He was probably fired

He was probably fired

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/white privileged/

If they were gonna fire anybody it would be Seth Rogan over his drug supporting, but even that's extremely unlikely

for what?

he raped and killed a woman

Why would that get him fired in (((Hollywood)))? Just sounds like a normal weekend.

>Seth Rogan
How does this fuck still have a career? Now that everyone knows the talentless unfunny hack is not the lovable friendly jolly fat man but is, in fact, a bitter fucking asshole who likes to treat the "plebs" like shit and he's also been metooed how is he still getting work?

>How does a jew keep getting work in one of the most jew-infested industries around?
It is a mystery.


you watch pam and tommy, he's pretty good as a scummy asshole.

check his wikipedia bro

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Being a Christian. And being open about it, which from some reason drive the twitter maniacs up a tree. They've been trying to "cancel" him for months because of it.

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He is a producer, he can do whatever he wants just like Adam Sandler

dumb schizo

post more riddler posts

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No. Yes.

The heckin Twitterinos, bros! What if they find out about this?

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What if you spoke like an actual human being for once in your fucking life?

It was a shit reply for a shit thread faggot

but adam sandler is cool and based
Rogen is a toxic kike who should be burnt tat the stake.

Man the riddler in The Batman was fucking retarded. Batman had to use his super detective skills to find a usb drive plugged into the center console of a car and then they’re all universally stumped by the mysterious clue that’s just a carpet lifter and some beat cop had to tell Batman what it was. Terrible movie, the 60s show was less idiotic.

I didn't like the movie either, we're moving on tho

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She needs to strip more often, we have seen Sana nude a lot of times but not Hana yet.


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>all those threads about Chris
What did he do?

Who's this cutie?

some Anons just like to project their "self-victimizing Christian against the World" personna onto Chris

I think Selina Kyle whining about white privilege and wishing death on white males was more of an issue

before watching Batman I thought that line was genuinely an issue but Jesus Christ most of you guys are spergs
Imagine seething about a fucking 5second one-liner and is more justified with context kek

user, that's literally what's going on, even James Gunn had to step in and defend him

This would be the better news. I'm reserving judgment on Pratt till we hear him but Seth Rogan is definitely the type to pull some kind of shit with the film.

Haven't seen it, what was the line, word-for-word?

hana sunomiya, from Nagatoro

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archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/white privileged/

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>Haven't seen it, what was the line, word-for-word?
All this city cares about is the death of those privileged white guys

It wasn't much and makes sense given the context, but fucking hell i chuckled, even more considering that she's not subtle about getting into Batman's pants

He's a jew. They protect their own. Something most people don't know anything about anymore.

In 1990?

maybe her eyesight is garbage and thinks THE BATMAN is some sort of non-white

I mean, she had good reasons to be angry
Nuh-uh user~, you have to show the scene too

I mean we all know Italians aren't normal but it's still mean to just say it out loud like that.

Good. Leaving all the other shit aside, that is atrocious casting. What idiot honestly thought it was a good idea to cast Chris Pratt as Mario?

>inb4 Miyamoto
I hope not, cause he of all people should damn well know better.

>even more considering that she's not subtle about getting into Batman's pants
I thought that was the point. The irony of her saying that not knowing she's talking to Bruce Wayne.

Gotta say, the "romance" subplot in that movie was so contrived. I thought with the camera lens scene they were going to subvert things by not having them get together but nope, they just hook up for no real reason halfway through.

I assumed with him still working with Disney/Marvel, Jurassic Park and Mario, he got everything under control

Cringe. Chris is gay and loves men. He wouldn't get near a woman.

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the actual scene makes it even worse
she continues to say she's fine with LE RIDDLER killing whites
(while the Riddler is obviously white, her love interest THE BATMAN is white, and Selina herself is half-white or half-whatever-the-fuck-Falcone-was-supposed-to-be)

Went to church, which caused butthurt from NPCs

Woah lets not lump Sandler into Rogan’s area

My biggest problem with movie is """mature""" yet they pulled their punches real hard
>Oh shit did Alfred die?
>Oh shit Bruce's dad was a secret asshole?
>Oh shit the Riddlers knows Batman's identity?

Also i'm 100% convinced that the explanation that Alfred gives about Bruce's dad not being an asshole was added much later
>Back and forth for 10 minutes about it
>The last scene with Alfred
>It doesn't get brought up again

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>Oh shit the Riddlers knows Batman's identity?
Oh, I thought the Riddler did know but just didn’t reveal it to everybody?

>she continues to say she's fine with LE RIDDLER killing whites
Not killing "whites", killing the crooked people of Gotham. She talks about "white privilege" because her job is watching crooked and corrupt members of the ruling class, who are all white, engaging in the very criminal activities they're supposed to be and publicly claim to be fighting against and getting away with it.

It makes sense that she sees things this way but it's also true that the privileged white men aren't actually racist and the film doesn't try to make out they are. They're just selfish. There's nothing even covertly racist in regards to the black female politician, for example.

Riddler was on a brutal crusade against the corrupted, not because they were white. of course Selina agreed, she saw firsthand the shit they do to stay in power

Riddler didn't knew Bruce was Batman, I think that was the trailer doing a misdirection.
also, I'm pretty sure somehow Serkis had more screentime in Black Panther than in Batman, I'm mad about it

Alfred lied.
"Moment of weakness" is code for he was high on coke

I tought that too, but i rewatched and when he was saying "Bruuuuuuce" in Arkham he ended up saying "Bruce was the only that escaped" or some shit like that, his whole schtick was destroying Gotham with info right? Wouldn't that revelation blow up everyone's mind?

"What do you call a rat with wings...? Oh maybe its a penguin" says BATman.

Blinding an old Vietnamese man when he was a teenager

Jurassic World sucks

Holy fuck that had to be the stupidest fucking thing in the movie, i'm surprised that more people don't mention it

You forgot Lego

meds, now

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Hi kike

I don't think he knew. It wouldn't make sense for him to know. Riddler wasn't someone who knows everything about everyone. Riddler only knew what he knew because he happened to uncover the corruption in his job and started spying on specific people involved. Bruce Wayne, as far as he knew, was a recluse that never left his home and had nothing to do with Renewal. He does the "sins of the father" stuff but it's quite clear from the interrogation scene he resents Bruce because they were both orphans but Bruce was a hell of a lot more pampered than he was. If he knew Bruce Wayne was Batman he wouldn't have tried to kill him. He thought he and Batman were on the same wavelength. Knowing Batman was Bruce would have strengthened that considering the orphan connection.

Problem is that white privilege makes it seem like only white people can be privileged. It's a dumb line either way that came from the usual place.

teriary posters explained in one post.

It's brought up in the film. But they know the "rat" in question is a reference to the informer for the big drug bust and Batman knows that wasn't him and Gordon trusts Batman.