Obviously it's nothing like what it was supposed to be but is it still worth playing? On sale and I got nothing else atm

Obviously it's nothing like what it was supposed to be but is it still worth playing? On sale and I got nothing else atm

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Because it's still a buggy trash game

Yes. Unironically has some love put into it once you wipe away the filth.

10/10 game worth every penis.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 (20).jpg (980x886, 191.28K)

Nope. I tried to play it first time with 1.5 patch and the game t-posed right in the intro.
Played this garbage about half way through, it's a very bland and boring console game for NPCs and otherkin.
Speaking of otherkin, there literally populated their future city with troons.
Game is repulsive, woke and gay, stay far away.

the story deals with heavy themes. existential crisis, suicide, using religion for profit etc..
people don't lie when they say that the story is well written because it is. the writer obviously had a high IQ, not your typical out of touch rockstar stories.

It's absolutely worth £25 or so, had great fun with it; dive into the story, take it seriously, RP like you're playing a TTRPG. I'm about 5 hours into my second playthrough and just about now feeling the grind

opinion discarded

>Obviously it's nothing like what it was supposed to be but is it still worth playing?
If you are fine with the fact that you are getting a game that is more a spiritual successor to Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, than resembling anything like GTA or even The Witcher, it's pretty decent, and some of the still-present issues can be pretty easily mitigated by a handful of smaller mods or a bit of config fuckery.

The settings, story, writing, characters, world-building and art direction are some of the best you'll ever find in an AAA game.
The gameplay itself is flawed, but interesting. It's very heavily geared towards a DX-style "infiltration" type of gameplay - with surprisingly really well designed individual gameplay arena's that facilitate a ton of possible approaches depending on your build. And yeah, your build does matter, especially on higher difficulties. I found the game by far most satisfying on the hardest difficulty, but it's worth keeping in mind that setting makes combat-focused approach nearly impossible in early game, and still pretty hard in mid and late game.
The game's biggest issue is related to that, and it's one of ballance. Combat scales decently with difficulty and power-creep, but stealth and even more so quickhacking - don't. In fact, the game has virtually NO means to increase the challenge against hack-oriented character, which can make you hilariously overpowered regardless of the difficulty settings.

It's also worth to really keep yourself reminding that this is open-world game in name only. The open world is cosmetic. Beautiful to explore, a artistic achievement in terms of environmental design and storytelling - but that is it.
The actual gameplay, much in games like VTM:B or DX:HR, is almost entirely limited to functionally separate, hand crafted combat/stealth/hacking arena's.

It has lot of other minor issues, but ultimately, once I've learned what to expect, I have enjoyed the game a lot.

Nope, game's a waste of time.

This is probably the most accurate review I've seen of this game, nice one

you are obsessed

If you can get it for 5 bux or less, sure.

On sale, yes, it's just about worth it.

's review is interesting, but I think he's distorting things. Fact is, if you go into Cyberpunk genuinely expecting to encounter among the best story and characters you can experience in a game, you'll be disappointed. The story and characters are cliched and they don't find a way to escape their cliches as the story progresses. I would say it's about on par with the story and characters in a modern AssCreed game.
As for the games biggest issue, it isn't lack of balance, it's lack of content. That's fundamentally why the game is only worth it on sale. There just isn't that much to do. The main campaign is short and there are only about 2 side-quests that have any meat on them at all.

I'm not buying it until all DLCs release and there's a bundle version, I bought witcher 3 last time and cdpr then made the season pass cost as much as the game bundled with everything, effectively making me buy it twice

the marketing truly was the game's worst enemy. They tried so hard to paint it as a rockstar open world that you still see people shit their pants that you can't play minigames that were never even on the menu.
But i have to add that yes, the areas are beautifully designed for gameplay purpouses. Once i went full stealth with double jump it was surprising just how well the game was designed around it and how fun it was.

decent-to-good story and characters
good aesthetic
dog shit gameplay, still has laughable bugs like t posing and character skin not fully loading so you can watch hair and eyeballs float around for 10 seconds at a time in scenes

huge disappointment

>but is it still worth playing?

