ITT: Post things you consider soulful.
It can be screenshots, models, OSTs, animations, greentexts, whatever.
I'll start by posting one of the most soulful things I've seen in vidya: The pixel art backgrounds for The Urbz (GBA).

Attached: 65396.png (1577x1257, 530.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 65472.png (1577x1360, 512.32K)

Attached: Arcade - Marvel vs Capcom - Character Select Portraits.png (696x2110, 272.4K)

Attached: mario.jpg (800x554, 151.91K)

Attached: tumblr_mqicwiLCMH1rrftcdo1_500.gif (500x448, 34.19K)


Attached: tumblr_nm74ytfZur1u0mlewo1_1280.png (1280x1059, 1.79M)

Attached: mario.jpg (1024x768, 587.62K)

Attached: 34512.gif (3040x2220, 3.9M)

Attached: yuke female.jpg (225x284, 24.58K)

Attached: 1489078777132.png (640x400, 36.16K)

What makes isometric games so special? They are always packed full of charm and atmosphere

Attached: XuYj2C2.jpg (1280x960, 421.1K)

I loved this game, better than Commandos and Desperados imo

Attached: 1489077694723.png (616x800, 37.96K)

Attached: soul.gif (500x281, 237.17K)

sauce me user

Attached: dq5ds_overworld.jpg (1024x1014, 398.39K)

Attached: Latenna_ride.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Robin Hood: Legend of Sherwood

Attached: soul2.png (1023x767, 539.24K)

>Isometric locked perspective
>calling it soul
I shiggy diggy

i had zero idea that could even happen

Attached: 1645461631725.png (906x772, 624.21K)

Attached: william-bennett-adhdbotremux-wb-lowres.jpg (1170x959, 314.37K)

Attached: sims-1.png (1914x1074, 2.14M)

Attached: dogs_with_blades_by_sandara_dd8th6k.jpg (1200x1729, 1.11M)

Attached: destinyofwonders_by_orioto-d9d30rc.jpg (1280x800, 266.47K)

i remember a game that looks like this but like in a bladerunner scenario and you where a kind of police mecha/car, i don't remember much... never found what game was

Attached: 1577224720745.jpg (4096x1709, 1.25M)

wait, what is that phone booth animation for?
is that a secret from high relation?


Attached: astero-20190926a.jpg (1920x797, 148.37K)

Attached: Overwatch by Josan Gonzalez.jpg (1920x1279, 956.52K)

I wouldn't know because it looks like garbled clown vomit. Can't tell what things are supposed to look like properly because you can't FUCKING PAN HE CAMERA AND THE ANGLE IS AWKWARD AND SKEWED FUCK ISOMETRIC GAMES

future cop LAPD?

Attached: __d_va_genji_hanzo_reaper_and_soldier_76_mario_luigi_rpg_mario_series_overwatch_and_super_mario_bros_drawn_by_ningu__ea13b6069c0eee45fb4d42c2146f72c6.png (640x480, 104.58K)

Looks like Rollercoaster Tycoon scenery, I dig it.

Fuck, I love PC98. Which one is this?

Attached: 97b56e4152c7fc64db674345d817ed83.png (639x400, 46.73K)

Attached: __rathalos_tigrex_yian_kut_ku_nargacuga_teostra_and_7_more_monster_hunter_drawn_by_takekawa_shin_anbooru__036c6feca8aafebe519e372528e754a3.jpg (1176x888, 767.11K)

What game is this?
Also this?


Attached: uhxdt0U.png (640x400, 31.77K)

The realest of real niggas will know what franchise this is from

Attached: peakSOVL.png (1274x956, 1.7M)

Attached: ERmunhKUcAAHspb.png (640x400, 41.65K)

Attached: 24fdd82cc097aee1331ccab690435da8.png (640x400, 410.43K)

Attached: SF3-19.jpg (1090x1150, 817.82K)


>Turd strike
Yeah lets gut all of the good things about street fighter and give you a universal unbeatable get out of jail free card
You retard

Learn to read you double nigger.

Attached: 52730.png (578x333, 42.26K)

It might be only in the DS version, but I remember the phone booth can somehow take you to the moon or something.

I was a fuckin master at the window washing never got further than bayou tho. Was complicated af for 10 y/o me

The Urbz on DS.

Attached: NeedForSpeed3_Aquatica.webm (524x294, 2.95M)

Holy shit I wasted so much time emulating this game as a kid

Iirc if you went into the booth with the meteorite furniture, or linked your GBA to another one then it would take you to the moon base, where you could purchase some exclusive stuff like funiture and a green pet pig. The ninja that sold the skill point shakes would also spawn there, as well as uranium rods.

Attached: 54235.png (932x996, 230K)

You should give it a try again. It's unironically a good game.
The other GBA Sims aren't, but somehow the Urbz manages to be pretty good.

Attached: Sim City 4 Japan.jpg (5000x2206, 734.55K)

This is art.

Indeed and I don't even want to know the amount of detail that went into each tile.

Wait, is there an editor for the Sims gba games or something? What is this? I love those games

Attached: 1650986633523.png (1281x1152, 310.09K)

Where can I see this in detail? Looks insane.

>Where can I see this in detail?
In Japan, the country is based on this map

Attached: castle.jpg (1360x652, 226.77K)

>monhun has sword dogs now
>no dark souls crossover with sif and artorias gear and charge blade

Attached: friend area pokemon mystery dungeon.png (1600x1160, 2.51M)

Attached: MH4-Akantor_Render_001.png (822x614, 791.93K)

Attached: The_Tower.jpg (1700x960, 459.44K)

If you choosed to be a rich kid, then how did you progress the social clique checks when the main villain hates you and is one of few rich people?

Attached: Ancestral Streppe.jpg (1000x562, 238.57K)