Violent content in video game are fine and don't cause violence

>Violent content in video game are fine and don't cause violence.
>Getting a rush and enjoying slaughtering humans in a game doesn't say anything about you
>it's fictional so it's fine

>sexual content in video games is bad and causes people to be rapists.
>When you get turned by something it dictates everything about you
>just because it's fictional doesnt mean it's fine

Why does Yea Forums hold these views now?
Does fiction matter or not?
Why is sex so bad but violence is considered good? Both cause enjoyment, sexual enjoyment isn't better or worse than enjoying bloodshed. Not everybody on /h/ rapes nor does /k/ commit murder, so what gives Yea Forums?

Do you just hate sex?

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Blame americans, christianity warped their brain to hate sex so much so that even now non-christians are grossed out. Strangely they want violence, so much for being devout.

>Why does Yea Forums hold these views now?
It doesn't. Yea Forums does not actually hold most of the views it expresses. What happens is
>a certain group of people are a bit too loud in their enjoyment of [thing] on Yea Forums
>a butthurt group adopts the stance that is against [thing] purely because they don't like seeing it posted on Yea Forums
There are no actual moralfags, no actual social crusaders, just butthurt anons trying to drive out things they don't like.

>Why does Yea Forums hold these views now?
You are a muppet. These views are held by America as a whole.
You are not the first person here to echo this exact same sentiment.

I used to think that getting mad over sexualization was silly until I browsed the porn threads here and realized that most of these posters are kids who grew up watching porn and are ridiculously easy to bait and make mad even by gen Z (AKA "the internet is very serious business and I cannot recognize sarcasm and bait unless it's on Discord" generation) standards, when cvmbrain was not wordfiltered the porn threads were in shambles because they always raged at the word. The obsession with making their cocks feel good turned them into faggots about it, and every time some porn general from another board like /trash/ tours Yea Forums their threads are full of unbearably autistic in-jokes. Zoomers will turn anything into an identity these days.

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Sex and violence should both be allowed but if you would give up violence before giving up sex there's something deeply wrong with you

I wasn't expecting to enter this thread to such well thought out and serious answers.
Good show, all of you.

That's a tasty looking elephant.

Top post

There's no way that's a real elephant, right...?

This elephant picture is so good though... just look at the beautiful lush nature all around. Man was made to enjoy such natural beauty. I would like to be here

Yeah they’re like fish who don’t know they’re swimming in water. ‘Dude it’s just an anime thread, dude it’s just pixels, come on man everyone here acts like this, this is just life man’ when you’re in a thread of like 350 pictures of cartoonish giant tit edits.

I'd love to strawberry my dick in that elephant if you know what I mean

>Getting a rush and enjoying slaughtering humans in a game doesn't say anything about you
It depends on the context and tone. There's an obvious difference between killing bad guys and killing innocents, and in the latter case there's also the obvious difference between doing it in a shitpost of a game like Saint's Row 3/4 vs an unironic edgy game like Hatred.

Also the appeal of FPS games isn't killing people, it's that it has the same appeal as playing paintball, laser tag, nerf guns and water pistols.

>sexual content in video games is bad and causes people to be rapists.
>When you get turned by something it dictates everything about you
Sexually deviancy and the delusions fictional women can cause in people is very real. On this board and other ones I have already seen what happens to people who consoom too much animu and vidya; people unironically so used to looking at supermodels they unironically think people like Gal Gadot and Cherrikissu look like Men and that Shima Luan from Planet Dolan sounds like a man impersonating a woman.

>Blame americans, christianity warped their brain
no, hate unironic evangelicals and puritans
somehow in the last 5 years they have flooded this site
old Yea Forums was never this prudish; nowadays you can even see people on Yea Forums being pro Bush and defending his interventionism
it's madness

Wtf this can't be real

When you have His Word there is no need to fear.

maybe related to what you said
what i've see happen more and more is this:
>user tries popular praised game
>doesn't like it
>think that since everyone else like it there could be something wrong with him
>reverses the situation rationalizing that everyone else is actually wrong
when in reality it was neither, just a rare controversial opinion
and said user becomes a spammer derailing threads about said game
and if you search the archives he posts 400 times a month

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There's no established link between depictions of violence in media and real acts of violence.
The same cannot be said about pornography, and this is backed up by extensive research.
What's hard to understand about this?

