I don't get it.
I don't get it
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Che Guevara shirts.
capitalism eats everything it touches. Blue hairs crying and shitting over how evil late stage capitalism is on their apple laptops in starbucks is the classic example
If what you're doing isn't beneficial for the system, it cuts you off. If it is, it elevates and controls it
It means you need to *hustle*, Harry. You need to *grind*. You need to make reál hand over fist until you can win her back.
It means we don’t get to enjoy floating balloons in 30 years or old growth forests that predate empires. Every year that passes there less material beauty in the world.
Basically capitalism has the unique ability to commodity anti-capitalist symbols, media, and figures, and in turn, absorbs those "anti-capitalist" commodities into itself.
There is no greater beauty than humanity's ingenuity.
And no greater terror
wtf is endurance problem
think of that picture of a girl with 12$ coffee, expensive current trend boots and a macbook with fuck capitalism sticker on it, its all pretend
not a single human speak like that
He literally just told you. Women are his problem.
Capitalist countries are better at protecting nature that communist ones
Che Guevarra shirts.
Try living a tribalist life without technology and tell me about the terror of being cooked and eaten by a rival tribe, or eaten alive by wildlife.
Prove that or your mother will die tonight.
Break-ups suck.
but user what if vore is my fetish
Basically capitalism has a defense mechanism where all of your critiques are immediately invalid because you posted it from an iPhone
"Capitalism" doesn't exist, Marxism is an Abrahamic religion and it's just a word they use instead of "infidel" or "heathen".
this line is the biggest lefty cope of all time
middle class teenagers get together to make a purely commercial band with some vaguely anti-capitalist lyrics that no one can even make out then tell themselves their revolution never happened because "capitalism subsumes critique of itself"
meanwhile you go on a mainstream website and talk about how you don't want your country flooded with immigrants to sustain the economic system and you'll immediately get banned, why doesn't capitalism subsume that critique?
I love Joyce so much
This, pretty simple.
Genuinely missing the point. The point is that capitalism is able to turn critiques into products to be purchased and consumed, which in turn... you know what, fuck it, kill yourself in public.
I mean this shit is as elementary as Adam Smith or Keynes. Even Marx was saying this over a hundred years ago.
Then you'll have the time of your life... once.
>girl dancing to wet ass pussy on TikTok
Our world is a joke.
user you can still buy "make america great" hats
But it does. There's a shitton of people making a living out of the market niche of providing an echo chamber for critics of immigration. One of them runs this site, for instance.
This is a real observable phenomenon though, go to any Hot Topic, you'd have to be extremely in denial to say this isn't real
>meanwhile you go on a mainstream website and talk about how you don't want your country flooded with immigrants to sustain the economic system and you'll immediately get banned, why doesn't capitalism subsume that critique?
Because this exists outside of framework they think it. It is utmost, unspeakable blasphemy, it cancels your status as human. They don't talk about it, they talk about critique that exist within permitted world.
One critique system can't subsume is a critique leveraged on something even more concrete than system itself, in our case one based in biology.
user right-wingers are the most prolific grifters on the internet
You will buy ze testosterone supplements
Because flooding the country with immigrants to sustain the economic system works as a part of capitalism, not against it.
whenever a movement/thing that critiques capitalism or the wider capitalism state at large it's immediately commodified and turned into a product, removing it of any possible power
think about how the BLM protesters were burning down police stations and shit and somehow that got boiled down to "defund the police" tshirts over time, transforming it from an aggressive revolutionary movement to "pls can we reform uwu"
>human ingenuity is terrifying?
>heh, say that again after you been cooked and eating by human ingenuity
BLM wasn't an aggressive revolutionary movement, ever. It is funded through ActBlue. It's a branch of the DNC. The chaos caused by the BLM rioters was purely anarcho-tyranny at work, state-sponsored and condoned violence.
Caring about the environment is something only rich people do, and that extends to countries as well.
