This is so fucking good. What the heck?

This is so fucking good. What the heck?
I have been ignoring it because I associate it with the shitty Avenger game, I tried it today on the game pass and it is actually really good. Did it bomb?

The female characters are really hot too, so that's a plus for me.

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>Did it bomb?
It underperformed according to Squeenix but everything does nowadays.

>This is so fucking good.
it's terrible

reward for writing in videogames is like winning special Olympics

it is pretty good.

It unironically has soul but the gameplay is really, really bad.

It’s good but I can’t be bothered to finish it because I know it won’t get a sequel.

>capeshit = good

It's pretty good, dude.

>best narrative
that's all I need to know

the world is getting capeshit fatigued. covid kind of put the nail in that coffin. marvel is surviving off of the fumes of fans that refuse to quit, and dc has rebooted itself like 4 times already because they can't come up with a cohesive fucking plan to put all their shit in one universe so often that people stopped expecting it and are just taking what comes out with a grain of salt.

i am personally done with all the shit, especially in video games. there's too much of it and not even in a fun way like it was in the 90's where most of it was fighting games and beat em ups.

It bombed by squeenixs metric of "sell more copies than there are people on the planet"
I really like this game, I don't think it's phenomenal but it has a lot of minor details in character interaction that I feel like we don't see anymore. So many big games focus so much on the set pieces and by the time a characters arc hits it apex we're supposed to care a lot with nothing having been done to earn it.

That it is good?

its a great relaxing game.

its not deep in cutomization, character building or gameplay.

its a playable movie, like uncharted.

What with all these Gotg shilling recently?

Easily the best game since RDR2. Cool soundtrack, hot girls, funny dialogue. 9/10

>The female characters are really hot too
really hot chestlets to conform to tranny agenda

It honestly does seem like a good game, but the better it does, the less likely that the team will be allowed to go back to Deus Ex. So I refuse to play it.

It's horrible as a game. Would work as a cartoon or a film because story and characters are pretty fun which was very surprising for a Western licensed crap.
Deleted though because it's not a game.

>no mention of gameplay
>likes RDR2
oh nononono

when is it gonna be cracked is pirate scene dead after codex left

this. game is amazing the but gameplay is really bad, specially since your teammates do all the job and meanwhile you're busy picking the right element weapon to kill your enemy. i hope they make it more fun in the sequel by adding more rpg elements and more types of weapon (let the blaster tunr into a shotgun, a franco, a machinegun, a shield, etc)

Looks extremely generic.

Ah so its another movie games to be avoid thx

>the world is getting capeshit fatigued
my normalfag friends only want to see capeshit on cinema. they don't pick another thing. i think is staying
is ok if you dislike them tho, it can get tired for a non-capeshitter like me

chestlets are hot tho

>The female characters are really hot too
star prince has a better ass than ALL of the girls in the game

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you are gay

Your friends are losers.

As everyone said the gameplay is bad (not unplayabe tho, just braindead) but the rest is pretty good
I didnt liked the characters of Warlock/Magus tho, too dumbed down

Attached: Warlock_Magus-720x506.jpg (720x506, 106.69K)

>forgettable story
>forgettable filler dialogue
>forgettable combat system
no wonder no one played this game

The Guardians are pretty much the only capeshit "team" that I like but the gameplay looks so fucking horrific in all the footage. Probably gonna give it a pirate (once it's cracked) to check the game myself. If the game is fun, I may buy it on a big discount.

your friends aren't the norm
normies have by far moved away from marvel stuff, with only some neckbeards going through the motion with subsets of the franchise and dragging along their partners or kids
Older people don't give a fuck, younger people stopped giving a fuck, blacks got their hero and moved on, women are bored by it, etc.
They'll still milk millions out of it because it was a franchise worth BILLIONS, but it's effectively dead

Disney is the issue. They'll never go for a grittier story like Watchmen. DC has been trying too hard to copy them over the last 5 years but if they start doing darker stories like in the new Batman I'll watch.

Femboys are the future, terms like gay and genders are ape like things of the past./

Morbius and DC crap flopping doesn't mean normies have moved away from capeshit. No way home, despite being awful made a shitton of money and the next big marvel flick will make a billion too.

spiderman getting kids to cinemas is exactly how it was before the marvel craze, but maybe you're too young to know that
There are a few names that will continue to get regular movies (batman, spiderman, superman basically) while the rest stops existing.
Back to the pre-marvel times.

Spiderman is bigger than Marvel

I was there in 2002 nigga, MCU is still a money printer, non-MCU is not

Maybe you were just born in 2002 then dumbass, because MCU is not a money printer - Spiderman is. As well as the other two I mentioned.
You don't seem to understand the difference.

regardless of that, we don't ever get big boobed vidya women bc of troons, but then again we wouldn't be getting any hot women in vidya without troon because they are the only force to stave off feminists
there is no "future" lying ahead of deranged civilization only collapse and death

but troons always get huge implants

The pc gamepass version gives me some intense stutters like 1-5 fps, I wanted to play it but that shit is annoying

nope not always, a lot of them even afraid of bottom surgery

hay look a dumbass that fell for a outrage faggots twitter post

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i can tell when some faggot runs in here and say the gameplay is bad did not play the game

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I forgot this game even existed

why did they go along with this retarded zoomshit haircut

not my problem

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no amount of shilling is gonna convince me to by this shit


The gameplay is pretty basic, people should approach this game as a VN or a TT type of game but with a bit better gameplay than those.

zoomers don't use that haircut anymore tho, it's all about the broccoli now.

>404 no good gameplay found in this post

go look at a youtube video jackass

Rejected Avengers DLC add hastily made into a full "game" HARD PASS

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Cope shil.

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Based. GOTY 2021

Attached: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Screenshot 2022.04.02 - (1920x1080, 3.94M)