Most men watch porn but arent rapists because of it.
There are fringr instances but the same could be said for any violent media leading somebody to the act


Most people here still like sexy things in vidya. It's a loud, vocal minority from other sites that makes it seem like we don't. These people desperately want to change the culture here because it's "problematic."

Exposure to anything as a child is much more damning whatever it is. It just so happens sex is a much more personal thing and easily accessible to the individual as opposed to a weapon. You can do whatever you want to your dick, but you can just shoot someone.
I've been jacking since I was 9, so I had 19 years of issues to overcome. Obviously it was exasperated by home life.

>Why does Yea Forums hold these views now?

Election tourist faggotry that sticks around everywhere after 2016
It's why suddenly everyone is the most pious, Bible thumping, moron you'll ever meet, because they're not liberal democrats or some shit.

Ironically these are the same kind of people who can not go a single thread without mentioning trannies

It's called bait.

Violence and monsters are cool while women are gay and have cooties

Spammed words on Yea Forums tend to get filtered as a general rule.
Such as:
You just want to try and push more of the contrarian 'porn is bad' shit that started on reddit and filtered here.

>Man brutally murders 500 people

Why are Americans like this?

I'm sorry you were cheated out of your childhood. Probably sexually abused.

It's not fucking bible thumpers and christians whining about it, though. It's fuckers from resters and reddit.

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A little but it wasn't what you would think. Younger sister sis shit to me lol

>I've been jacking since I was 9, so I had 19 years of issues to overcome
user, masturbating was NOT your problem, your fucked up home life and mental issues are.

Funny how incel never was, though.

Both of these

It was the ease of access to the materials. Im not saying it occurred in a vacuum but it's a more frequent thing for people now.

Fapping at age 9 is a clear sign of mental issues though

Because they are everywhere

It was never spammed to the same amount as the previous words were, not even close.

user, I'm not gonna argue with your casual observations when there are actual studies on the matter.
Porn is addictive and leads to aberrant (and possibly criminal) sexual behavior over a long period of time.
You are welcome to dispute this, but not if you are gonna keep drawing parallels to an unrelated topic for no reason.

>unironically liking XBC2
Lmao peak cringe

Imagine the smell


>It's the christians
No, it's leftoid pseuds that unironically think it makes them intelligent to be repulsed by women and scared of breasts. Unironically it's born from leftist thought and feminists that RAGE out when the female body isn't their exclusive domain to control. It's born from those politics, it's not christians from the bible belt censoring games in California. The only correct answer is to blame neo-liberals, retarded women and their american/anglosphere enablers.

This is 10 times worse with niche games that get popular on Yea Forums. If user doesn't like it then it must be the EEEEEEEBIL shills and the devs themselves. Every time you say you like it? It's "your game". You can't like it. Look at these scores. Look at these sales. You don't actually like it, you just pretend you do. etc. etc.

Porn usage is an incredibly slipper slope.

>Fapping at age 9 is a clear sign of mental issues though
It is an expression, but you are implying it was the problem, then trying to extrapolate it to sex being the problem.
This is stupid.

>The same cannot be said about pornography, and this is backed up by extensive research.
t. guy who has no read extensive research

>and possibly criminal
This is the moment where you went off the rails.
You are prescribing criminal actions where there is no evidence of such a thing.
This would get you laughed out of a psych class outright, unless you were pushing an agenda the professor agreed with.

I'm notnsaying porn addiction doesnt exist I'm just saying people that watch porn don't become rapists.

>porn makes people rape
>rape is highest in third-world countries where the access to porn is much lower

Please stop posting about something you have no clue about. user was right on the money there.

They become nonces.

Then post the study that attributes pornography to criminal acts.
It's right there on the shelf right next to study that says violent video games lead to criminal acts.