Erm ACKTUALLY all the violence was done by the boogaloo boys, a group no one had ever heard off before and suddenly was omnipresent throughout the US
the potential audience for those people is HUGE yet they're forced to use fringe websites and barely get by, if capitalism takes critique of itself and turns it into a commodity then right wingers would be commodified just as much if not more, the reason this doesn't happen is because right wing critique and frustrations actually manifests into change (look how much of an impact a small right wing party like UKIP in britain had)
the reality is that the the lefty "critique" is just a vapid comodity to begin with
that's what i'm saying, anti immigrant sentiments are practically critiques of capitalism yet capitalism can't find a way to commodify it without it boiling over into actual change
>reads pic related once
>zero books
>is a book
when will the lies end
>meanwhile you go on a mainstream website and talk about how you don't want your country flooded with immigrants to sustain the economic system and you'll immediately get banned, why doesn't capitalism subsume that critique?
That's not a critique of capitalism.
shut the fuck up retard
It's also why pic related is such a disingenuous argument. It posits that the only non-hypocritical thing to do is to remove yourself from society entirely, while pretending that enacting change from inside the system is impossible because you inevitably have to make compromises. Even Hitler was "democratically" elected as chancellor before shifting into a full-on dictatorship.
>anti immigrant sentiments are practically critiques of capitalism
No. Most anti-immigrant sentiments these days are about culture, religion, race, etc. that sort of thing. The "dey took our jobs" is a miniscule part of those sentiments.
Any system that seeks to preserve itself will not allow elements that can possibly threaten that preservation to exist within it. It's really as simple as that. Capital will simply consume and consume until nothing remains, you can't beat it, you just have to avoid being one of the consumed if possible, or gleefully let it devour you.
yes and they're suppressed because they would hurt the capitalist's bottom line
big companies don't give a fuck about some immigrant's unique culture or diversity or w/e they care that they'll do the same job for less than a native with less benefits
eww commie game
>yet capitalism can't find a way to commodify it without it boiling over into actual change
It is commodified constantly.
Even if you want to disagree, the reasonable solution is that it the concerns are so substanceless they don't even need to be commodified, not that they're too true and pure so underground fighters like you with the same niche ideas as half the United States are so right you HAVE to be silenced.
And the anti-immigrant locals do nothing against the capitalistic order of things by getting them out: they're just begging to be exploited in their stead.
Because it has potential to create actual threat for ruling power unlike clowns with danger hair.
Nobody give a fuck about communist fags, considering their track record. They're great controlled opposition that will never do anything threatening.
On other hand populists are scary because they are expression of actual democracy and not faggot clown show. In actual democracy, majority will always vote for nationalist populists, because all people who constitute body of a nation have similar desire of stability and seeing their interests secured. And there is no place for international finance in a structure that attempts to prioritize interests of locals. Therefore, this must be avoided and suppressed at any cost, the very idea of state that protects interests of nation must become most verboten thing in existence.
Cannibalism isn't a human invention
Fire is
they are also more likely to fight with natives and less likely to form unions
the whole point of mass immigration was basically to get the lower classes at each others throats so they wouldn't band together to fight for fair wages while also flooding the market with labor to drop wages at the same time
by this point you have to be an absolute dimwit retard to deny the damage mass migration has done to western nations and peoples
This game is kino
99% of tards sharing their informed political opinion on the internet with you aren't even sentient. Random combination of direction-brain, oversimplified label use, retard trap dichotomies and just general mush inside the head. All spiced up by them thinking they are smarter than you.
>yes and they're suppressed because they would hurt the capitalist's bottom line
in a way they are, it's just that that's not what most people making such critiques are intending
people are not going "foreigners out" because they want to deal a blow to those darn capitalists, they want foreigners out because of general fear and insecurity
if anything these people want to be the boot that steps on others, a la webm related
you have to understand that people like you who go "capitalism bad, and we can only cure it through racial purity" are like, EXTREMELY RARE
most rightoids don't want to say anything bad about capitalism out of fear of being seen as a commie, which is why they have to get around it by referring to globalism or the Jews instead (although framing it that way only gives them a limited understanding of the issue, because it frames the issue as if the issues with capitalism could be solved with the right people in charge, rather than those issues being systemic like what you're saying)
I don't think the degree of done-ness of your flesh matters to the argument.
>by this point you have to be an absolute dimwit retard to deny the damage mass migration has done to western nations and peoples
and without capitalism we wouldn't have mass immigration either. funny how these things work.
bernie sanders was an example of leftist populism as well
>why doesn't capitalism subsume that critique?
Are you implying there is any shortage of right-wing anti immigration grifters?
Only in America