sekiro on sale. just bought it, what im in for?
Sekiro on sale. just bought it, what im in for?
>ting ting twang
>glory kill
It's FUN though
A good time
mam nadzieję że do 9 dostanę przelew
It's pretty good, hope you enjoy it OP.
The best soulsbournekiroring game
I heard you get punished for dying with some npcs getting dragon aids, is that true?
you're in for the last good game fromsoft ever made (will make)
Yes but it's reversible
yeah but you have to die a lot for that to happen and there's items that fix it
Worst control layout of any fromsoft game. Any reconfiguration will be just as bad as the default. I fucking hate this game based on that alone
Arguably the best game FROM ever made.
It's really good, but you gotta stick with it.
When I first played, I got stuck in a certain area, because I thought it was the only way to go. I got filtered.
When I tried again, I discovered there were a lot of different paths and it helped keep me going.
> no longer selled in russia
Best FromSoftware game, God Bless the S Team.
pain at first, immense satisfaction afterwards. hollowness after your second playthrough because there is little to no replay value.
None of them die from it and you get items that reset it for all of them.
Feels about as tacked-on and pointless as humanity in DS1.
>Ruskos try invading another country for the luls
everyone disliked that.
sup shit sniffer
Gamers are the most oppressed race in the world.
>little to no replay value
worst part of the game unfortunately
This. Starting fresh save file won’t help. It’s so boring to play from scratch again. At least we’ve got boss rush dlc
oh my g*d... a new namefig
The expectation is you grab a Katana and duel the generals and leader of your country for real instead.
Report back on how it went.
a fun one-and-done game. you beat it and move on.
If only Kasuhiro co-directed Elden ring instead of filthy Tanimura we could have had the best souls game, instead we got bigger and somehow shittier Ds3.
unfiltered kino
I bounced off of it 1year ago, tried again some time ago and it's a great game. The satisfaction you feel after you kick bosses' teeth in after dying over and over is immense
> subhuman rus gov =/ people
They didn’t ask my opinion. I’d fucking told them to kts
stale ost and being encouraged to parry spam
FromSoftware at their PEAK.
You're both fucking faggots, now go fuck eachother somewhere else
Just pirate it bro.
So much better than Elden Ring, like Holy Buddha
> Zanzibart, gomen...
>thud - slush - slush
>woosh - thump
> seven liters of blood spray from the man's neck, ceasing immediately
>"ashina nagatori ikuazo"
>clink clink clang swoosh repeats
>man finally drops dead n a cutscene
>sit at statue "dumm", activate attack increase "ting"
>walk up to NPC
> "Emma dono, sabada garawa"
>proceed to next area
I already have it tho
>wanted to try this
>heard its harder than ER
not sure now
Once it clicks it becomes an experience that other souls games don’t necessarily give. Very well balanced as well
Baza. Sekiro is amazing and worth even full price. Jebac czarne malpy,zydow i trannoidow.
Yeah but it’s only a storyline thing really, you can reverse it. The key is to just not use the reversal items till you clear a major boss who you’ll die to a few times
>shows 50% off in news
>still full price in store
Must be regional.
For me, it was by far the roughest first playthrough of any soulsbornekiroring game. Extremely unforgiving. But man does it feel good defeating a tough boss, more so than the other games imo.
is the 60fps cap still a thing?
you are gonna get there, it's all about timing the attacks and learning their combos. Almost no fights are unfair (headless is bullshit tho) and you rarely get annoyed. I have 2 left hands and a reflex of a senile boomer and I'm nearing the end. Charmless would probably stomp me, idk I haven't tried it yet
This, I dropped it at a certain early area because I just couldn’t seem to get good. Came back a couple months later and restarted and everything about combat just clicked
I was a massive ER shill. Beat it and got Sekiro right after. It is at least 10x better then ER.
A great, great game.
Be forewarned, there is a massive learning curve to Sekiro. If you've played other Fromsoft shit, you need to drop those Dark Souls habits and learn to fucking deflect.
It's weird to grade it's difficulty against ER because ER has spirit summons and a LOT of other things that can make the game easier
Sekiro is pretty linear so it isn't too hard as people make it out to be
Thing is though, there technically is no "cheesing" in Sekiro
You understand the game and play by it's rules. If you choose not to, you will have a hard time
It's way less frustrating than ER imo. I spent hours eating shit against Inner Genichiro, but it was still fun the whole way through, especially compared to shit like Malenia.
I played it right after finishing elden ring and parrying is pretty fucking easy here. Granted I'm not that far into the game, but it's been way easier than what I expected.
Better than elden ring
It's fair. At first it seems impossible, but looking through all your items, skills, and tools, you can come to some kind of solution to get over any obstacle. The combat takes a little bit to click, and that will be your biggest hurdle. Then it's learning boss patterns. Don't be afraid to look up guides. Some things can be figured out on your own, but it's not always easy.
