I Hate Collectors

Imagine what an existence like this would be.
Bereft of any meaning or purpose.
Searching like a Hollow for scraps of significance.
Imagine, if you will, a life that isn't a life.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 13-36-04 Take a look at the world's biggest video game collection.png (1134x1379, 2.11M)

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rookie numbers steam has more games than that

collectors are gay and retarded but also too pathetic to hate
if you actually hate them you're probably jealous of them

You sound mad Jelly. His biggest problem is that he never knows which game to play.

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I bet he's happier than you are.

Imagine the decision paralysis
>tfw wanna play vidya but don't wanna play any specific vidya

all that shovelware

>building turns
>an entire shelf of games slides off on to the floor

>building turns

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I have more games than that sitting on a hard drive, that I can boot up and play on my computer at the press of a button. Collectorfags are pathetic.

>building turns
Do you know something we don't, user?

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they dont play that shit. the thrill is in the hunt.

>Bereft of any meaning or purpose.
What if he's like the last guy to own an original version of Warcraft 3?
We need people to have the original copies of games a bit like the world needs a seed vault.

I agree to some extent he's just a consumer, but you could argue its the same as having museums.

>jealousy and personal unhappiness
Non-falsifiable Freud-tier explanation. "Oh you don't like x, you must secretly be dissatisfied with y and love and want x". Genius deduction.

why would it do that?

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redump.org and No-Intro keep hashes of accurate dumps of cartridges and optical media. If there's something missing, are high-quality scans of the cover art and manuals.

if it didn't affect you then you wouldn't be mad

yeah.. You're jealous


And there is even a home tour

>Bereft of any meaning or purpose.
That's most things people seek as their ultimate in life

Post that burned collection

So all those girls in highschool that made fun of me actually secretly liked me.

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Well yeah, teasing each other is like the first step of awkward flirting
Doesn't apply to us though, they were just bullies

i'm not a collector i just don't throw my video games away

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>I hate Collectors
Me too

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Does that man have.. a hobby? A fucking hobby?! That dirty son of a bitch. You're right OP. This guy is bad news.

that's why you lock it, stupid

They're pretty fun if you're a soldier with a Mattock
Only way to play that game on insanity and not fall asleep

What is a life? Why would your definition hold more weight than his?

Why is everyone in this shit board always mad about something, go play video games.

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happened to me

The older I get the more I find flash cartridges appeal to me, anyone else feel this way instead of hoarding useless plastic or spending 100+ dollars on a single fuckin old game

Why don't you have a ceiling?

he's spending his own money in a way we don't like, unacceptable.

Take a look at the world's biggest video game collection

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Why are you mad about this thread? Go play video games.

Wow, he's super based. I'm only a casual collector, but I find it very fun. I like to find weird shit and show it to people. Like the Shamu game on PS2.

My dad owns a private library with over 30000 different titles. It's fucking awesome.

Do people like having weird shit shown to them? Have you ever considered their perspective?

That's pretty cool user, i'm the same except I keep them in a box in my storage.

>you collect postal stamps? cool
>you collect baseball cards? cool
>you collect videogames??!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll never understand this.


build a space for them

I bet you think you're being clever when in reality you're completely missing the point of collecting like absolute retards.

Why would I collect like an absolute retard?

Most buildings have ducts and ceilings though.

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>hurrdurr just lock your house down to the mud!

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>"I climbed the highest mountain in record time, what did you do to get your world record?"
>"I collected plastic"

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Mate, my friends are also into vidya. They find this shit funny, too.

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No, if he were an archivist, he would rent a small storage facility at a nominal fee and store them all efficiently there. Or a shed/garage on his land. Instead, he has a home shrine like a cultist. I hate these people. I hope this burns to the ground and he is forced to watch. I wonder if he would sacrifice one of his kids tot he flames to save his collection.

>professing innocence of x is actually admitting to being part of x
Weak shit, fellas. As you may be able to tell of my tone above post, I am a perpetually angry person. That is the real explanation.

it's a hobby just like your collection of questionable porn

those are all equally retarded

how did he know...

the ducts are so low in sections that if i put up a ceiling i would need to duck going into my basement. the way they're positioned getting everything reduct...ed would cost too much for it to be worth it

>his ground is made of mud
lmaoing @ ur life

>"I walked up a rock for a long time to get my recore, what did you do?"
>"I spent a lifetime curating a collection of items, some extremely rare and hard to find, in order to have the largest collection of my preferred hobby."

My friends do. We all do. It's fun.

you could have all those games on a thumbdrive. physical media is dinosaur tech, he might as well collect 8tracks

You know, if I were in that situation, I think I would definitely sacrifice one of his kids to the flames to save my collection.

>some extremely rare and hard to find
>google "extremely rare and hard to find rom iso download free 2022"


>google "climbing mt everest video"

>"I spent a lifetime curating a collection of items, some extremely rare and hard to find, in order to have the largest collection of my preferred hobby."
I will mention that the next time I see a homeless guy collecting plastic bottles, I'm sure this'll help with his mood.

>climb a small hill every day for a year
>claim you've climbed Denali because it's the same total height

You didn't climb it.

Yes I did.

Contain your jealousy, user.

Yet no one ever cries about "manchildren" collectiong baseball cards.


At least collect something that will be worth a lot in a few years

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I really doubt most homeless people are collecting plastic bottles because it's their favorite thing to play with.

I understand collecting games you like. I don't see any value in collecting things that are regarded as shit, or things that are supposed to have a functional purpose that you will never use.
Sure, a wall of NES games might look nice, but the vast majority of those games are shit, and you're never going to play them.

>random DS games now worth their retail price if not more than double
It’s a double edged sword, good for those that held their shit for this long but bad for those looking to buy again

And you didn't actually collect the rare game. His point is solid.

>his building doesn't turn
lmao third wolder

It's basically the same thing in the end, plastic waste worth money

Prototype collectors are even worse, they usually own maybe the only piece of dev material outside of the developers themselves, so it can't be found anywhere else.

Protos sometimes contain debug stuff which could help modding a lot, but most collectors don't give a shit about mods, eg. see re4_tweaks released last year which finally fixed up the 2014 RE4 steam port, most of the fixes there only happened because a GC debug build recently leaked publicly, if that build hadn't been hoarded for 14+ years the port could have been fixed up ages ago.

(even then there's parts of RE4 steam which weren't in the gamecube version, so re4_tweaks doesn't help with those much, of course collectors have shown off other RE4 debug builds which could help there, but those won't be released any time soon)

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>I hate collectors

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Yes. I did.

Then why is it sitting on my harddrive, collected? In a collection?
Watching a video of someone else climbing is not climbing it.

Man, at least beanie babies felt nice and were pleasant to look at. Funkoshit is awful, hard edges, ugly bobblehead proportions, and the few times I've been in close proximity to one they even had a chemical/plastic smell.