No one says porn makes you rape though. You started this whole thing based on nonsense. What it does do as an addiction is destroy ability for relationships and leads to degeneracy as the addiction is harder to sate.

>i enter a thread about a game i didn't like to ruin it
>i will get mad doing so

>equating games to porn
Zoomer spotted

>porn causes rape
>very very few games have porn
Ok, so how do video games cause rape again?

Agreed on exposure at a young age, but I don't think there are too many 9-year-olds on Yea Forums who need to be kept safe.


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What does Yea Forums have to do with it?

"some please think of the children" is peak protestant mom and new born-again puritanical 4chinners

>doesn't know about h-games
>oomerpostng retard
Your next line will be
>uhhh h-games are not actually games because...they aren't
or another flavor of "it doesn't count"

Well you got people saying loli in games makes people pedophiles that want to rape real kids, people saying furries want to fuck real animals etc. Basically any sexual fetish means that person with do that.

>consuming media doesn't lead to criminality
>but consuming THIS media DOES!
Prove it, faggot.
Link the study right now.
You can't, because it's bullshit.

>nobody actually puts video game beauty standards onto real people
Lmao, she's literally never seen this site before.

That's why you don't listen to individual retards and you refer to studies

believe it or not this is actually how 99% of people actually think

Then ignore them because they're idiots

Porn is not inherently addictive. The majority of people can jack off without n

>H games are mainstream
Okay son

Ignoring them doesn't exactly work when they eventually get games banned/censored/blacklisted

Porn is inherently addictive.

>Why is sex so bad but violence is considered good?
amerimutt values

Fuck off, you're just as retarded as they are.

So you don't believe they get games banned/censored/blacklisted or what are you conveying here? Explain yourself if you actually give a shit about discussion.

>this thing that feels good can't be addictive

>Why does Yea Forums hold these views now?
They don’t. Stop being a faggot OP.
Also complain towards card credit companies not allowing penis content

>Oh no ten people said something online
Piss off you stupid cunt. You have nothing to say.

He knows user he's not here to argue honestly he's here to deflect the blame and try to shut down the conversation because taking personal responsbility for the retarded politics he practices makes him culpable of damaging the medium.

Nah, that's like saying anything that causes pleasure chemicals is addictive. Anything can become addictive if you're messed up enough. If it was inherently addictive, we wouldn't have a civilization.

Prove it then

They know it happens and when you post instances o it happening, they act like they don't count or just call you a name.

>it's not Americans and Christians it's actually neolibs!!!!!
>thread is full of people showing the contrary is true
sorry not everything is a raid
sometimes it's organic users, maybe from 4 or 5 years ago

Therefore you admit it's addictive lol

Because violence is fake and kids are exposed.
Sex is wrong in games because kids are exposed and its the molestation of young children you fucking groomers


i wish that user would kill himself

That's for conceding

I must've misunderstood the argument. I thought it was, "why is being a coomer on Yea Forums seen as bad"; rather than "why does Yea Forums dislike coomers so much."

At that point then I can conede on porn, if someone's playing Gal Monster or Rance games at age 11 there's something going wrong. It's just that most of the discussion I see on Yea Forums isn't "porn games shouldn't exist" but "this popular game shouldn't have boobies" or "user needs to stop posting about Zelda's butt". If there's some regular discussion around the dangers of porn as a medium on Yea Forums then I haven't seen it and I'm not sure what OP's on about. Most of the discussion I've seen in that regards comes from /r/NoFap and related Reddit spots.

>It's bible bashers that control California
Why are you lying on the internet?

>and if you search the archives he posts 400 times a month
kek i know one always the same webm same filename

No one has posted shit saying it's not neolibs. Let me guess, you think this is a christian.

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Harder drugs are inherently addictive because they cause you to form a dependence on them. Pleasureful things do not inherently do that. It's possible for them to affect certain people negatively, but that seems to be something haywire in how their pleasure chemicals work rather than the thing they're addicted to. Whether it's porn, gambling, etc, they're not inherently going to grab everyone, else everyone would be gacha coombrains or wasting money in a casino.

Yeah I think OP lost an argument in another thread or something.