Developers working on PlayStation games that cost $34 / €33 / 4...

>Developers working on PlayStation games that cost $34 / €33 / 4,000 yen or higher are now required to create time-limited game trials at least two hours long to include in the upcoming PlayStation Plus Premium tier, according to a Game Developer report citing an update to the PlayStation developer portal.

>This requirement does not apply to games priced less than $34 or PlayStation VR games.

>Sony Interactive Entertainment is also open to releasing custom game demos instead of time-limited game trials, as approved on a case-by-case basis.

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>Yo dear dev, do some extra work for us to sell our shitty service or we won't let you sell your game

>mandate demos so customers can make a better informed decision
Should have been standard years ago

So when the new tier system bombs Sony can now go

>People don't want backwards compatiblity
>People don't want demo's

>paying for demos
I know demo compilation discs were a thing back then, but still, paying a sub for trials sounds inconvenient now

Let's not forget that the whole reason they're doing this is to sell their subscription service. It's not like they're doing this for the customers best interest.

It was

Mandatory demos on higher priced games is definitely a good thing but yeah, locking those demos behind your paid subscription service is some real shit.

demo disks used to be everywhere

>pay us $25K for store visibility
>screws over devs by putting games into subscription without adequate compensation
and now
>mandatory demos
How long until large swaths of devs start abandoning playstation? And I'm not just talking about Japanese devs, I mean all devs. Sony no longer has the massive install base they used to and Xbox will soon catch up and overtake them in system sales

It used to be standard marketing, but then the AAA got lazy and shittier

based sony

It's not just a demo, it's paid exclusive demo

>at least two hours long
enough to complete Cawadooty campaign

Based sony, killing sales for games.
Demos only decrease your sales because people will actually be able to play it, and realize its shit or not for them and not buy your game.
If they were going to buy it after playing the demo they probably would’ve bought it anyways

and Yea Forums finds a way to cry about this
>demos are... le bad!

That sounds pretty good actually. Like a less annoying version of steam since you don't have to rely on Valve to ok your refund. I already stacked 3 years of PSNow since its getting converted to Premium so I will be using this. Hope other platforms start doing this too as a result.

They’re good for consumers actually.
The only downside is locking it behind a subscription paywall.
I just don’t understand why a company would choose to do something that would cause them to lose sales.

And they'll do it too in order to get those sweet, sweet PS4 players that buy their games.

Maybe devs shouldn't make the first 2 hours of their game boring. Thank god its a mandate so they can't opt out.

>It's not like they're doing this for the customers best interest.
No company does.

because if it is a good game, it's a good way to get earlier and free advertisement. People will play it and say it's good and it will move faster and make hype for when the game is come out. It helps if the game is good, it doesn't if the game is shit.
Problem is most AAA devs make shitty and uninteresting games.

Why is Sony the only one locking demos behind their shitscription? Even Microcock has the decency to let non-pass users download and play demos, and as shitty as it is to navigate eshop they have a dedicated button to browse all available demos on switch.

Sony are fucking mind bogglingly retarded
How they ever got in such a good position in the first place is a miracle

>How they ever got in such a good position in the first place is a miracle
Because the competition for the PS4 was quadrupely fucking retarded and made them the "default" console.
Now they are just doing whatever and think PS5 will automatically crush the competitors again.

>Thank god its a mandate so they can't opt out.
There's a sneaky clause that gives you a 3-month grace period between when the game launches and when you have to have your demo out by, as well as another clause that says you only need to make the demo available for 1 year

EA, Ubisoft, Take Two, etc will all abuse this to the fullest to deny demos as much as possible

Those discs are still valuable. What value has a fucking bunch of virtual garbage?
Fuck digital media.

Fuck them for locking it behind the premium tier. I ain't paying for online just to get demos.

Good, fuck those indie games that thought they were worth 35-40 dollars.

good to know, yea that kind of sucks to not have it at launch. A blanket rule with a 2 hour time limit should have been the way to handle this.

You can play demos on PlayStation for free already but its up to the devs to actually make them, and most don't. I'd imagine you can't just try every game you want on Microsoft without buying it. I only have PC for xbox so I wouldn't know.

