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Why did you come here and not the politics board to discuss politics?
im a daredevil
I'm not a leftist but I see nothing wrong with that second statement.
>Once it's big you should lose your rights to it
that's not the problem, what was mere days ago a private company, with the rights to control the speech on their platform, is now a public square that everyone should be alowed to speak in
it's the leftist mindrott
Twitter is the town square has often been used as an argument against moderating it which leftists have of course opposed and said Twitter should be allowed to do, if they are turning around and using it being the town square as an argument for moderation that makes them hypocrits, even if leftists always thought the town square should be moderated that was never the crux of their defense, the defense was arguing it wasn't the town square at all
apparently blackrock and the vanguard group is not "rich people"
The point of the image user is not that the second statement is totally wrong, it is that people like Marx Neckbeard here have few real principles and will switch between whatever argument benefits them the most at any given time. It is simply a power struggle first and foremost.
Guarantee you that Elon buying Twitter will push congress to enact a new law extending Operation Chokepoint to social media and force them to crack down on "terroristic" speech or face heavy consequences.
It's been a good run lads, see ya around on on the decentralized NFT-verse.
Hmmm, pretty good, i dont see how it relates to this thread tough
What are a handful of private companies not letting you say on the internet? Nigger? Oh no, not the heckin racism.
which megacorp do you want to start with?
also videogames?
If it's not a something anybody should care about, why don't they allow you to say the word?
the absolute fucking ironing of these obvious kikes
In essence, yes, at least partially. Once you have actual real power to influence society, you can no longer be allowed to run around unchecked.
That said, people keeping you in check definitely shouldn't be hysterical lefties.
So you're not actually mad about any insightful discussion being censored, it's just your inability to screech profanities like a 14 year old in a CoD lobby.
Not him but you're a pussy ass cracker
I asked you a question, sir. Please, answer it.
>twitter bans new york post for talking about hunter bidens laptop
also Nobody can be sure
shadowbaning is a thing, it will be insane when its lifted on topics the left dont like
Oh, no. Twitter will stop being owned by glowies and now will be owned by a guy whose company was funded by the government and definitely is not under their influence.
>live in any country
>remain outside of that governments influence somehow
>twitterfags having a melty
you love to see it
Those pancake look good
We'l see
posts like this always get me
what is too big then? once conservatives get banned?
you fucking morons make up HALF of the united states voterbase, for you retards to not have a twitter/youtube type of site almost 2 decades after their creation means you deserve any "censorship" you complain about
Good point.
aparently an exodus will happen.
Tumblr already had its exodus to twitter, wo where will they go now?
oh no...
just make your own Twitter bro
>facbook: boomers
>tumblr: no porn
>twitter like sites: all right wing nazi sites
>discord: bans pedos
They have nowhere to go.
they're going to join all 5 of the people that left to canada when trump got elected
is this shit for real
do people writing this garbage know where they work, and who their boss is
You niggers need to wait and see what Elon actually does before celebrating/ an hero'ing
The thing they are scared most of all is the fact that people outside of far left will get blue checkmarks now.
>Um you just want to say the n word
>There's literally nothing wrong with media companies engaging in the social engineering of people to powergrab in political offices
Tumblr banned porn, which caused the exodus. A twitter exodus won't happen because people can still post what they want after Elon.
>For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less
This is ironic, right?
all the broke brains will leave while corporations and normies will stay out of brand recognition
i hope it happens
Not him.
>for you retards to not have a twitter/youtube type of site almost 2 decades
Twitter and YouTube are literally funded by glowies/Deep State that literally prints money for them to work, that's why they were able to operate for so long without turning a profit.
>In October 2006, 18 months after posting its first video and 10 months after its official launch, YouTube was bought by Google for $1.65 billion.
Pic related is the state of YouTube almost 10 years after that acquisition.
Asinine retard.
>Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of that year.
