FFXIV 6.11 pvp rebalance

>SAM nerfs
>RDM nerfs
>WHM nerfs
>WAR nerfs
>RPR buffs
>PLD buffs
>DNC buffs
>BLM buffs

are you ready for the new metashitters in crystalline conflict?

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Boring fetch quests simulator 14

sorry i dont play sheegi meegi hentai

They don't make much difference. RDM still best DPS. WAR/RDM/WHM still S-tier. All it really did was knock SAM down to where DRG/NIN are clearly better than it.

Also, how the fuck do you change the PvP UI? I want to move my enemy team health bars.

When are they giving Samurai back Kaiten.

Back of the line Samshits.

>people are getting banned for spamming "nice job" and "good match"

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>Momora mora minion in JP has the !!! you see when it cucks you out of a big fish

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ad letting off fireworks, which honestly if you can do that without getting wombo comboed fair do's.

more reason to never pvp again
>3s to 2s
dude, lol, lmao

I don't understand the "strategy" of these CC matches. Everyone just piles onto the crystal until someone dies, then it's just a war of attrition as the team with one guy missing is pushed back the whole match

Even with the buffs BLM is still bottom tier. It's definitely a lot more usable, though.

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>no cheat detection

So are RDM and WHM still OP-viable?

Its surprising how ranked has so much time with everyone off the crystal using line of sight, backing off to use potions and in general just peppering damage unless you are a warrior or samurai trying to easymode it and guardspam on the point.

Meanwhile in unranked its "i'm respawning? oh and everyone else is about to die, better run back in 1v5 lets goooo"

Absolutely yes

WHM lost their cure 2 exploit so in theory should be down to the same tier as scholar but with hackers their instant lb counter bot cheat makes them still viable in the cheatmeta.

Red mage and sam have both gone down a tier, reds melee combo was nerfed by a third and their aoe line silence was shortened to the point its no longer stopping guard spam rotation on the point. Meanwhile samurais defensives are nerfed so they can't spam those, pull off some big attack then guard and float away anymore. They are far more likely to die trying to pull off their lb now which makes them worth way less than a dragoon or ninja thats gotten buffed.

In the hud editor switch to duty I think. From there you should be able to edit the pvp hud


He slaps your ass and says "don't worry baby, i got you" and carries your team to victory in crystal rank.

What do you do?

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In that case, what are the best jobs now? WAR lost a bit of defense but it still has it's crazy stun, so I imagine it's place hasn't changed.


S Tier
A Tier
>Red Mage
B Tier
C Tier
>Black Mage
>White Mage
>Dark Knight
D Tier

>White Mage gets fucked
hahahahahaha yes!

>White mage can no longer turn off SGE's LB


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>whm's healing op'ness was a bug thats fixed
>bards were putting people into permanent walking mode with power shot and thats fixed
>multiple machinist moves were bugged to not require line of sight and have been fixed

I am ready for the SGE, NIN, DRG, PLD, RPR meta.

More like

White Mage
Red Mage

The rest don't matter.


Was their limit reduced to a thirty second CD or something? And I know SAM's defensive was halved, but they still have their insta-kill, no? And even with all those buffs GNB is lowest?

>multiple machinist moves were bugged to not require line of sight and have been fixed

>Ranking match
>Mostly even, but we have a slight advantage in % of crystal pushed
>Match goes into overtime
>Crystal is in enemy half
>Everyone from our team is alive
>Suddenly lose


These cards are training to learn to love NFTs aren't they?

I'd say let him fuck my eb but by the looks of it he already does.

SAM is fucked not just because of the nerf but how they used them. For example they could pop a defensive cooldown to take 50% damage, pop their counter, run in, do counter and have enough time thanks to the cooldown to zantetsuken and hit guard to get away to heal up.
Thats a lot of GCD for this games pvp to be a near unkillable wall that can one shot a party. SAM has pretty much lost that ability outside of super specific situations on the sharlayan map but if its bomberman or gusty garden galaxy they are worthless compared to Ninja.

Didn't stay in the circle, thats what counts in overtime not percentage.


Stay in the circle you ding dong, if at least one person isn't in it you instantly lose, this is what causes RPR to instantly win overtime fights

Now where is the Gaia mod?

SGE is gonna be fucking strong now. That LB in overtime is extremely useful for mitigating the damage of the entire enemy team's backline

But why RPR?

So instead of giving Gunbreaker actual CC, even just a Heavy on Nebula counterhits or something, they instead decided to add a movement speed buff to Rough Divide.
The movement speed buff is tiny, its way way less than Sprint, I wouldn't even notice it was there if the buff didn't also give you the Sprint running animation, so enjoy still be able to walk away from Gunbreakers without them being able to do anything about it.
The other small potency boosts amount to diddly dick, so GNB is still F-tier.

Why are they so worried about balance when pvp is of no consequence to anything? Hell it's not even tied to your character. God I hate Square Enix

damage, shield and healing buffs. they are simply doing more consistent damage now and surviving. SAM is a glass cannon now in the situations it used to be king.

>Why are they trying to breathe life into content and give players another way to have fun in the game

how dumb are you

I find it hard to believe previous insta-loss RPR is now high tier, even with a buff to Arcane Crest.

RPR is unironically more tanky than most tanks now

This is why you are in silver forever.

Yeah, but we have finished the MSQ last year

So WoW trannies fully converted to XIV religion.

>Hell it's not even tied to your character
What are you even talking about?

Are you OK user? What the fuck are you talking about?

>no GNB buffs
i sleep

>GNB got buffed in PvP and PvE
wake up user...

Maybe wake up and read the patch notes retard

sorry i just woke up and only read the OP lmao

Because PvP as of right now is more popular than PvE

It was buffed and it's still trash



?? where dragoon nerf

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SAM was always meh as fuck. It’s probably worse than MNK now.

Match that got me into crystal had everyone in our team wipe except me, I went guard and lured all the horny enemy shitters off the crystal and when the last person stepped off we won, that was a really memorable way to rank up kek

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DRG is an honest job that's good for teamfights and executing

>got into crystal
>enemy team is gold and silver
sure thing

Picture is obviously unrelated, I don't play on that DC even.

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they're glass cannons and you can see the lb coming. it's a fair job

>Winning a match comfortably
>Suddenly the game sound cuts out completely, doesn't come back on
>Completely disoriented, can't tell when I'm being bursted, can't tell when enemies or teammates die
>Play like shit

I'm so fucking tired... I just want out of silver hell, bros...

They do way too much damage, but way more fair than NIN that's for sure those fuckers have infinite escapes and harass potential

>What made WAR OP has not been altered
>SAM still one-shots with its LB
>MCH buffed
>RPR LB still dogshit
>RDM overnerfed when players are realizing it has no mitigations and is the easiest target in the game to kill

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are you on PC?

I don't think the sound is your biggest problem if you're in silver homie...but yeah the sound cutting out in CC is ultra obnoxious, it once happened two games in a row for me, what the hell.