When the FUCK will they announce it

When the FUCK will they announce it

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summer game fest

they haven't even announced the re8 dlc

Its not fucking happening, retarded sheep. It was never happening. Its just journalists making shit up because RE2 and RE3 were recently remade.

>shittiest game with gayest protag that tanked the series into cringe action yank and buried classic re1-3 forever, get a "remake"

crapcom needs to die, pronto. 4 is literal cancer.

Why would you even want it? 4 is fine as it is. If anything they should remake Code Veronica or the Outbreaks like everyone keeps wanting.

hopefully never because it won't surpass the original

it doesnt real

Not happening until 20y anniversary of RE4.

Hopefully soon so they can get to the real best game.

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The rumor was that there would be an announcement in early 2022 right? Maybe in May then?

Why would they remake anything after 5? They still hold up. Also yes RE5 is the best RE of all time.

Think we'll get the godhand dodge in the remake?

were the leaks talking about clair being in this real or not?
I'm sorry user but no one cares about cv or outbreak, they wouldn't make a remake for a game that didn't sold as much as the numbered games

Outbreak would sell today though, it didn't take off back in the day because PS2 online was already rare.

The loading time killed it for me.. would play it on PC though

I doubt it, REsistance was basically a modern take on a multiplayer re and it flopped, why would outbreak be any different?

Because nobody even asked for REsistance. It was a 4v1 boring ass PVP game. It's like what they're doing with that other PVP game REverse. It's like Capcom enjoy throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Most people expected a modern take on outbreak but we got a game no one asked for.
Same shit happened with umbrella corp

Right after code veronica remake

> When the FUCK will they announce it

When can i consooooom?

God youre a faggot.

This game already announced it going to be full of pozzed aids shit. There is no reason to play it

Why did they have to fuck up RE3 so badly when they did a good job of RE2?

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They got high off the success and believed the worst parts of Re2 were what everyone loved.

Literally made the same mistake twice.
And it's worse than then original

I seriously wish and pray they cancel any kind of attempts to ever "remake" this absolutely perfect masterpiece.

The RE4 VR, DEmake2-3 and RE7-8 are all warning examples how the modern triple-A hacks work.

>when they did a good job of RE2?
Oh fuck off and wake the hell up. DEmake2 was JUST AS BAD as you faggots make DEmake3 sound like. Cut TONS of content and replay-value, destroyed the script and characters, ruined gameplay and OST. There's not a single redeeming element about neither one of those trash reboots.

Just play the original with the re4HD mod.

i will find you one day for writing this.

They just released re4 vr months ago, why would they release re4 remake?

capcom 2020 leaks (which have all been proven accurate so far) confirmed it

Except actual assets have been leaked already, and it was confirmed by the Nvidia leak. Cope and seethe fag, it's happening.

Village already felt like I was playing a reimagined version of RE4 so I don't know what they're going to do with this. They will inevitably leave out a ton of shit because the original is LONG, so I would prefer if they went in a radically different direction so that it doesn't end up as just a trimmed, prettier version of RE4.

>no announcement of Code vREonica yet
>Claire's face model is in limbo
>REMake 4 coming out any day now
>guaranteed to be another huge smash hit
Badalutabros.... How do we stay courteous???

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They gave REMake 2 to the A Team
They gave REMake 3 to the B Team.
Original RE2 is a much better game than Original RE3 anyways.

threadly reminder that ashley in RE engine WILL look cute

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Imagine thinking that

i think nu ada, nu claire and nu jill are great so chances are ashley will look fine too

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She's still going to be annoying as fuck and you won't be able to interact with her in any meaningful ways like looking up her skirt.

Usually Platinum fanboys will claim their is a Team B. Yet with Resident Evil 3, Capcom literally outsourced the game to an entirely different team, in order to have it release within reasonable time after Resident Evil 2. HUGE mistake.

They have to prepare a PS4 port first so it sells more than 3 copies.

Is Village worth playing?

I want some sort of military survival horror based in Raccoon City. A shame ORC kinda sucked ass.

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They will probably censor her

might aswell wait for the dlc and a complete edition at this point

RE4 is trash. The older games are the only good ones

Yes. Be aware that the game is front loaded, meaning the best parts are within the first 5 ir so hours, but I found it pretty enjoyable throughout. Halfway through they get rid of any sense of horror and it basically becomes an action shooter (not a bad one mind you, but if you're in it purely for survival horror you'll be put off). Personally I still thought it was a great game though, especially if you're invested in Ethans character from RE7.

yeah 'm thinking she's gonna be cute

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and do what. piss your panties???

shut up bitch

why do people want to play this game again lol, they been about 4 remasters already

People still hope that capcom can deliver like they did with REmake 1.

>REmake 1.
they didnt remake re1 it was a remaster. the game exactly the same as the game cube version

i wonder how ugly they'll make the females again, and if it will be censored like the VR remake

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they need to stop wasting time on remakes and progress the story further already. why is there no sherry game where i have super healing powers? why is the next game the protag is rose with whatever powers she has? what happened to jake is he weskey 2.0 now?

There's never enough remakes for you retards. Maybe the games aren't that good if you need each one to be remade 10 times per console gen.

the only reason people want this at all is to get a model of ashley in the new engine to fap to. that is it.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that this:
>Sony needs PS5 games
>Sony calls up Capcom and pays for RE4 to be a PS5 exclusive
>Capcom has been developing RE4 for PS4 & PS5 up until this point, but now that it's a PS5 exclusive, they need to make the game look better
>All this extra time will be spent making more expensive models and in the end the game is only gonna be 3 hours long because of this
Either that or even without the exclusives, at some point it was decided to go entirely next gen and thus the same thing would happen.

imagine thinking Claire and Nico aren't cute
you're gay as fuck user.

>progress the Story further
The Story peaked with 5 everything after it got progressively worse.
The other wesker could have saved it maybe, but even that ended pretty shitty

>All this extra time will be spent making more expensive models
This isn't likely at all. For a multiplat game generally the game gets made for the more powerful system and then models and textures get downscaled and framerate compromises are made. Your theory is not how game dev works at all.

>Be RE fan
>Been playing resident evil 3 remake remake remastered rehydrated HD Remix
>RE remake app pings on my phone
>Capcom finally released Resident Evil 2 Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-make
>Pay $80 and start playing
>Mfw enjoying it but starting to worry that it's been almost seven seconds since the last resident evil remake

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This. Honestly.

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