Click out of one

click out of one

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I was filtered by this shit and just learned the unlocking spells. Best decision ever. Fuck timing minigame for like 75~100gold loot.

you didnt beat the (mini)game

Dude just get the Skeleton Key from Noctunal like nigga she's right north-northeast of Leyawiin like bro how do you not know this

The alternative was never playing it.
Then again feather was in the same school so I was going to level it anyway.

Another instance in which oblivion has a far higher skill level than Morrowind. Morrowind just has you randomly click with the lock pick until RNG decides to open it.
Oblivion makes you actually put in real effort if you want your reward.

I hate to admit it, but fallout and by extension - skyrim had the best lockpicking. Fuck the convoluted shit kingdom come deliverance made you do.

the distinct sound it makes when you need to click was so easy. this was a retard check before you got the skeleton key.

Pin manipulation >>>>>>>> Put the bobby pin in location.
Its the only time one of these minigames has REMOTELY resembled the actual task.

Yeah remember when Morrowind used to have normal stat-based dicerolls like a normal RPG but then Oblivion added retarded minigames everywhere? Yeah that was so fucking cool. Love it.

minigames suck. deus ex and vtmb have the best lockpicking

How come melee, ranged and spell damage depends entirely on character skill instead of the player skills aswell then?

Does it make a different sound? I never noticed.
I just paid attention to the animation. The lock pieces travel higher up and at a different speed when you need to lock them into place.

does anyone else think that the sliding latch part looks like an uncut dick

>like 75~100gold loot.
The pro play was to just not bother with lock picking.

Name one example where lockpicking was even worth the time to look.

Seek help

"Knock" type of spells were a mistake. As a trope, Its so dumb that a spell can outperform a skill without any investment, not to mention the fighter class (whatever that may be) lacks their own version. I guess in DnD they can always smash locks, usually damaging whatevers inside, but they're out of luck in TES.

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>uuuh turn the handle oofie boofie how immersive
Fuck off. Oblivion had the best lockpicking minigame. Skyrim was a straight downgrade and just fell into painful mediocrity since every other game with lockpicking was using that template.

Nah in dnd you can just target the lock itself. Lockpicking is a waste of time after the group has gone loud, an adamantium knife can destroy any lock or hinges in one poke.

Waste of time because treasure is barely worth the effort.

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>those pins
why cant video games get that shit right? that one is so close

>zoomers arguing about which shitty annoying minigame was the best
Minigames are for Mario Party you faggots.

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>muh effort
Who cares you mental midget. It's about the immersion.

Looks very realistic but probably isn't fun in the slightest.

>not to mention the fighter class (whatever that may be) lacks their own version.
I think Daggerfall let you bash locks. Its just another mechanic Bethesda chopped out of their later games.

Huh I thought that was Splinter Cell at first.

Here's a minigame for you
figure out where I live and lockpick my house and you get to keep everything you can take

See you soon, Steven

Kcd was easy as fuck. All locking minigames are too easy once you learn how to do them. They should just be based on your skill level without minigames, ala baldurs gate

They should remove the diceroll altogether and make it pass fail. You meet the minimum rank needed or it didnt open.

It's all still bullshit when lockpicking basically amounts to "extra loot". Being able to open something undetected should count for something beyond access.

Everyone should have access. Bash, Magic, whatever. Investing in the ability to get in silently however has to carry some weight or else it's a tedious lame uninteresting ability that does nothing but frustrate everyone.

two is binding

But if lockpicking isn't the only way to open locked chests it makes it useless since in a gane you can just kill everything and break the lock open for maximum noise. Your idea would work on the few chests that have maximum security in a friendly area, and would need to have some sort of game breaking reward to be worth it, but it would be a useless skill 99% of the time, probably.

Also TES already does this since you have lock opening spells

pins? like how some of them dont have a cut/sheer to show where they'd lock?
thats because the player characters has to unlock a skill to know where they are

The greatness of the games is that you can get an unlock spell, or train the lockpicking skill or get the skelly key or ignore the locked chests.
Or in Oblivions case git gud at the minigame and open any lock regardless of characters skill.

Good job bethesda, thanks Todd and all the good people that worked on Morrowind and Oblivion.

>Being able to open something undetected should count for something beyond access.
Double-edged sword. Like with difficulty being tied to quest rewards/looting corpses/whatever. If lock picking were to be worthwhile, then it'd be sneaking into a castle to pick the finest locks ever made because that's where all the good shit is. Might have been possible with games of yore, but now you're expected to be rewarded and it's behind a boss fight or puzzle. You can't even have that anymore because people would just complain the puzzle or boss is too hard yet they still want the reward because they paid for the game and think that means they get to god mode the game and not simply play it.

Which is broken since you don't even need to learn lockpicking. Also reminded that if you put lockpicking as a favored skill you'll level up like a maniac and the bullet sponge leveled enemies will kick in. Such a shit game.
Bethesda should be put on trial for this crap.

>dont understand oblivion minigame
>never unlock anything outside of autoattempt(RNG)
>understand oblivion minigame
>unlock master locks with ease from level 1

Lockpicked your moms chastity belt and made you. I love you, son. Remember that you are worth the time.

>main character is a lawyer
>there's a lockpicking minigame

Never thought about it before, but I agree.

>if you spend years learingin lockpicking some roided goon security guard would beat you up that spent years in the gym
No way? really?

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>game tells you to pick major skills that define your character
>directly and permanently punishes you for it
truly amazing that this system made it into a finished game. oh well, just turn the difficulty down bro!

>click pile of 50 scrolls
>highlight lockpicks
>drop item

>my character is defined solely being a locksmith, or some other non-combat skills. I'll surely have a good time fighting demons from another world!
nice one bud. in any other RPG if you focus your stats on something useless for combat you'll do poorly too.

looks like 3 is going into a false set

So tired of them holy fuck literally the only thing in 3/4 of the map enemies wise besides skeletons.

It's also always safe after the fastest drop animation.

What game

I love Oblivion

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I'm thinking more that lock picking to go route B facilitates better vantages on interactive elements. Like pulling some log traps, breaking hanging lanterns, or just a very short cut to the quest NPC/container. Take your pick, pin intended.

Yeah, the bruiser can just bust the door down after killing everything, but they already earned their 'reward'. Breaking the door down affords them literally nothing.

Integrate the picking into the tactics/gameplay, where the reward is in the loop. Both of you are still thinking of picking = more loot.

Are there any realistic lockpicking puzzle games? I've tried searching but not found any. It looks fun but I'd probably not want to run the risk by buying lockpicking tools IRL.

just spam auto attempt lol

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>I'd probably not want to run the risk by buying lockpicking tools IRL.

lockpicking is a legal hobby everywhere in the world except the most cucked of countries, just buy some picks off amazon and try picking your front door.

>actually the entire world is level 1 forever until your character begins existing after which everyone decides to level up exactly when you do
Even fucking bribery was level scaled in Oblivion. The developers and nostalgiafags for the game should just be shot in the head, it'd be doing them a favor.

>except the most cucked of countries
I bong

fuck it
*pulls out ramset gun*

speaking of which game has most realistic lockpicking minigame? in Risen 2 you have to pull all pins in right order

You can still own them you just cant have them in public without a good reason.

Huh, okay. I still would like a game with realistic lockpicking in it, seems odd nobody's made a puzzle game with that in mind.

Oblivion lockpicking is so damn easy, even 10 years old me did 1 lockpick run