>exactly the same as Xbox/Steam refund policy
Sony will never allow it

Gotta keep up that image of the "hardcore traditionalist console platform For The Players™" and do things different than the "evil exclusive sharing, PC crossplaying Xbox platform"

>>mandate demos so customers can make a better informed decision
Steam has had the 2h no questions asked refund policy for years
You have to pay a PlayStation Plus Premium to get it
How the fuck is this a good thing?
It can be nothing like the full game
FF15 is a good example

Xbox has the exact same refund policy as Steam

you get 2 hrs/14 days of play/ownership where you can get an automated, no-questions-asked refund on any game you buy
After that you're at the mercy of Microsoft

ok then yea its the same issue I have on Steam. I don't end up using that to demo games because I don't want Valve to mark me as a problem user. I reserve it for games that suck. I'd rather have a system that doesn't go through official approvals.

no demo no buy

simple as

>you need to a pay a subscription to demo a game so you can know if you want to buy it

what the hell is wrong with the world

This. Stable 30/60fps (depeing on a genre) also should be mandatory and forced by the quality control.

i hope that sony go broke soon, they deserve it with all these shitty decisions they've been making over the years.

>nooo I need muh fucking money to buy anime figurines and funko pops!
>you can't do this to me!!
Just pay up, wagie.

>this is the sonys gamepass killer

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Demos stopped being a thing because they actually hurt sales. This is not a good idea imo

So this is probably implemented system wide without any input and they are just giving a heads up to the devs right?, otherwise once again they are just adding more shit to piss of devs.

Sony won, get over it.

It never was. It's their NSO. Journalists just like comparing Sony to Microsoft when Nintendo is doing the same thing without getting compared to gamepass.

Imagine being that one higher up that had a son complain so much about buying shit games that motivated the blue collar to mandate this change lol

Gaming is dead

Why do you have to pay for them though, Nintendo's are free and you can carry over your progress

Nintendo doesn't demand demos from the devs either so they are not actually free, they are gibs

I'd imagine the default is just a 2 hour time limit unless the developers do extra work to make a custom demo. They'd piss off a lot of studios if they required 2 hour custom demos.

No if a game is actually good.

Look at non-FF games from SE, all of them have at least 1 demo and ALL have been successful.

>Mandate demos
>Lock them behind a fucking paywall


>>mandatory demos
yeah towards the devs that sony own. don't want to make demo for your games? shouldn't have let you be bought by snoy.
you faggots are now looking at the shittiest excuse to shitpost about them

>Sony has reportedly told developers these trials should be available to Plus Premium subscribers for at least 12 months. An alternative custom demo can also be provided - not needing to be two hours long - but this will only be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Well it's progress at least.

this reminds me of that time i tried the age of calamity demo and the motherfucker was running at 3 fps per second
demos can sometimes saves you a purchase, not like i was going to buy it anyways if it was ok, maybe idf it was great but it's a musou

You'd rather devs deceive the customers with games they didn't actually want to play so they get more money?

But nintendo have loyal fans, sony doesn't. You can't just go full jews when your userbase are normal people who see what's a good deal and what isn't

Nice sentiment but the entire point is muddied thanks to locking it behind a subscription service.

>PS4 players

lmao if that was true sony wouldn't be abandoning cinematic movie games for pay 2 win dogshit

At least they aren't upping the price for PS+ so any extra jewry can be avoided.

>PlayStation Plus Premium tier
>paying for demo
Snoyggers are insane.

That and transferring progression from the demo to the full game.

That's a favorite.

>nintendo have loyal fans

then why Wii U flop

>At least they aren't upping the price for PS+
yet or again

Attached: i am done with this shit.jpg (480x330, 48.89K)


It's for anyone releasing a game that costs over $34
If Sony is really being so benevolent that they are doing this to watch out for consumers then why the fuck is it only for PS+ subscribers? Oh wait, because they aren't doing that, they are just trying to be greedy and make PS+ look like it offers more than it really does

>Lazy devs just go the route of "download full game with a 2 hour timer/walls to lock off full game" method
>Some of them fuck up and give away the full game for free
Loved when this happened for Yakuza 6 over a month before release lmao

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because they had the 3ds
did the wii had a proper 3d mario? an OG zelda? an AC? a metroid? a pokemon?
no. it only had smash which you could play also on 3ds with the superior mode (smash run)

Sony is obviously doing this for themselves but it does benefit the customers who pay for it while potentially hurting studios who would otherwise lock players into games they couldn't refund. Sony should probably fix the refund policy though, but I do prefer this over Steam's from the sound of it.

Because it was THAT BAD to the point where even Nintendo loyalists were like "this sucks!"

Nintendo loyalists loved the wii u. casuals and normies ignored it.

Consumers are getting ripped off more by paying for the subscription than they will be saving on bad games.

good move even if its mainly to leverage their shitty service. if devs don't want to deal with it, then don't overprice your shitty game that you try to hook people into buying. this ensures anyone at least using the service, can test out games before they buy them. anyone not on the service, get fucked by cyberpunk game releases

Not if they got the PSNow upgrade, $60 for a year. I agree $120 is too much for this and I wouldn't do it otherwise.