That's up to you.
The story is not mind blowing
There's not real roleplaying
The combat can be kind of fun, I like bunny jumping everywhere
You can't treat it as a dating sim because they only put effort in Panam and gay men don't even have a romance option, hell, your V outright can't be gay, you're forced in straight scenes and shoved gross naked bleeding front holes at your face all the time.

The game really doesn't stand out at anything. When a game is bad at something it usually has other redeeming features. Like how people hate Witcher for the combat but love it for the story, or how they hate Skyrim for being shallow but love it for the exploration and comfyness, etc.

Cyberpunk doesn't have any of that. It can't be used even as a dating sim which is extremely sad.

Attached: Sips Jackie's cum.png (345x437, 264.29K)

shut up fag, you are mad because you can't romance jackie when the bartender is 100 times hotter.

But I don't even like jackie and the bartender was kinda meh. I like Blue Eyed Man.

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>I don't even like jackie
>Sips Jackie's cum.png

It's a funny filename. I mean nothing by it.

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>I got nothing else atm
If you have nothing else, get it and play it. Just make sure that your PC can run it. Pirate it and test it to make sure before buying it. That's what i did since my PC is somewhat a potato.
>inb4 you're a paypig opinion ignored
>inb4 you're a buy fag opinion ignored
I buy the games i like, yes. But i always pirate before buying.

upgrade your shitbox. i saw a grand total of 1 t-pose in 50+ hours of play. the game isn't woke, either. its called the dark future for a reason.

Do you like cinematic games and open worlds? Then yes, it's one of the best ever made.

If you're expecting GTA with flying cars, you'll be disappointed.

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why do PC fags love playing shit games? what happened to all that bragging about having every game ever made available to you?

Just wait another year for more updates. I'm patient.

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I never followed they hype and I played it and beat it. It's not a bad game, but after going back to Skyrim and a few other open world games, I think it falls flat.

The quest system is similar to Skyrim in the sense that you'll meet NPCs in the story and then build up quest lines with those NPCs, some of them branching out of other quests. To be honest, most of these quest lines boil down to eventually infiltrating some facility, getting caught, and then slaughtering everyone. Or if you manage to be good at stealth, not getting caught and choking everyone out boringly. Stealth is incredibly boring in the game and it's frustrating how much they use it.

Each quest line is heavily cutscene focused as well, making it hard to progress in the game without committing to 2-3 cutscenes.

The problem is that there isn't really much else to do outside of that. The "Open World" boils down to usually taking random jobs that involve shooting down some cyber-psychos.

The final issue is a story one, but not once did I ever care about V. V is a shitty person and there's 0 ability to decide on V's personality with your life choices or responses to questions. Usually the "nice" response is just sarcastic and there's no indication of that at first until you realize that V sucks. This makes most quest dialogue almost capeshit tier of quipping rather than meaningful dialogue. Plus the sex scenes are god awful, they might as well have not put them in.

tl;dr, save your money. I had a glitchless run but I'd imagine a glitch would make this game go from a 5/10 to a 1/10. You're better off replaying the Witcher 3, because at least the world and lore are of much higher quality and Geralt is at least somewhat likeable.

>after going back to skyrim it falls flat
Okay, so let's see.

>Stealth is just choking everyone out boringly
Like Skyrim.
>Each quest is heavily cutscene focused as well
This doesn't mean anything. It's a story heavy game. Skyrim is meant to be one too, except it's so bad, they didn't even try to make a good story.
>Open world is taking random jobs to fight random things
So the same as Skyrim.
>Final issue is that I didn't care about V.
And you cared about the nameless, featureless protagonist of Skyrim that you ALSO can't pick the lifestyle or personality of.
>Capeshit quips and dialog
So again, like Skyrim. Or rather, Skyrim is worse because you don't even get the choice to be snarky, just yes or no with 0 flavor.
>just replay the W3, world and lore are much better and Geralt is likeable

You mean the world that's almost entirely empty and uninteractible, the lore that's barely there and is just a bunch of monster folklore? Or Geralt being a massive cuck regardless of how you interact with Yen or Triss?