>Twitter turned its first annual profit in 2018, but the company has a problem it doesn't want to talk about.
more like pedoblue lol
I don't think there's that many here who are genuinely celebrating Musk buying twatter. To me it's just funny to read all the crying and seething from retards.
this is a retard that wrote it, this is the former disgraced ceo of reddit that lost her discrimination suit
most people here would just as easily argue that we need to moderate platforms and anything from tranny propaganda
i know, just enjoying the sight of lefties losing their shit
This is genuinely frightening, every google employee they post like this has this absent minded, glassy eyed look. What do they do to people at that company?
will the rightoids flood back to twitter, or still wait for truth social to stop being a dumpsterfire?
If they're invoking democracy as the reasoning, then that'd also be stupid.
>muh drumpf in the Year of Our Lord 2022
Lmao, are people really so frightened of the orange man?
People should be publicly throttled or have old produce thrown at them for being so stupid.
But Trump said that he would stick to his own social network, Truth Social. Which, by the way, was made possible thanks to Open-Source Software.
Yeah, because one is psychotic and the other is not. Good observation.
What's so wrong with donald trump using twitter?
the world these people live in is amazing
but then you don't see anything wrong with the statement of "For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less"
Shitting their pants as we meme on a Egyptian papyrus forum.
I would absolutely sacrifice my life to destroy twitter if I could guarantee that it never came back and nothing would take its place. It is a blight on human culture.
When I heard Elon Musk was buying it, I was delighted because he seems just crazy enough to delete it for a joke.
yes? you act as if you're being asked to create your own country, your own internet, it's a fucking website started by i think a guy in college or something, 15 years after major conservative money people could have created their own twitter, their own ISP, just like they created their own (fox) news channel and conservative papers
>youtube doesnt make google any money
you are retarded to think DIRECTLY getting money through ads or something is the only reason to keep a website alive. did you know HP sells printers at a loss? why would they do that? ask yourself the same about twitter and google you fucking dumbass, take some business and marketing lessons to, you uneducated lard
>muh google is the reason why youtube got so big!
fucking so?
>dude what if I like took spooky commie and put him next to shitlib statement
fuck off rightoid
That name inspires no confidence. The fucks in charge of Alphabet are literal plants. They don't have a spine.
I'm pretty sure when 99% of people talk about free speech we're not including pedophilia or mass trannification. Or do you think MAPs should have the right to openly want to molest children too?
There's nothing wrong with censorship. The issue is leftists are molesting and castrating children, and THEIR censorship is responsible for covering it up. That's the problem. I don't give a fuck about absolute free speech, and I know you don't too.
>there's nothing wrong with censorship
>the right to openly want to molest children too?
They already do.
I've never seen a comic so perfectly exemplify how little they understand the concept of "free speech".
They think it's some hidden agenda to allow people they don't like to have free speech, when the entire point is that free speech is only free if it extends to everyone, including assholes and idiots.
Bro, I'm not crazy for thinking physiognomy is real, right? Literally look at the profile picture of this guy. They all look like this. Is it genetic?
>There's nothing wrong with censorship. The issue is leftists are molesting and castrating children, and THEIR censorship is responsible for covering it up. That's the problem. I don't give a fuck about absolute free speech, and I know you don't too.
user, you weren't supposed to say the quiet thing out loud
Elon Musk is on the left of the average person. I'm not sure how slightly left people are considered militant right wingers.
>Hahaha get banned you stupod nazis, you guys should liek be banned from everywhere, PRIVATE COMPANY ;) ;) ;) ;)
The REEE that was heard around the world. Imagine being such a fucking loser that you sit and literally REEEEEEE on Twitter.
Yes I do.
>I don’t want child groomer trannies to groom children
>>curious, this must mean that you against the expression of other ideologies, yes??? Quite hypocritical!!!
>you can use my website, for free, do something i dont like and you will be banned
>*gets banned*
>how could this happen?
this is a difficult topic to discuss
Some things are just objectively correct. It is objectively correct that people shouldn't be allowed to openly discuss how best to murder someone.
