What is the game with the best AI?
What is the game with the best AI?
windows 7s chess
What is this comic even trying to say? What's the problem with donald trump having a twitter?
Freedom of speech is a threat to our democracy
Orange man bad so orange man must not be allowed to speak.
>le big meanie don't deserve freedom to express themselves >:(
Basically anyone who goes against the left's narratives is a chud incel and neo nazi who should be silenced forever.
People don't want democracy. Our society is too coward to manage freedom.
True. I'm a lefty and I want a technocracy. Working class people are too dumb to handle freedom.
How do the people get what they want if they can't say what they want
They get what the democratic party wants and like it. You better not ask questions
if they are obviously lying, yes.
You probably think you're not dumb and
>"I'm not working class"
Since when is Elon a Republican? Did he ever openly express his political views or or declare he has a Republican alienation/view on things? Or is this just another case of Yea Forums obsessing over twatter again?
BASED elon saving twatter!
Damn I had no idea how much seething and dilating Elon was gonna cause. Extremely based. Visions of the aftermath of 2016 all over the place.
>You we're there when corporations were
able to DELETE AND BAN THE PRESIDENT of a country
Fucking crazy.
What happened to private company, they can do whatever they want? Did that only apply when twitter was banning people they didn't like?
I'm not
Anyone not a neoliberal or far left is a nazi
Stalker CoP
>Twitter trannies unironically want censorship
WTF happened to the rest of the internet?
the tubes have been shrinking (consolidating) and growing (dumb zoomers and niggers logging in from their goyphones) at the same time for decades
not only that but for almost nothing
when leaders of terrorist cells who behead journalists still have twitters
the impeached president*
Little Computer People on C64
Not really.
AI is a meme, it's just code. Nothing about AI is Intelligent, it's as dumb as it gets.
The AI is fucking blind in that game. Probably because maps are tiny (I still love the maps).
That's good. At least you try to convince yourself, it's a fine attitude
whos that guy in the horse
theres no label I dont know whos that?!
I don't believe for a second that all the faggots who spend 15 hours a day on twitter will suddenly leave because le reddit millonaire bought it
Seethe more, peasant
>Disney is set to lose a zone where it can create its own laws and evade taxes in Florida
>Govenors and Twitter checkmarks think this is a bad thing and are fighting it hard
Hope you like Corporate Dystopia stories, 'cause tonight you're in one.
its just like when Hiro bought Yea Forums, people will kick and scream but they will come back the next day
Elden Musk
Ignoring their aim, I'd say CS:S' and CS:GO Deathmatch AI is pretty good
L4D2 AI director was pretty advanced
Best AI I've seen from games I played woul probably be MGSV or Hitman 3, since Player-to-AI interactions are the main gameplay point there...
Isn't Trump still trying to push his stupid Truth social media thing? Granted it's going completely awful at the moment but I don't think he's really getting back on Twitter any time soon.
You willingly chose to out yourself as a retard, might as well get some (You)s right?
elon supports "green energy" and carbon taxation
People are really losing their fucking mind at the mere idea of their safe space being compromised, huh?
going against the left's narative is in itself proof someone is "obviously lying"
Probably the best Rugal AI. Really fucking challenging but not too difficult.
whatever it is it has nothing to do with video games
legitimately i'm a retard
i am going to kill you
All these faggots pretending to be upset about this and the maybe return of Trump.
They love Trump, they live to seethe at whatever shitpost he made that hour and people have based careers around the man
>The person in charge of the most powerful country in the world, spewing lies non-stop, and proving he is a retard
>No problem with it
He was an absolute disgrace to this country. He was trying to spin things that had live video footage proving him wrong on multiple occasions.
The same guy that tried to divide NATO and wanted America to have less involvement, as Putin was preparing his plans.
he said he wouldn't go back even if Elon let him but who knows, I honestly hope he does because his tweets were hilarious
I don't understand the image, why is Trump inside the Trojan Horse?
No but they will send chainposts stating how mad they are. Probably happening right now.
Can't even reply properly. You shouldn't be here
>>The person in charge of the most powerful country in the world, spewing lies non-stop,
why do azns kill so little
low T?
how do we get azns to kill more
>The same guy that tried to divide NATO and wanted America to have less involvement
And this is a bad thing to you? Why should one country focus on another country's affairs?
i am here and i am a retard and you are going to suffer the consequences of how stupid i am you fucking genius
i am going to ruin society and you are just going to whine bitch and seethe and do nothing about it
I don't think he will if we're being honest here. He's got too much money invested into this stupid project of his and his own ego kinda rides on it. Coming back to Twitter would just be a bitch move on his part since it pretty much shows that he's nothing without it.
What is this cryptic shit? Can I have some context?
>I'm a lefty and I want a technocracy.
I hate Americans so fucking much, it's unreal
elon bought twitter
elon is against banning people for having different opinions
the comic implies that elon is advocating for free speech to bring back trump on twitter.
how did a fat boomer with a combover manage to break so many people mentally
Leftist are scared because free speech on twitter means they can't censor people they dont like anymore
Those other countries have nuclear weapons and would pose a threat to us otherwise. Hence our large involvement with Germany.
>The same guy that tried to divide NATO
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but that's based if true, fuck Nato
>he has the audacity to say this while a mummy with dementia is his president
lmao, at least trump didn't allucinate on stage an is still able to talk
ok what's the problem? Using Trojan Horse imagery implies he would have to do it in secret for some reason.
>we need to threaten other nuclear powers before they can threaten us
Shouldn’t you be with the Reddit army getting rekt by migs
>He was trying to spin things that had live video footage proving him wrong on multiple occasions.
name one commiecunt
I would also fight for it as a diddler, since they closed down EpsteinLand
Look at him, so cute, he thinks he would be in the ruling class.
>Those other countries have nuclear weapons and would pose a threat to us otherwise
Except we're doing shit to them before they do shit to us? That's not how this shit works. You should start doing this stuff AFTER they try and attack your country.
Stop defending the US being a bunch of invaders you fucking warmonger.
your idiot is not better than the current idiot, idiot
Elon Musk: (sniffing and making squeaking noises under sheet)
Grimes: oh, is there a muskrat in the bed?
Musk: (squeaky voice) Muskrat wants to burrow in the grimy hole
Grimes: wellllll okaaaaay
don't ask me, the comic is retarded.
offtopic shit
sage and ignore
Little Zoom, did you not learn history. One person wants to own the biggest social media website for himself...while claiming "Free Speech".
The comic refers to the Trojan Horse. When two warring countries were divided by an unpenetrable fort, one side rolled in a giant wooden horse statue, as tribute. The statue contained enemy soldiers that waited till nightfall, then immediately attacked the guards at the gate and opened it up for the rest of the army to invade and murder the troops inside the fort.
you'd like Disney World too because they use that self-governing zone to cover up pedo rings going on between employees and higher ups at the parks.
I laughed like a fucking retard
>i am here and i am a retard
You've made that clear long ago
i'm not trying to shut the current idiot up
I got banned 2 times for shit talking the """vaccine""" and 1 time for calling Ursula von der Leyen a cunt, can't wait to go back to this shithole and fully unleash my schizo autism on the NPCs.
Did Millenials run out of reasons to hate Trump since the news stopped talking about him and just made Redditor Musk their new target?
>L4D2 AI director
I swear to God this nigger seems like to have a mind of its own where you play mind games with it in order for you and your team to progress. Its definitely a very good and soulful AI.
Lefties aren't actually saying that. If they said that, the first amendment would start to apply, and they can't have that.