Just got this for 5 dollars on steam

just got this for 5 dollars on steam
first time playing a game like this, any tips

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This was for free in the EGS last month, congrats

use flashbangs

Stop chewing on that still alive and barking dog's leg and talk at the same time, chinigger.

it was free on the internet since release

well with all that money you've saved on games why don't you get some fucking English lessons

Use cover
Don’t get flanked
Use explosives very liberally early on
Try not to enter unexplored areas when revealed while fighting a pod unless you have to, so as to not activate more pods
Seriously use explosives
Try to plan your turns out such that you can kill as many possible aliens/advent without them getting a turn

i heard some anons like rebalancing mods because you could have a 99% hit chance and still miss
captcha: JKRAN

This OP got scammed
and he doesn't even own the game kek

Buy war of the chosen if it's still on sale then start over.

??? you must be samefaggin

>This was for free in the EGS last month, congrats

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You either get engineers early or you just restart the whole campaign, it's make or break.

mod the game
play for a few hours then check the top mods on the workshop
chances are that you will find a mod and say "holy shit this mod fixes that really annoying thing"
specially hud info mods since they make your life so much easier

im not a fan of modded first playthroughs but xcom2 has so much shitty stuff, getting it fixed before you burn out is much bettee

This motherfucker said bettee
Get his ass

Fuck XCOM, how's Phoenix Point? At this point(hehe) it's chock full of content and really fucking cheap and I've been thinking about playing for some time now.

Much better than it was on release. Closer to ufo defense in feeling than enemy unknown or 2

>then check the top mods on the workshop
which all don't work anymore thanks to the amazing 2k launcher they absolutely just had to add 5 years after the game launched

So you prefer to pay for games that are offered for free because the platform has Chinese investors. I guess you would stop using/purchasing everything around you owned by the chinks, just for consistency, right?
Fuck the chinks, fuck epic, fuck steam, and fuck retards like you.

Never save scum
Don’t use guides
Play on the 4th difficulty
Add modded enemies for more difficulty
Spend time customizing and writing back stories for every character.
That’s nu-com babby

Download Alternate mod launcher, which you should do anyway since 2k launcher is hot garbage.

wasnt this free on epic just a few days ago?

Nigger and woman game.

Care to elaborate on that with more words?

Play it and you will see.

why are you so invested in how others spend their money?

The game was free on Epic just a minute ago

turn off your brain and just move soldiers as close as possible to enemies, then cry and shitpost on Yea Forums that you missed a shot point blank

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>because you could have a 99% hit chance and still miss
But it's not 100%, ofc a 99% can still miss in 1 out of every 100 times.

I hated the ruler enemies, getting a turn for every soldier is fine, but taking control away for 15 seconds for every action really bogs the encounter down.

>Epic goy store
No steam workshop, 80% of the appeal of the game is infinite supply of mods

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Stop wasting my time/ -wotc
Still stop wasting my time
Enable zip mode

They told me wotc is a completely different game from vanilla so I beat vanilla first. I'll play it the next time I revisit xcom2

There is one for both vanilla and wotc, that’s why the /.
Xcom2 is like Bethesda games it needs heavy modding to get to its best. Mod less is a glorified tutorial since it’s very easy to break in half with any class in game.

Get the expansion too

The EGS version doesn't work properly lmao

The free aim and limb-based damage are great.
The strategic layer sucks though.

>The free aim
No it isn't, feels like a gimmick for a mobile game
It does absolutely nothing positive and only makes the game slower (for no reason)

Don't get the fucking expansions unless you want to be mercilessly raped by broken faggotry
You have been warned

Everytime I start a playthrough I get absolutely raped on the first mission with snakes and mechs. Fuck this game.

The expansion is even easier though?
Lots of guaranteed damage skills on soldiers, which is the strongest thing in this game.

don't make an all-grenadier team, it's too easy

>Don't fall behind in research
>Don't let any squad members die late game
>Never trust dashing even when its empty
>Always assume hacking never goes well

Where to go on the map after first region?

second region

fucking lol

He’s talking about rulers. Which is fair Archon is a nightmare on real xcom mode. Chosen assassin can be difficult depending on her modifiers (ignore reaction fire & immune to explosions)

Rulers are from DLC, not expansion.
> real xcom mode
I don't remember such thing, what is this?

He said expansions, plural, dlc is by definition expansion, even if the lingo has changed.
Whatever the max difficulty is with ironmeme is real xcom mode, commander and down are easy mode.

>Whatever the max difficulty is with ironmeme is real xcom mode, commander and down are easy mode.
Ah, I thought there is some second wave thing called "Real xcom"
Yeah legendary/ironman is the only right way to play unmodded XC2

Even modded, there’s very little that becomes impossible, except maybe larger pods by force level combined with uncapped force level.

There is nothing shameful about playing LW on normal.

As the zoomers are saying these days, you didn’t beat the game

I wouldn't repeat after zoomers.

Don't trust rookies to do anything but carry and throw grenades.
Mele is OP

Reminder there is no git gud on this game. This shit is literally RNG focused.
>inb4 ur bad
I beat this on legendary ironman also LW2 legendary ironman you can't deny this.

Did you beat UFO on superhuman ironman though?

>can aim at cover and destroy it

this is why I quit, I expected a tactical game not RNG RPG game where gear and luck > any "tactical" decision you can make (not like you can make many tactical decisions when the game doesnt even have sight lines displayed)

>can aim at cover and destroy it
You can do the same thing with explosives in nu-coms though?
And destroying cover with light weapons is cringe.

>can shoot at enemies you can't see and hit them
>shots can miss your target and hit the enemy behind it
>shooting at point blank doesn't miss
Just cope man you're wrong.

Mod the absolute fuck out of it
Get the DLCs
Try get an A and B team going when you're going through the campaign
I liked having to rocket launcher guys in my team
Sharpshooter with maxed Sniper tree is super OP

VC did combat better, shame xcom didn't adapt this.

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>can shoot at enemies you can't see and hit them
Ballistics are a complex topic that is extremely simplified in PP
>shots can miss your target and hit the enemy behind it
Yeah that's based, but how is it related to free aim?
>shooting at point blank doesn't miss
That's cringe, different weapons should have different optimal ranges, ARs shouldn't have 100% chance to hit an alien point blank

nuXcom sucess raped the mind of indie devs for years.
Now everything TBT is "hide behind big shield and roll an abstract chance to hit no matter what is in way".

>Sharpshooter with maxed sniper tree is super OP
kek, found the low difficulty player. Gunslinger is standard.

>Ballistics are a complex topic that is extremely simplified in PP
So you admit it does something that's all I needed.