Is this worth playing? Looks amazing but the reviews say its unfinished and repetitive
combat, world, characters are pretty dull overall but the one thing it did better than most is the speech checks. you're a noble and you get to slap your dick in the uppity peasant's faces
>Is this worth playing?
Yeah I really liked it. Reminded me of Dragon Age before they went full MMO retard with Inquisition.
It has pretty good graphics, whoever did all the cinematics was clearly salty they weren't hired at hollywood so they had to take a job at vidya. I liked the plot and the protagonist is amazing, De Sardet is based as fuck and he loves his husband Kurt.
It isn't unfinished, all the content is there, but yeah it is repetitive, you have to walk through the same areas over and over to get to where you need to. It basically reuses cells like crazy for most quests and you have lots of loading screens because of that. There's a point in which you'll get bored and you'll just run straight for the exit instead of killing the same enemies you killed when you went to that part of the forest before since sadly enemies respawn.
Combat is pretty fun too, not magic though, game shouldn't have had magic, it's awfully out of place.
do you have multiple outcomes for each mission like fallout or is it just the approach that you take into finishing the quest that changes?
>A bit of poison on my blade... and let's go!
I played it and couldn't get into it, and I love games like Dragon Age/Witcher etc. Something about it I couldn't quite put my finger on, the combat felt cheap too.
things are about to get dicey
Some quests have 2 outcomes
Some have just one
Main Quest has just two endings.
The game is not that big on choices, mostly the choices come from dialogue options and the way you want to manipulate people, be it with threads, diplomacy, evidence, etc.
it's fun, worth $5-10
it's quite janky, but it's worth it to go full on colonial dandy at people
That didn’t hold elden ring back
well thats a bummer, I was expecting some Fallout but with the 17th century aesthetics
First 20 hours is pure 10/10 kino, after that it becomes duller because all you do is run back and forth in areas you already cleared. So I'd say it's a 7 or 8 overall
I hated the magic in this game!
Dunno about unfinished but it can get quite repetitive, mainly because you're walking to and fro and because of samey environments.
I still enjoyed it a lot.
It's nothing like Fallout. Yes there are 5 factions but you can't do anything regarding it. I think if you don't finish their side quests they won't help you in the end but it's not like picking Insistute/BOS/Railroad or the factions in NV.
The only factions you have the option to pick in the main quest are the Christians led by a fat woman or the evil muslims trying to kill you over and over led by a backstabbing poo in the loo.
If you're gonna play it, go Rogue. Your character in all cutscenes acts like a rogue, constantly using fencing swords and pistols. Warrior makes zero sense because your character never uses warhammers or shields in cutscenes, and magic is stupid.
>The only factions you have the option to pick in the main quest are the Christians led by a fat woman or the evil muslims trying to kill you over and over led by a backstabbing poo in the loo.
>If you're gonna play it, go Rogue. Your character in all cutscenes acts like a rogue, constantly using fencing swords and pistols
>If you're gonna play it, go Rogue. Your character in all cutscenes acts like a rogue, constantly using fencing swords and pistols
I think you might have sold me on this game, literally all that I wanted was 1H swords and pistols
It's not like other rpgs where you can choose to join a faction and unlock specific quest chains or something. I do like how your character is tied one way or another to all the factions though.
In hindsight, the disguise system was really not used enough.
Your De Sardine is cute
took my a while to realize why everyone said the natives and you look the same lmao
skill tree is confusing as fuck
> De Sardet is based as fuck and he loves his husband Kurt
>he loves his husband Kurt
Sure it's fun, the conbat is also fun if you play a 1 handed sword/gunman/bomber build because traps, positioning, bunching up enemies,.... makes for a really fun experience
Also you have a lot of options to make your speech skills count
>De Sardet is based as fuck and he loves his husband Kurt
Nice try freak, Kurt is no faggot, Siora is canon
It's a good game, just like Technomancer
De Sardet and Kurt say GAY RIGHTS!
>world, characters are pretty dull
The ending if you make the right choice is pure kino
[Insight] ur a faget
more like sneedfall
Kurt is straight as an arrow
Go fuck the pirate
It's alright, but replaying it is a total slog.
The only pieces of gear that cover your face are wooden masks, so you can't look completely armored either.
Combat eventually devolves into stasis->gun->stasis->wrath strike from behind->repeat, but it's fun to play with traps at the start.
>Kurt is no faggot
He literally had his boy hole used by his coach along with all the other boys he slept with. Kurt is a cock addict.
>Siora is canon
Siora canonically gets cancer in the bleeding front hole and dies, as all women should. Seethe.