I don't mind people having legitimate complaints, the game does have serious issues, but comparing it to shit like Skyrim just make it obvious how massively biased they are. The Witcher 3 comparison is even more ridiculous since Cyberpunk is just Witcher 3 with a bigger budget and a better world and story.

>The Witcher 3 comparison is even more ridiculous since Cyberpunk is just Witcher 3 with a bigger budget and a better world and story.
Except there's actually a lot to do in Witcher 3.

There's a lot to do in Cyberpunk 2077.

Attached: 30 hours in ive somewhat cleared 1 district.jpg (1360x768, 311.1K)

Is there? Like clearing out 300 nameless nekker nests? Because again, CP77 does those better. If you're talking about side quests, again, CP77 does those better and has more of them. If you're talking about sight-seeing, again, CP77 does that better... So please tell me what you 'do' in the Witcher than you don't in Cyberpunk.

why did they make all cop quests have the same icon now? They used to be separated

>that map
Wow, the same group of 5 closely huddled dudes aimlessly standing around doing nothing to go and kill copy-pasted 500 times around the map, and a bunch of tarot card graffiti to stare at.
The game's content is dire and I despise you for trying to defend it so disingenuously.

having played both, you are absolutely delusional if you think cp77 has better side quests than witcher 3

>If you're talking about side quests, again, CP77 does those better and has more of them
I know you know you're lying.

>CP77 does those better
unironically this
>go to random NCPD blue marker
>two gonks killed a homeless man
>slice and dice them
>once you read the dead mans diary you get the location of his schizo stash cus he was losing his mind with paranoia
>you see a rave on the outskirts of the city with a lot of dead people and scumbags looting the bodies
>after you kill them you can loot the phones of the victims as see that they were lured to this rave by the gang with a message advertising the rave
or the one where you find the afterlife merc on one of the rooftops just as he has carried out a hit
Cyberpunk 2077 does even its most basic quests better than The Witcher 3. The only things that don't have lore story attached to them are the randomly generated gang attacks that can spawn on your minimap. Everything that is on the map with a marker has a story or even an arc.

Not him, but even those NCPD millions of missions that are just grinding fodder like nekker nests in W3 often have little bits of story and lore to them in dialog and text files/emails, etc.

But most importantly, side quests (and some gigs) are all completely unique, full with mocapped cutscenes, choices, world-building. Not a single one is dudes standing around for you to kill.
It's going scuba diving in a friend's submerged childhood home, or letting Johnny inhabit your body to play concerts with his old bandmates again.

You either didn't play the game or you're shitposting.

Okay so you didn't play the game at all, I see. At least I know I shouldn't bother replying.

>why did they make all cop quests have the same icon now?
You mean the organized crime activity quests and the regular NCPD bounty notifications? I don't know. But with the organized crime activity quests you'll always get the NCPD dispacher to notify you(unless you turned off the dispatch by mistake in the menu).

I don't think Skyrim is a perfect game, but I think it does everything Cyberpunk does but better. Same with the Witcher 3 desu. The open world in Witcher 3 at least has some variety in enemy types, towns, places of power, quest types. You can get both of those games for the price of Cyberpunk on sale and frankly they're much more enjoyable.

I didn't hate my run of Cyberpunk, I had a fun samurai build and just cut everyone to death, but I don't think I'd recommend i

Yes, definitely, if you have a decent PC of course.

>Not a single one is dudes standing around for you to kill.
Yes, that was the NCPD filler I was talking about, which makes up like 85% of the content in 's pic.
The side-quests are indeed better, but there's just not enough of them and not enough of the ones there *are* are good.

The only thing I'll give you in that entire post is that Witcher 3 did have more enemy variety. But even that falls flat considering the combat was so simplistic and repetitive. Towns, places of power, and quest types, absolutely not in any way shape or form.

>often have little bits of story and lore
Not often, ALL of them have a story attatched to them(some also have secondary quests as it has already been pointed out). The only NCPD warnings that don't have a story are the ones that randomly appear on your mini map.