It is also objectively correct that pedophiles should be ostracized. It is objectively correct that "trans" people always end up either killing themselves or detransitioning due to overwhelming depression. Those people need to be talked to and turned away from their destructive path, not encouraged to go along with it.
I guess the answer is retarded people need to be disallowed from having a public voice on a big platform like twitter
if righties are all pro-free speech, why is posting chudjak an autoban on gab?
The money has to come from somewhere to keep the lights on. You can make excuses for Google, but you cannot do the same for Twitter.
>We need consistent definition of harassment and of content that violates personal privacy
>Less than a week ago they doxxed that libs of Tiktok chick trying to get her killed
bruh momento
>the left is afraid... OF THIS!
I think politics should just be banned on the internet. All news sites are banned on youtube, all politics is banned on twitch and /pol/.
Literally who uses Gab
I thought that shit was dead
left wingers and right wingers are mostly hypocrites, who knew? did you know politicans lie too?
did you know republicans complain about twitter banning them while telling fags to GTFO for not getting their cake made?
these people acting like a change in ownership of a website meant for short messages is the end of the world
leftoids are mentally ill
They only want the second statement to apply to corpos who don't implement their ideology.
Wow it's almost like one is justified and the other isn't or something.
>the right is afraid... OF THIS!
lol you can't even say his name like he's fucking voldemort.
It’s true. No one wants their enemy to succeed and grow.
>curious, you support your enemy being killed, YET don’t want your enemy to kill you? Hypocrite…
I'm totally indifferent to whether or not a platform wants to censor retards like you. It has no consequences for me either way. Now, can you answer my question? What insightful discussion can you not have?
>It is objectively correct that "trans" people always end up either killing themselves or detransitioning due to overwhelming depression.
if that were true they'd have a 100% mortality/detransition rate
which isn't the case
now, do you have the humility to either admit you didn't literally mean 'objectively', or that you are pulling stats out of your ass?
Centrist here, i hope Elon just shuts it down
You faggots need to touch grass and lay off politics
Yea Forums doesnt have a politics board
Elon musk is going to cause world war 3 with this Twitter buy. It will start with a bloody civil war as all the neo nazis discover that they're free to send death threats to everyone on Twitter from now on.
Google, by the way, was a government creation.
>Around the same time, one of the graduate students funded under the NSF-supported DLI project at Stanford took an interest in the Web as a "collection." The student was Larry Page.
>Page uncovered the missing links, so to speak, in Web page ranking. ... Individually, each link was a simple but effective tool. But collectively, millions of these links provided a key adaptation for the natural selection of search results.
>Page was soon joined by Sergey Brin, another Stanford graduate student working on the DLI project. (Brin was supported by an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship.) Together, Page and Brin constructed an ambitious prototype in their Stanford student offices. The equipment for the prototype, called BackRub, was funded by the DLI project and other industrial contributions.
>The hope was that these brainiacs could take non-classified information and user data, combine it with what would become known as the internet, and begin to create for-profit, commercial enterprises to suit the needs of both the intelligence community and the public, according to Jeff Nesbit, former director of legislative and public affairs at the National Science Foundation.
>Perhaps the best U.S. government investment ever was the $4.5-million grant from the National Science Foundation that led to the Google search algorithm—an investment that has multiplied by more than 100,000 times.
Google also got a grant from the Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS).
>Centrist here
just type pedo, it's less characters and means the same thing.
how did twitter keep the lights on? give me their factsheet, the money to pay for operations, despite turning a loss, comes from somewhere, even if its a billionaire funding them and not caring for lost investment
its almost like it really depends on if youre a faggot democrat or kike worshipping closeted faggot republican
Free speech is now considered a far right position.
>Elon wants to get rid of ads
>Elon wants to charge people who have lots of followers
>Elon wants to make verification mandatory
His retarded business decisions are more likely to tank the site than any gay political shit.