It’s very unforgiving but once you pick up the mechanics everything is very very fair. I personally don’t think ER is hard outside of Melania
>game by Honda Mitsubishi
Certified kino
Fucking this, this game will actively punish your prior DS habits. But once you drop them, you are golden
This too, outside of specific tools for specific bosses you have to play the game by it’s mechanics and get good.
127,00 polakucoin is a ripoff, its a 20 polished shekels at best since its an activision game, that publisher doesnt deserve anyones money
a bunch of clanging and an infinitely better game than Elden Ring
Terrible experience on PC
Learn to parry, but this game isn’t all defensive as some would lead you to believe. Doing health damage increases posture buildup and attacking allows you to control the flow of enemy attack patterns and thus the fight. Balance aggression and defense but never be passive
The port is painfully bad on PC but Gaben has no standards... Not worth it
It runs better on PC than previous gen(xbox one x and ps4 either version)
I've been buying games for so long I unironically don't remember how
you didn't actually play it on kb/m did you?
Works on my machine. :^)
Very dishonest,
Hesitation is defeat.
it's easier on kbm ackshuwally
its not that hard, you just have to really pay attention to enemy attacks and hitboxes cause if that shit can reach you, you better prepare to deflect it. and what makes this game amazing is that you actually CAN deflect
Depending on your build in Elden Ring, Melania is genuinely easy-medium level difficulty for a Souls boss. I spent around 20 tries to beat her, and then beat her with a few different weapons afterward. I am not very good at these games.
Sekiro was a lot more fun than Elden Ring to me, as it asked a lot more from me as a player. I was never able to gel with the gameplay style compared to the Souls games, but that just increased my fun, as I struggled a bit more. Getting into the rhythm of boss fights felt incredible, and it was almost like every boss was a stage performance that I had to master.
To the OP, don't judge the game on the first few early bosses. They are some of the worst Souls bosses ever made, and do not reflect the majority of the game.
Can I play as a girl?
I've actually played on both and cleared Mortal Journey with both. Think the only real difference was having an easier time tracking Owl when he's flying around with a mouse but other than that the experience is the same.
Are there any games similar to Sekiro in the sense that they give you that feeling of experiencing something special while playing them? I don't care about From games in general. I don't care about weeb shit in general. But Sekiro is one of the best games I have ever played and I want more of that feeling. Kingdom Come Deliverance is a game that also had that feeling for me for example.
Am I right in saying this game plays a little more like a fighting game or rhythm game than a dodge rolling game? Pressing buttons in time with your opponent hitting you to parry them and things like that
If so I shall purchase it immediately. My favourite thing about Elden Ring is buckler parrying
I had a better experience on kb/m than a controller. Switching prosthetic have been easier than a controller for me.
Unfortunately I’m strictly a roll melee kind’ve guy. I wonder if I should switch things up but I feel like I just have to get the first phase of waterfowl down and I’ll be there. Everything else I’ve figured out.
Man I really don’t know what you mean with that first boss thing. Those were some of the funnest
The best part of Sekiro is everything is parriable, except for grab and sweep attack.
>Am I right in saying this game plays a little more like a fighting game or rhythm game than a dodge rolling game?
Yeah, this feels like an appropriate description
Only bitter sekirobabs say that, it's a very easy game
Artificial gatekeeping and difficulty. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and can be a lot of fun IF you can master the parry mechanic. If you can't you're just fucked. I say artificial difficulty, because this is a legit case of it. The devs were either too lazy, to complacent, or just didn't care enough to give players an alternative means to defeats bosses other than
>just master L1 bro lmao
Monster Hunter and even Dark Souls gives you other approaches. Can't get past a certain boss? No problem change your build, set, use a different weapon, hell even use a difference class. But LazyKiro? Naw... bruh just master a single solitary mechanic and if you can't "git gud:
>lmao oh well
Oh and I actually beat the game, but I'm not blind to the this reality of it.
So, if you're good at parry good on you, and you should have no problems getting through it. If you like the majority of players out there and can't master parry or just suck at it? You'll be YouTube'ing
>How to Cheese Lady Butterfly
Yeah, you’re fairly right. It’s kind’ve a game of Rock Paper Scissors with timing added in. Make the right play at the right time and you are rewarded.
i'm getting an ego boost reading through this thread. am the only one ITT that found sekiro easy? the only bosses in the game i had to face more than thrice was headless, butterfly and the demon. its actually hard to fuck up once you get used to timing parries.
Mario is artificial difficulty because the devs expect you to master jumping too right?
This is such a stupid mentality, artificial difficulty isn’t the game expecting you to master the mechanic it’s designed around lol
If you are familiar with parrying in the earlier games parrying in sekiro is pretty easy.
KEK seething
Game has at least one replay in it, and that's giving Kuro his charm on NG+ so that every non-perfect deflect does chip damage
it is purchased
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 R1
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 R1
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 R1
it's got some fun boss fights, but this is how most will play out.