so happens to be a very popular game in that genre
if a game is good it's good, if lots of people like RE4 it's not because people are trying to fit in it's just that they genuinely like it, which is understandable


3/3 (Catherine, MGS2, RE4)
8/8 (DS, SotC, NieR, Umineko, P4, DP, Higurashi, RE4)
1/1 (Catherine)
1/1 (SotC)
1/1 (RE4)
1/1 (SotC)
2/2 (P4, REmake1)
5/5 (SH1, RE4, TLG, SotC, Catherine)

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this is a very basic list of games, in spite of a handful of unusual picks
you definitely need to branch out more, e.g. after playing diablo 3 you should give diablo 1 a try (because it might appeal to you more as it's more focused on atmosphere and also has simpler gameplay while being a shorter game that doesn't take up too much of your time), and if you like diablo 1 you should play diablo 2, then try some diablo-like games (nox, divine divinity etc.)
or another example - you liked tropical freeze, so you move on to the rest of the DKC games (you only played DKC1) and after those you can look up some lesser known 2d platformers (e.g. the adventure of little ralph and ardy lightfoot)
vidya is a massive medium, there's still a lot that you can explore

Made another one, with more games I like.

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I'm not huge on any of your games OP.

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I need to play this

catherine chads. I want another game so fucking bad. I've beaten every challenge it has to offer. Whenever I drink I do axis mundi runs as a handicap.

5x5s are lame as fuck. stop being a wuss who has to include everything

played Diablo 3 and disliked it, also tried Grim Dawn and Path of Exile and liked neither so that's me done with that genre, I know why I dislike them, too repetitive, basically just cookie clicker
tried Tropical Freeze and loved it, played DKC and tried it multiple times, always disliked it, no point in trying 2 or 3 since it's more of the same
I do get what you're trying to say, I just think it's based on an assumption that the people in these threads haven't been playing games ever since they were a kid

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More than understandable.
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You really dislike a lot.
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Really nice.
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One day, I'll play Psychonauts.
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King as always.
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>Drakengard 3
Unspeakably based.
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for me at least, there's no one i can fully trust to recommend great games. so i have to spend time playing tons of garbage to find my favorites. not everyone is a degenerate NEET who has time to do this.

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I admit that I got filtered by Ico

>too repetitive, basically just cookie clicker
divine divinity has much better writing than the other games you named and also puts more accent on it, you might actually enjoy that one so give it a try (the first dungeon can filter you though, so don't drop it until you at least finish it and get to the nearest settlement outside of the place you begin your adventure in and get some sidequests)
also, the inquisitor definitely puts a lot of accent on writing (it has a ton of words), but it's brutally difficult (although you can quicksave and also have a specific type of item which is powerful and can help you)
>no point in trying 2 or 3 since it's more of the same
1 is very basic when compared to the other games, 2 and 3 have a lot of interesting gimmicky stages
>I do get what you're trying to say, I just think it's based on an assumption that the people in these threads haven't been playing games ever since they were a kid
they have been playing basic stuff and not venturing outside of that zone, which your list proves (even if you, for example, disliked DKC1, that doesn't stop you from checking out some other 2d platformers, be they some classical ones or some more unique ones if the your average 2d platformer bores you)

>so i have to spend time playing tons of garbage to find my favorites
nothing wrong with that, although you're overdoing it with "tons of garbage", even some shitty games have good things to offer and if nothing else, they create a contrast that helps you analyse games better
>not everyone is a degenerate NEET who has time to do this.
no need to be a neet, you can explore the medium at your own pace and also also purposefully go for lesser known games after you've gone through the more known ones
after at least ten years you'd have a 3x3 that at the very least isn't as painfully generic as e.g.


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>You really dislike a lot.

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>painfully generic
...well ya don't need to be hurtful...

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OP again with two more 3x3s because why the fuck not?

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kinoest taste
I kneel

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user-sama...I kneel...

And finally...

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you are definitely not gonna make it

Fucking Vjed on a 3x3, what was your favorite moment? The first bike scene and Leanhaum end are parts I really liked

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Dreamcast or DX?

This game is a mix out of landstalker, fez, la mulana and dark souls.
I feel like you already played fez and ds but I am not so sure about la mulana and landstalker.

>kula world
nothing can beat this

the point i was trying to make is it takes a lot more time and i think more maturity to develop taste in vidya compared to anime or something. for anime, it's natural to frequently at least consider exploring new interesting stuff because you're frequently finishing a show and looking for something new to watch. vidya usually don't have set endpoints though. you could spend a thousand hours on a single game and still enjoy it. doesn't help that most mainstream vidya these days are specifically designed to waste your time.
trust me it annoys me too that everyone has boring taste in vidya, but i think there are good reasons why that's the case.
didn't like the main game of fez but i remember the post-game fondly. probably doesn't hold up super well though.
dark souls barely doesn't make the cut for my 3x3.
played la-mulana not too long ago actually. was captivated for the first 30 hours or so, then from the gate of illusion onward i didn't like it. i mean, it was sort of an interesting challenge trying to read the designer's schizophrenic mind, but there's just no way anyone can get through the second half of that game without a guide or shit tons of wasted time.
landstalker looks less up my alley, but i'll give it a try anyway.

>landstalker looks less up my alley, but i'll give it a try anyway.
Landstalker has some exceptional level design, but the combat is bleh. They continue that tradition with alundra.

Alright, post your 3x3 then if your taste is sooo superior.


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For some reason we never had a memory card for the system so I would just replay it from the start but got adept enough at it as a kid to beat the entire story in one sitting.

Based, Dreamcast is the superior version.


Consider the Following.

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I honest to God like the gimmicky vehicle shit like the jet skis and biker races (Fuck the planes though, that shits just tedious and the same sentiment applies to fighting N. Gin).

>Larry suit

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I like the cut of your jib

>no backgammon
Come on, user.

top kek

what's the middle one? fable?
whats middle left?
jak II is unironically the best jak game

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