The cake shop won that lawsuit and got like 8 million bucks. They specifically targeted someone and went out their way to make a fuss. Just like always, you fucking retarded leftists don't ever read what happens. Your mentally deranged mind can't handle anything more then "Trumpf == Voldemort". Get out of here you fucking child.
twitter can die if people learn to use RSS feeds again.
have you ever seen an old trans person retard
Would you give free speech to ISIS?
user they can't reproduce. Trannyism is literally a dead end. We'll be laughing about it in 30 years.
why can't you say 'fuck joe biden'? why you gotta hide it like some jew in the attic lmao
damned if you do, damned if you don't.
people like this are not worth conversing with. i hate twitter so much, i wish elon would take it offline instead
There is a spiritual war happening right now. I will not let lucifer gain ground, even if it's at the cost of free speech. It's that simple.
>596998553 (You) #
>>Centrist here
>Just type pedo, it's less characters and means the same thing.
Communist will always advocate that corporations should be run by the people, for the people, regardless of their function, and if you ever hear them say the former, it's them calling the right on its hypocrisy.
>complain about being unjustly banned from a site
>faggots getting the law enforcement and government to legally force a bakery to bake them a gay cake
yeah same thing really
oh wait you are fucking retarded
>how did twitter keep the lights on?
(((Venture funds))).
The Deep State using freshly printed bills from the Federal Reserve.
>no argument
as expected from a pedo
Where do I go to see the best twitteroid seethe?
there's many different examples of trans men being pregnant or trans men/women freezing their eggs/sperm before transitioning, man
come on, there's plenty of stuff that can be said about trannies, but you don't need to invent literal bullshit
Yes. You know what wouldn't be legally?
Allowing them to conspire to commit crimes which is entirely beyond the scope of free speech. These fucking "Uhm but acshually free speech isn't real and is totally conditional things" are always retarded.
> a sentence you can say live on air
> leftists dont know why this is a pluss
Weakness of the mind that would allow a grown man to panic at the thought of someone he doesn't like having the same right to speak as he does will always manifest on the body eventually. Even if he wasn't born like that he doesn't have the will to take care of his body.
>>no argument
>as expected from a pedo
>mandatory blue checkmarking
How will I know whose opinion I can safely discard without the blue “ignore this retard” badge on their profile? It’s like making everyone wear a Scarlet A.
Those first two are based as fuck. I could take or leave the third one. I miss the anonymous internet, but it's never coming back, so we might as well make everyone stand by their retarded opinions.
I feel like most of ISIS's speech would be advocating doing illegal things, which isn't protected by free speech
Elon will allow people to conspire to commit crimes on Twitter under the guise of free speech
>too pussy to call out the legitimate president
>can't even spell plus
The side that tried to overthrow democracy, everybody.
Sure jan
Calls to action aren't protected speech.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Current months issue of ISIS newspaper:
Daily reminder that Fuentes is absolutely right to mass report people who oppose him, and Jim is a faggot. If you want to beat dirty you gotta fight dirty.
Ask the ten people who use Gab.
I am sure that made up situation in your mind is very scary and terrifying.
>Literally who uses Gab
weirdos that get banned from youtube
man, frodo got so fat
>females are pregnant
???? what does that have to do with trannies? If they didn't cut their cock off or have their vagina inverted they aren't a tranny.
you can do the same for a new conservative trump approved or whatever twitter, 80 million republicans could not get their senators and president to create a new twitter? geez, talk about mental retardation and their owners not giving a fuck about muh cenrorship
go ahead and imagine me beaing some bluehaired tranny that likes harry potter if it makes you feel better
retards getting banned for homophobia and racism on twitter could also have read the TOS, and then continue calling people fags or niggers on a website they know that does not allow it, how about that? no fucking moron ever got their twitter account back from court
do the same, mind you elon musk bought twitter, which is what multiple republican donors should have done 5 years ago, when it was cheaper, or perhaps just create another one
its not that hard, lazybones
>Daily reminder that Fuentes is absolutely right to mass report people who oppose him
i thought the right was against censoring people?
tranny bullshit cannot co-exist with people who call it out and show normies the vile undersides. It recedes just like their hairlines.
user you do realize that women can transition into men as well, right