/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday

/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday


Attached: 1649787479561.png (753x889, 190.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Request Anchor

Attached: 159297287460.png (800x800, 22.09K)

>New Art Anchor

Attached: 162013873447.png (800x800, 27.86K)

PC in a hospital bed like that one Captain America image where he's disproportionately huge because of the artist messing up

I completely fucked up how I remembered it, it's not even Captain America but I wanted to bump the thread since it was at page 10.

Attached: Power Broker.png (640x810, 717.34K)

Requesting 3ds-tan telling you to hack your 3ds

Attached: fd65259523a2397dbd41769738527fd4317b88a1.png (500x500, 12.33K)

this shit is dead

Weekly reminder that xbone is fat

Attached: 1644988663375.png (720x1024, 150.75K)

and what a fatty

She's loomin'

Attached: xds-loom.png (1200x1500, 692.76K)

Attached: 1644965311823.png (582x721, 128.46K)

Attached: 1589407425059.png (490x620, 166.61K)

I've been waiting for this.

Attached: 1403941481499.jpg (560x692, 103.91K)

I miss her bros

XDS does things to my dick.

with all the goo and teeth, I'm worried it's not good things

>goo and teeth
Oh, it's nothing but good things.


Attached: 1606880535673.png (441x590, 106.01K)

Why would she want that?

Attached: 1602006881625.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)



Attached: 1647428686330.png (1500x900, 476.14K)

that hardware needs some breaking in

no russkies allowed :/

Attached: playing with fire.png (500x350, 82.17K)

Attached: 1600842810772.gif (456x480, 47.02K)

Mischievous SeX

Attached: 1594846910644.png (643x649, 216.56K)

Attached: 1648606440018.png (427x478, 41.58K)

Attached: 1496172801039.png (173x260, 5.25K)

Gentlemen, I love 2DS. That is all

certainly,a full teardown is needed.

she's gonna eat him whole isn't she

She's more likely to flatten him and insert Deck into her googina like a coin.

Attached: 1515003510112.png (840x750, 297.91K)

Attached: 1588180082088.png (1212x1072, 33.12K)

Attached: 553ff78362433d994e16e8ad4c52fe6d06fc34bb.png (1000x1300, 47.49K)

Attached: atarivcs12x.png (640x845, 365.74K)

Attached: 1520952382901.png (833x635, 18.67K)

Attached: 1527003898899.png (791x1038, 25K)

how much crayons does 2ds eat a day

Attached: 1569437398059.png (1000x1150, 308.53K)

She's up to a 16 pack a day.

Attached: 1441762454576.png (1600x2400, 998.79K)

Attached: hackit.png (720x1024, 339.98K)

3DS sure does love to point

Make her a Gyaru,
because hacked 3ds

Attached: [email protected] (1638x2048, 381.96K)

Attached: 1524635164004.png (318x294, 50.98K)

So what games have you been playing?

Attached: 1611732584502.jpg (640x604, 84.46K)

Attached: ooos.png (720x1024, 212.21K)


very good, but how about fatter

Given whats she said it sounds like the opposite

Legend of Keepers


risk of rain 2

Attached: printer.png (507x407, 194.77K)

Attached: 1470205540531.png (800x600, 155.46K)

that's a cute Tiger.

GBC wearing denim short-shorts

threadly reminder that GBC's butt is sentient

Attached: 1473201658105.png (800x600, 171.34K)

Hot Tube Gamecube Time Machine

Attached: FRFWwlOXEAINQEI.jpg (1080x1350, 148.14K)

Attached: 1493157212101.png (800x473, 45.23K)

Attached: 1527637505219.jpg (800x600, 237.98K)

Attached: 1649786472652.png (656x341, 17.83K)

Attached: 1649785521268.png (465x639, 54.79K)

Attached: odoos.png (720x1024, 200.73K)

Attached: 278891131_1052876488991982_4350403932683212558_n.jpg (136x228, 9K)