>The ending if you make the right choice is pure kino
point me in the right direction without spoiling it please
I dropped this game after 90 minutes.
The combat is complete ass. It was so bad that the semi-interesting start to the story couldn't overcome how shit it was, and I couldn't force myself to continue knowing I'd be dealing with this crap syatem for 50 hours.
fuck everyone else
become as gods
>Kurt is straight as an arrow
Then why is his backstory about getting fucked by men? I bet De Sardet and Constantine loved choking on Kurt's cock when they were training.
Remember niggers like this when you say "gays are fine, it's trannies who are annoying and pushy" next time
There's no way to fuck it up. It's literally a binary decision.
And no
Why the fuck would you pick that? Why tf would you literally KILL EVERYONE just to follow your crazy cousin? That ending is garbage. The Sweet Prince needs to be killed.
The game is pretty straightforward with its endings. You can't really miss them, just variations like "all allies" and things like that.
>Why the fuck would you pick that?
Why would you pick anything else? Sardine might as well be dead in the other ones.
it's on ol menawi
you fucking renaigse
oh havent played in a while game had then dogma vibes i swear
btw magic and the gun is so fucking easy it hurts
>Is this worth playing?
No, it's terrible.
> Why would you pick anything else?
Because it's the bad ending? BECAUSE IT'S THE EVIL ENDING? Because you're following a brainwashed two dimensional evil retard? Because you literally throw away everything you did in the game and erase all your previous decision? Because your character and his personality stop mattering?
Why did you bother to fix all the problems all the factions had in the game if you were just gonna become a god and destroy everything? Why did you bother making friends and finding love in Kurt if you were just gonna ruin everything and become an evil corrupt monster?
The game is literally called GREED FALL, why would you be greedy? Why would you follow a greedy dude that caused his own fall?
Didn't read you're literally gay lmao
I am especially fond of potions
the animation where you toss one out and shoot it in midair is sex
Yes. De Sardet says GAY RIGHTS!
>it's a farquaad thread
>Good night, sweet prince
is this for real?
A very good game except for the fact that it's a European fictitious setting with niggers in it, shit romance system/choices and meh character building and limited camera. Could have been one of the greatest games ever made.
Still good, the characters are written kino and the combat is good. I didn't get the cure tho. Some things weren't as clear when it came to the writing.
Spiders is a kino developer . I'm enjoying the heck out of their games.
Started with Mars War Logs last and I'm currently playing Greedfall as well.
Play Of Orcs and Men
what did tree god mean by this?
The game is full of homoerotic interactions with your own cousin. He was even a gay romance option but it got cut.
Also it's a phrase from a Shakespeare play and it makes sense in the context of the game. Shame Costantine was so ugly otherwise I would have considered fucking him, but for me? It's Kurt's hairy ass.
>Mars War Logs
Based. I sing randomloy sometimes the revolution song. I ship Innocence with the protag so bad. That boy wanted the daddy dick HARD.
>newest game is a soulsclone
uh oh
Hey, the Christian faction and the fat woman were based as fuck. It was extremely fun watching the extremist side get BTFO for being retards and ruining the good missionary work the church was doing.
Confirmed for having played none of the others
Yeah I liked them too. It was actually cool to see that the christians, despite having a shaky first interaction with them, ended up being bros, meanwhile the muslims started pretending to be good and spent the rest of the game trying to kill you and sabotaging you.
I still hate women and i hate fatties tho.
Mars War Logs is absurd
It was some of the jankiest cheapest game and the characters weren't even particularly good, but it had soul so I went on with it
Kurt is a total faggot and unless you go tongue deep in his ass will betray you at the drop of a hat
Play it on easy to waste less time on the boring combat, and expect to be disappointed by the ending because it's a tremendous waste of potential.
Still worth it for the writing and choices.
Extremely boring game, the gameplay gets stale 20 hours in and the writing is just atrocious.
>Muh noble savages
It does get repetitive, and some builds can be fun while others make the game 10x worst, specially since to some you can get the best equipment possible at halfway through the game, making everything else looks like a waste of time.
Combat is not the best, A.I is pretty shitty in both sides, but the story is kinda cool, if you gonna pirate it then go ahead, it can be fun at times, if you gonna buy it, only if the price is really low, otherwise you can get a lot of cheaper, older and better RPGs.
>based Christian faction allies
>Gun/bomb build playing like a movie protagonist
>Maxed Charisma to remind everyone who I am
>Always talk or pay my way out of human quests
>Kurt and Siora as companions
>unless you go tongue deep in his ass
Can do. I'd rim him so bad.