>less than 800k sales on a system with 100m owners
>discussion is completely dead on Yea Forums, the Nintendo board
What went wrong?
Less than 800k sales on a system with 100m owners
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You okay?
>less than 800k sales on a system with 100m owners
>discussion is completely dead on Yea Forums, the Nintendo board
>What went wrong?
Just like how Dread sold 500k and SMT V sold 300k, right?
Huehuehue favela nigger.
are you?
Oh you raised it from 500k to 800k, but you still need to give a source
What is there to discuss? It's kirby. You beat it in 4 hours and move on with your life.
80m of those owners are pirating the game. that's why we need to stop piracy.
Not OP but he does have a point. Even SMT5 had discussion for weeks on end. Discussion for this game just dropped like a fly.
I'm only seeing 380k sales in Japan. 800k seems accurate, if not generous.
This is a problem with all Nintendo games these days. They seem so... Disposable. Even Yea Forums, the board that's filled with nintendofags, barely discusses Nintendo games anymore. It's weird.
so incel shutins aren't obsessing over it, big deal
The newest numbers show it has as good as reached 600k in Japan alone, so yeah guess the niggers who say this game will not reach 1 million has to kill themselves very soon.
>[NSW] Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Nintendo, 03/25/22) – 38,234 (589,200)
No one's discussing Kirby. Not even sex havers.
I would say this, but I see threads pretty often. Hell, there was a thread last night. OP is just baiting.
>only 1% of Switch owners bought Kirby
What went wrong?
user Kirby fans moved to /vg/ that's why you don't see that many thread here anymore.And when the game came out there were a lot of daily threads
snoys have no consoles so they invent things to get excited about
Why are tendies so fixated on Sony?
Maybe the game just fucking sucked and is the same old boring Kirby shit.
Why are snoytrannies so desperate?
What? That doesn't explain why only 1% of Switch owners bought Kirby.
Is this the new cope? that switch is selling so well now any game is a bomba in comparison? I guess it is nice those cultist are acknowledging Switch's success.
here's your discussion; game is good, i enjoyed
You are the only one losing their shit about Sony retard
I'm just curious why the Switch has such horrible attach rates. Do switch owners just use it for Fortnite?
BotW sold plenty. Why didn't Kirby?
>snoy desperately pretending
>This is a problem with all Nintendo games these days. They seem so... Disposable
Finally someone who feels the same. I play through some of them but either drop them or finish them and just don't care much about them afterwards. Feels like so many of them play themselves.
ok maybe this will
its for the same reason only 1% of the ps4 fanbase bought bloodborne
now make another shitpost thread to flee to, retard. go on.
What does that have to do with low attach rates on the switch?
>>discussion is completely dead on Yea Forums
>there are two other kirby threads up right now
>then this shit
absolutely pathetic OP
They feel like disposable toys you throw away for another disposable toy. Only Xenoblade games don't give me this feeling.
What does that have to do with ps5 dying?
Bloodborne sold 1m copies in the first week in 2015, when only 20m PS4s existed.
Kirby sold 800k in a few weeks when 100m Switches exist.
These two aren't comparable.
Why did bloodborne flop?
Actually most players and revenue for Fortnite comes from PS4
>PS4: 46.8%
>Xbox One: 27.5%
>Android, Switch, PC: 18.7%
>iOS: 7%
Why are you so mad that only 1% of switch owners bought Kirby?
>Bloodborne sold 1m copies in the first week in 2015, when only 20m PS4s existed
Most buyers of Switch likely only buy BOTW or Mario Kart then never buy anything else for it ever again
Then what are switch owners using their switch for???? Do they just sit and collect dust?
This is probably the most likely scenario. Ads Animal Crossing for women.
why are you?
>Bloodborne sold 1m copies in the first week in 2015
Why are you so mad bloodborn flopped?
>These two aren't comparable
Bloodborne sold 2m copies in the first 6 months in 2015, when only 20m PS4s existed. No new numbers were released since, and its unlikely it'll aell anymore since ps4 isnt supported anymore
Kirby sold 800k in a few weeks when 100m Switches exist. With sales stilloing strong ans several hundred thousand all but guaranteed in the future
now answer the question: why did 99% of the sony fanbase ignore bloodborne?
>Then what are switch owners using their switch for???? Do they just sit and collect dust?
fpbp but also rent free
Oh sorry it was only 700k, still more than Kirby's 400k first week despite having a smaller install base and being much more difficult.
What do they eat??
Why are snoys so scared of Kirby?
if only snoys were just in my head
>Why are you so mad that only 1% of ps4 owners bought bloodborne?
>bloodborne only sold 700k worldwide
So less than Kirby, kek
Why are people bringing up Bloodborne? You guys know that game came out in 2015, when there was only a fraction of PS4s in circulation? You're just proving OP right. Switch games have horrible attach rates.
