Does anyone actually enjoy hunting this retard...

Does anyone actually enjoy hunting this retard? It's got to be one of the absolute shittiest fights in the entire series that isn't some bullshit gimmick.

Attached: 2ndGen-Tigrex_Render_001.png (1384x983, 1.1M)

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He's a retard filter and that's why people like him.
There are worse monsters.

>he didn't learn how to beat him by watching some shitty 2007 youtube video

I hated hunting most things because I used switch axe.

TIEgrex or TEEgrex?

Attached: Tigrex.jpg (519x478, 55.42K)

I'll take this yelling nigger any day over Barioth. Fuck Barioth.

Yeah he's cool, unique and looks great. I like him.
t. Lancer

He's fun once you learn him.

Yes, and his autistic brother

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Ey T'grex

He's fun for CB


They did him dirty in MHW
Such a pushover

He runs back and forth, then he runs back and forth. Then he roarstuns you into running back and forth. Then he runs back and forth.

He was the exact same as he always has been, Worldchads just stomped him.

Beating him in 2G was the beginning of my hunting career. After all these years it's still a memorable fight. It became quite easy after 3rd.

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manageable for hammer and horn, super easy and fun for cb, like being a matador and fighting a raging bull, same for diablos

I quite enjoy breaking his face.

nothing in mh is fun to fight. everything in the series is a chore.

Are you implying he's not a massive pushover in any game after Unite?
how's this?

spoken like a true fiver

I used to think his horns were ears

There's much bigger chore mons but thankfully tigrex gear isn't usually desirable.

What's wrong with Barioth? I dont think he's that bad
T. Had to fight tempered Frostfang Barioth twice

I made this thread because I'm playing MHFU right now. I'm in high rank in the village quests but currently trying to beat this ungodly obnoxious, antifun piece of absolute shit in the guild quest urgent. I might come back with HR gear and a stupid cat companion to make it as cheesy as possible because seriously fuck this cunt.

Pre-world I always held some disdain for Tigrex. But his moveset varies a little from just run back and forth.

Brute Tigrex is amazing for Charge Blade. He keeps screaming and begging to be guard pointed. In 4U if I ever needed a pick me up I would fight Brute Tigrex and counter every single roar. It's the closest I got to speedrunning any single monster.

Attached: Tigrex chase.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

Nah it was some hammer video guide with some linkin park in the background or someshit.
It was literally like this and I really do think it might've been him. He probably deleted the video or something.

I also learned how to kill Black Diablos with a hammer which I thought was almost impossible, but somehow some crazy bastard figured out how to cheese it by hitting the tail at a specific point during his animations. The shit people came up with was amazing back then.

every monster that uses the Tigrex skeleton is shit

Okay so I whopped his bitch ass. Some guy on Neoseeker said to use flash bombs like 14 years ago and that works for stopping his retard charge he does when in rage mode.

Still not as bad as diablos

Hunted this fucker so many times to farm materials. Hated it at first but I learned how to properly play MH through this nigga

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Tigrex sucks, but what makes Tigrex suck even harder is that his materials are the fucking meta because Capcom doesn't understand how to balance their elemental damage so Raw + WEX + crit boosts is going to be the best option until they figure their shit out so you have to fight him a hundred god damn times to make whatever weapon you want and all the while he SUCKS

Attached: sucks.jpg (1280x720, 196.8K)

The deviant moveset should be put into the base monster, so much more enjoyable to fight


he's fun as fuck, hope they add brute and grimclaw to SB

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>bring back Brute Tigrex
>it is actually Molten Tigrex but with no limiters put on its speed to compensate for the size increase
still a fantastic revamp but Christ it gets obnoxious sometimes

MH4U was the epitome of busted but fun for CB. Slightly bummed they changed it going forward, but it was honestly just TOO strong for certain monsters. They had to change it up a little. Weird they went the other way, and basically just gave every weapon a GP with XX and bushido or whatever.

Prior to 4U I always felt like he was just a clumsier and more predictable Narga.

He only sucks in Rise if you're playing anything in the air.
On the ground he'll do his cute hop shit that misses you by just standing still.

I unironically call him TAI-grex.

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Raths are more annoying than Tigrex, any day
He's predictable, and if you have trouble you can break his forelegs to fuck with his movement

It feels good to beat his ass once you get good enough/better weapons and armor on higher difficulties.

he's a rock chucking nigger monster but getting that tail and breaking his shit is so satisfying.

Oh man I loved him first time I fought him, he was so different than anything I'd fought previously. Dude spent nearly the entire fight just tearing ass at me from across the room. Super hectic super fun

World unfucked it somewhat but yeah its never going to be the powerhouse it once was in 4U
wish for 6 they at least bring back those meaty phial explosions

Grimclaw will be in, but it'll just be called Apex like the rest of the deviants they ported in.

Not really. Base tiggy is brain dead easy.

CB didn't overperform on any monster, if you check the TA records it's almost never on top and when it is it's by single digits. People freaked out because it allowed you to do counters at a level that wasn't possible before, but the average player was never able to use it effectively


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yeah but it's essentially grimclaw and I'm fine with that

He's fun if you use lance, great sword or dual blades.

Charge blade GPs makes him fun

I say left but I acknowledge right is canon.

>there are subhumans in this thread right now who pronounce Rathian as "wraith-ian"
explain yourselves

That's fine. If people are going to still complain that Rise is too easy and they can pretend that the apexes aren't the true deviants. Whatever.

Who the fuck would do that? Would they also call it "wraith-alos"?

Those people think behemoth and fatalis are the hardest fights in the series and haven't fought any of the apexes or deviants. Not even worth responding to

He was annoying to fight in the older games, but now it's just.
>Runs at you
>runs at you
>dash into him with DB aerial invuln frames
I have the tools to easily fuck him now. It's probably not the most efficient way of killing him, but it's funny.

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>he pronounces it as ray-thian

I don't know about rise but I loved the tradeoff decision making in CB between using unloading all your phials and losing your attack buff or unloading one phial and keeping the buff for a bigger opening. World defaulting to all phials or incentivising it by you not losing the buff made the one phial attack more niche and simplified that aspect of CB.