Devs change gameplay drastically

>devs change gameplay drastically
>people love it
any examples? i can only think of Resident Evil 4

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Kingdom hearts 2

madden 19




Yakuza 7

Mario 64
Zelda Botw
Red faction
Team fortress


ah yeah those too, and maybe zelda

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From 2d to prime

That wasn't a drastic change as much as they made it more flashy.

>people loved aragami 2
Lmao lol rofl and every other laugh I can possibly think of. Nobody liked Aragami 2. Not a single person. It fucking flopped so hard it's embarassing.

I guess Shantae and Pirate's Curse? I mean in other Shantae games, you transform into animals, this one you just use pirate gear

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Tony Hawk's Underground, THPS4 is the game that cranked up the ridiculousness but it really lacked the ability to get off your board

>nobody mentioned Fortnite
God this place really went to shit

Is that her version of shinespark?

Resident Evil 7

Just Cause 2


At least 6 was fun in places.
7 is just another fucking outlast, but with less weird bullshit and even more boring.


>7 is just another fucking outlast
You didn't play it.

Postal 2? Completely different game but that's the one people remember most fondly.

>devs change gameplay slightly
>people HATE it
name one game besides poe

I did.
It is still just another fucking outlast

Again you didn't play it

>devs change gameplay drastically
>different, larger group of people love it because they sold out
Fixed that for you. Resident Evil 4 wasn't loved despite changing the formula. It was loved, by people who enjoy shooters instead of survival horror, because it abandoned survival horror and became a shooter. Ghost Recon Wildlands ended up massively popular too. Not because it changed the way GR games operate leading to an expansion of an existing audience, but because it was made into a formulaic Ubisoft AAA open world game, leading to the replacement of its original audience with a different, much bigger one. Selling out and abandoning your fans is not the same thing as improvement and innovation.

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Crash Bandicoot 2

selling out and making more money is always the correct choice

If you did play it and got the impression that RE7 is another Outlast, then you must think that Outlast is a carbon copy of Resident Evil 1 in first person. Because RE7 is a carbon copy of RE1 in first person.

paper mario

If you're a Montréal game studio executive, sure. You can indeed maximize profits and minimize principles and integrity by creating a designed-by-committee formula of pumping out yearly titles of nearly identical open world schlock. Mathematically the most profitable venture possible. "Something for everyone" translating to "nothing for no one", translating to money for you.

it's more like Pirate's Curse is just better than her other games

have you seen what gta 1 and 2 are like?

Prod with the prod, just in case though, we're police

Does Alien Isolation count? since before this game Alien games had always been action shooters.

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You not liking it doesn't mean "people" don't like it
Even Fallout 3 is far more popular than 1 and 2 ever were
(No, this does not make it good before one of you has a sperg attack)

don't associate you're retarded fake opinions with Deus Ex memes, zoomer.
Re3 was as much of an action game as 4. The only people who think otherwise either didn't play re3 or played it when they were too young to notice

Are you even trying?

>very different cast and cast chemistry
>no dumb family bullshit dreams
>very different atmosphere
>no rEmEmBeR We aRe Re moments (duh)

>very different cast and cast chemistry
What does that even mean? RE has tons of different characters you play as throughout the series.
>>no dumb family bullshit dreams
>very different atmosphere
it's gothic Southern B movie horror
RE1 Gothic B movie horror the only difference is that RE7 has a Southern theme.
>>no rEmEmBeR We aRe Re moments (duh)
I'm confused are you complaining that the game isn't pandering to old fans with "remember this?! bullshit?
Because RE7 does have plenty of call backs and references to old titles it just never get's obnoxious with it.

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1.6 babies can suck my dick, molotovs changed the game and the movement is super smooth vs whatever garbage valorant has with this "1-shot-stop+get fucked over with being snapped back by latency but nothing happens if youre midair lmaooo"

And their balance decisions arent the worst in recent years
>you now realise revolver was added in late 2015
>negev became a lazer beam in 2017
>kreig and aug were proven to be unnoticed as OP two years ago

>calling 1.6chads babies

Maybe its daddy dream and Chris?
Family is kinda normal regular nu-horror tripe.

Mass Effect 2

For real 1.5 had real bhops without in engine scripts, CS died with 1.6

I kinda want to say Command and Conquer Generals but that's a game that became beloved as the years went by. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the case back during release since it wasn't "C&C gameplay"..

>Because RE7 is a carbon copy of RE1 in first person.
So you never actually played RE1.

RE has never been scary lol

>Both are survival horror games
>both focus on resource management
>Both have a heavy focus on B movie horror
>Both are about slowly exploring a large setting unlocking areas that interconnect to one another
>Both are about key hunting item hunting and puzzles
>Both have dark spooky atmospheres
>Both are about Bio terror breaking lose and turning people into monsters
>Both are about starting weak and helpless and turning into a bad ass armed to the teeth with guns and ammo

Sounds like RE1 to me it's the same shit but first person.

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It doesn't count because the games have different audiences. You'd have to specifically look at people who were fans of Fallout 1 and 2 prior to Bethesda's Fallout 3, and liked the completely different gameplay style (along with everything else, but that's beside the point). Even less so if you focus on people who actively liked the gameplay of the first two games, rather than simply tolerated it because they liked the other parts.

Jesus christ user, you could say that fucking Minecraft is a like RE1 with those vauge statements.

lmao coping hard uh. Fallout 3 is how Fallout got really big like it or not.

It really isnt.

...just like outlast

It even has the same weapon roster and map progression. Pistol, shotgun, knife, flamer, launcher, magnum, end boss gun. And mansion, guest house, caverns, lab. The game even ends in a helicopter ride to the sunrise, with the end theme of REmake playing in an identical manner.

Jesus you guy's are fucking retarded.
Come back with real arguments next time.

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You're saying that but what have you said that proves your point? You've basically just listed the key elements of every survival horror and can slot anything in n there like Dead Space for instance.

delusion faggot, i bet you think GTA was big before 3 too lole

Yes retard it's a survival horror game like RE1
Guess what Outlast isn't? it's not a survival horror game almost every point I just listed here is not in Outlast
Are you getting the picture or do I have to keep spoon feeding you?

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user probably thinks that RE7 is a P.T rip-off as well, despite the fact that P.T is neither a game nor does it have mechanics. If it has scary elements and is in first person, it has to be an Outlast rip-off. Because when one is an insufferable zoomer who grew up on Pewdiepie, Outlast is the only thing one knows.
System Shock 1 is the best Outlast rip-off btw

Fallout 1 sold 3.5 copies back in the day
Fallout 3 is of course complete garbage, but it sold like a discounted onahole