I don't even care much about Sony but at least snoys buy large scale RPGs and aren't obsessed with just mascot 2D/3D platformers
I don't believe any sales numbers Nintendo doesn't personally report
don't forget the PS4 also has nogaems
Reminder that in Japan the PS5 has one of the worst attach rates in video game history
I guess they are playing all the other 10+ million selling exclusive games like
>Mario Odyssey,
>Splatoon 2
>Ring Fit
>Luigis Mansion 3,
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>Smash Bros Ultimate,
>Pokemon Sword/Shield
>Pokemon BD/SP
>Super Mario Party
Because it's all snoys have
Let's do some easy math.
PS4s in 2015: 20m
Bloodborne sales in 2015: 2m
Attach rate: 10%
Switches in 2022: 100m
Kirby sales in 2022: 800k
Attach rate: .8%
ITT: mentally ill tendies somehow losing their shit about Sony because it lives rent free in their small toddler brains.
Have PS5 software sales even reached the day one WiiU software sales yet in Japan?
>ITT: mentally ill tendies somehow losing their shit about Sony because it lives rent free in their small toddler brains.
>bloodborne only sold 700k lifetime
>snoys halucinate higher numbers
Switch has a 100m userbase and all those games still don't even amount of a quarter of the userbase so most people just buy a switch with 1 or 2 of those games on that list and don't buy anything else
That’s what my ps5 does, actually. It’s useless and will be for the rest of the year. I am an idort and can honestly say the PlayStation brand is quickly dying and it won’t survive another year or two of Jim Ryan. Also I 100%’d Kirby
Nintendo bros.... Our games fucking FLOP.
where are you getting the 800k number from user
Imagine being a ps5 owner, the only game you can play is attach rate arguing on Yea Forums
user both Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and ACNH has sold over 30 million each, thats more than a quarter of 100m, or are we using some kind of progressive negroid maths here?
What do Nintendofags have? You beat Kirby in 2 hours and promptly forgot about it. No one even talks about Nintendo games here anymore. Even BotW2 gets memed on.
So what about the rest of the 70 million Switch owners?
PlayStation brand is saved!
PS4 in 2020: 115 million
no of bloodborne sales: 2 million
attach rate: 0.017
Switches in 2022: 100m
Kirby sales in 2022: 800k
Attach rate: .8%
>snoy btfo himself
so why did 99.983% od the ps4 fanbase ignore bloodborne?
Where is this 800k number coming from?
what about them? Kirby is not even some marquee game like BB lawl
Why did those games sell 30m but new switch games like Kirby can barely even get past 1m?
You're mad as fuck lol
Why are we in such a rush to sell copies of a game like this? It’s a quality title, it’s sold plenty enough, and it’s not a flop. I don’t get it. Are we shareholders for Nintendo? Or are we just being raided by shills?
Why are snoytrannies so desperate?
>discussion is completely dead on Yea Forums, the Nintendo board
>thread every day
>"discussion is completely dead"
I wouldn't think kirby of all things would mind break people but here we are.
Yeah the rest of the 70 million don't actively buy Switch games, those 70 million bought like 1 of those titles that user listed and now their switch gathers dust
can you not answer the simple question?
so why did 99.983% od the ps4 fanbase ignore bloodborne?
I'm going to buy it now to piss you off.
I'm just curious why 99% of Switch owners didn't buy Kirby.
you see there is this thing called time, I know primitive humanoids like homo erectus dont understand the concept, their lack of planning and understanding of future events is hypothetized to be one of the downfalls of that species, same can be said about negroids nowadays, still shitposting in their mud huts, angry at the white and asian man for having technology.
>Switch has such horrible attach rates
The Switch attach rate is above 7, what are you on?
okay dude cope moar
>I wouldn't think kirby of all things w
Why are snoys in overCOPE?
I'm just as curious why 99% of PS owners didn't buy Bloodborne.
Oh boy the attach rate just went from .8% to .801%
Funny how "time" only applies to Nintendo games.
other games to play perhaps?
I think discussion died because there’s a general now
Why are you quoting me? I didn't say anything about giving it more time. I just posted the accurate attach rates for the Switch.
>$60 for a Kirby game that even my 8yo nephew would chew through in a sitting
I'll wait for the pricedrop (LOL)
What about the rest of PS4 players? Not a single exclusive here has more than 15 million sales, what about the remaining 100 million PS4 owners?
>polshitter is seething
lol pottery, what's that current BB attach rate again?
>It's worth nothing that Nintendo doesn't share its eShop data, so those download sales won't contribute.
Yeah like uhhhh
The general is dead too.
Same kind of thing. Dickheads who don't really care about games and are just passive consumers
forgot pic lmao
more than snoy lol
fuck me I laughed until I couldn't breath.
the first reply is the most basic derail/falseflag. amazing. it has value in being funny, at least.
It's unironically too hardcore, if it looks like you hit a strike, you hit it, if you jump at different times you get different animations and can regain control quicker over others, etc.
It treads new ground and scares away consumers not looking to be blown away by an avant-garde platformer.
Yeah like uhhhhh. I actually don't know. Switch games get no discussion on Yea Forums so I actually don't know what came out recently except Kirby.