Again, I know you know you're lying.
>If you're talking about side quests, again, CP77 does those better and has more of them
Just absolutely fuck off with that horseshit.

There's more sidequests in CP77 than the Witcher. And only one or two that aren't good (mostly the just the race questline or tarot). Even Delamain's questline that's just finding his malfunctioning AI split cars ends with an important 3 choice setup. Quests like River's, Judy's or Kerry's are all better than anything in W3.

Nope, even the NCPD random ones always have a minimum of one document giving background into what was happening.
There is literally 0 contextless combat in the entire game.

My pic does not show all the quests, My pic only shows the quests that are active at this stage of the storyline. This is right after The Heist. As you play more quests will open, there are also quests that open up with your street cred, quests that become available during differents time of the day, quests that become avilable as days pass in the game world.

One of us is lying. But unlike you, I can prove I've played both W3 and CP77. You clearly haven't, because you think Witcher's 'find this woman's frying pan with your epic witcher senses' sidequests can compare with Cyberpunk's ones that are entire character driven quest chains. But you wouldn't know, because you clearly played the game for a few hours, ran around shooting up random enemies in NCPD quests and thought that was the game.

>on sale
>gog game
It's literally free, user.

Are you sure? I think that the random ones that are just enemies spawned attacking NPCs don't have lore attached. I am talking about the ones that pop up as red blue warning signal on your minimap. It's possible that i am mistaken ofc.

If you're here just to shitpost maybe you should just switch to Yea Forums or /bant/.

>The story and characters are cliched and they don't find a way to escape their cliches as the story progresses
Can you expand your thoughts on this point here? I'm not sure I understand 100%

Also there are the Maelstrom car barricades that spawn from time to time on their gang turf. Those don't have lore either but they don't really need it.

Why do you ALWAYS make your characters look like Lord Farquaad?

it is a great game actually.

finished yesterday for a second time with melee + hacking character build and it was fun. the game has unlimited potential. if the polish cdpr scammers one day decide to deliver at least half of the promised features + add more quests on the level of Blood&Wine expansion then it will be a solid 9/10 maybe more.

I'm so pissed the game doesn't have more content

Every time I wanna replay it I remember that they decided to focus on le epic reddit man after the first act in favor of actual rpg stuff that people expected. Never fucking again.

It's alright, not great and still has some issues.

I have 20 hours in on a PS4 file where all of the gameplay is on the 1.5 patch

Just my general feeling about the story. It never went somewhere that I felt I wasn't already half-expecting. I didn't feel the characters really grew beyond their generic genre outlines into 3-dimensional people. The things they said, how they behaved, it was always a case of "yeh, I guess that's about what I'd expect". So what happened to Jackie, Panam, Johnny, Takemura, V, the Arasakas, I just never really connected to or cared much about any of it.

>Fact is, if you go into Cyberpunk genuinely expecting to encounter among the best story and characters you can experience in a game, you'll be disappointed.
Firstly, I said AAA game, not ANY game. Sure CP77 does not live up to fucking IPL games, but for an AAA title is very far above average. The story is a cyberpunk, that kinda the point and yeah, the tropes of the genre will be present because, well, that is the point of making a game literally named as the genre. But they are absolutely not just clichés. Comparing it to something like asscreed makes me wonder if you played the game, because absolutely not, that is entirely different level of writing.

>it isn't lack of balance, it's lack of content.
That is also pretty damn silly because there is quite a lot of content in the game. It may not reach the 150 hours vanilla TW3 had, but in this case that is a good thing.
The game is neither content sparse, nor needlessly dragged out. Around 80 hours of solid main and side quest, chuck another 40 at that if you take things slow and explore for the sake of exploring. Given the variety of options you are given in approaching most problems, and the fact the game does actually reward skill-switching from time to time, it's definitely not a game that lacks stuff to see and do.
The ballance is far more serious issue, because while the game has a lot of thing to do, the lack of ballance will remove the rewards of overcoming adversity that is one of the main motivations to do them other than world-building and narrative.


love it at 4k

its worth pirating