Prove you're not an XIV cultist

Post your critiques of this "game"

don't post in the thread just to mald about how your game should be exempt from all criticism kek

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go back faggot

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My critique is that its just too good for an mmo, I just can't believe it. I wish it could drop down a little to WoW's level. Zamn.

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The FF14 community are TOXIC
(and every ff14 thread proves this)

The game is basically a fetch quests simulator for 90%.
And the plot going to shit with Stormblood, and even worse with Endwalker.

It's overrated

>The FF14 community are TOXIC
Fucking kill yourself right now Barry

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FF14 It's actually shit, dude

Um... no its not sweaty... but you are!

My critique is its an mmo. And I got bored with its 100's of fetch quests and mod killing.

Autistic people run this board.

>post the critiques about a game into a thread made for talking about critiques of the game
>being accused for having an opinion


Kill yourself

they drastically nerfed the difficulty of earlier content so there's not a lot of challenging shit early on
then again, this is something most if not all MMOs do

garuda hard was something the very vast majority of players couldn't do

>The FF14 community are TOXIC
>(and every ff14 thread proves this)
literally every wowfugee says otherwise lmao

I don't think so...

FF14 Isn't good anymore

XIV is made up exclusively of WoWfugees

nah they're easy to spot because they stick out so much


It's an mmo and mmos are incapable of having good gameplay and quest design

>mmos are incapable of having good gameplay
Classic WoW

>and quest design
Classic WoW

this thread was already made today
what the actual fuck is wrong with op

Most more lolifell or blacked threads

it's just the xv-sperg

Criticism of XIV should be banned on Yea Forums

I agree. It has never been better.

>None of those had actual good gameplay though.

Played since 1.0

The PVP is fucking garbage in this game, even with all the recent changes.

The fact you can't talk with each other or even queue as a fucking team just because you might hurt someone's feelings is not how we should be designing video games.

The housing system is garbage and the changes done to it recently have made it even worse. Nevermind that the system is outright broken atm

Pablo thread

Here you go, I already posted that once.
Netcode is trash.
The entire game is some ungodly mess of spaghetti code, to the point where they had to remove belt slot to increase armory chest capacity for rings and weapons.
Encounter design hampered by paresetroons.
Shit animation lock which causes some jobs to be borderline unplayable at higher ping (if you're playing US servers from EU or vice versa for example) unless you're using literal cheat plugins.
Due to certain policies a lot of people are just as huge ego bloated ellitist niggers as in most other mmo's, except they can't directly shittalk someone for bad performance so it's all passive aggressive bullshit.
Lots of idiotic "performance" optimisations such as cutting cities and zones into pieces due to gonzole heritage.
Most armor models don't have a tail slot which is literally a crime against humanity.

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Pablo post

Because now FF14 is just bad

Alright Barry

SAM 6.1 changes were shit that no one asked for and is almost universally hated by both casuals and pros like Ilya. Square Enix has no idea what makes their game fun.

1. Combat is garbage. Not as in a "its too easy way" (even though it is) but because WoW-like combat is floaty and unsatisfying. No idea how Vindictus was released and then mmos took 2 steps backwards.
2. A Realm Reborn really, really sucks. It being free is the only good thing about it.
3. The retarded mount limitations.

Thats all I can think of honestly. Other than that it has literally everything you could want in an mmo.

>Square Enix has no idea what makes their game fun
No one does because it's in the line of FF games that aren't fun at all (13 onwards)

never played it

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I can't jump across chasms as a dragoon.

game is dogshit, the bugeaters are making more money than ever then yoshit decided to shit 6.1 out

Mad samucuck lmao

Few days ago in shout chat I said I never tip and people simply flipped at me. It's not a nice community at all.

if you don't tip you are an asshole fuck you

Why? Tipping is optional.

Honestly I'd like more platforming challenges in the game, the ACTUAL game as opposed to side/mini-games fun though those are. FFXIV was the first MMO I played but the closest thing to 'raids' I experienced was in Destiny, and I was expecting a LOT more perilous platforming than I got, ie. zilch.
Honestly that could be expanded out more generally into: I dislike how linear modern dungeons are and think that they should have dungeons closer in design to the ARR/1.0 ones where you've got a lot more open-ness and puzzles, things to keep an eye on. I get why they made the changes to ARR dungeons that they did, but I wish that the changes had been the opposite - that later dungeons were built on to have similar complex mechanics like in early ones.


The housing system is absolute shit.
It caters to consoles, and everyone else suffers as a result.
Typical hotbar MMO snoozefest gameplay.
Used to be a pleasant game with reserved, socially awkward but polite people - now it's full of IG-tier thots and inundated with streamfaggots and social media faggotry in general. This used to be a nice neighborhood.
Game still sucks ass from 1-50, ARR was, is, and always will be, a mistake.
Forcing Steam users to attach their account to Square's shit in order to continue playing.
Lorewise, Eorzea is absolutely fucking boring.
There's no abstraction in race design, just varying sizes of humans with horns or kitty ears or whatever. Had the right idea with Hrogthgars, let's see more bestial shit, or playable fairies or those Goblin dudes. Anything than the boring-ass shit we have now.
Getting banned/suspended, Square doesn't even tell you what for.
Everyone that plays has such sensitive little feefees, it's fucking unreal. And Square enables this kind of faggotry.

There's probably more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I like XIV as a concept, but as an actual game, shit bores me to fucking tears. I have to be an RPfag in order to find fun in it. And we know the kind of people that make up 98% of that particular aspect.

Go back.

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it is COURTESY you ingrate they don't get paid normal wages

you're complaining about a lack of platforming in a...*checks notes*... MMO?
Are you sure you want this post to go on your permanent file, sir?

>take a job where they get tips and therefore make a lot more money than they should because 99% of people tip

Tipping sucks, it's a waste of money. It's not like anyone will remember you gave tip X or didn't give tip Y. And it's not like they will note your name and what you look like to give you better service next time. Tipping is a scam. You are throwing your money away for a past service, and just because the society said you should.

There are too many WoW refugees

They should just get payed normal rates then

Are you black?

Definitely, in big bold red type. Leap of Faith is the best part of the Golden Saucer, and I want more jumping challenges. I'm still pissed that they haven't brought back the climbing tower from Moonfire Faire like 3 years ago.
Where does it say MMOs can't or shouldn't have platforming?

you have braindamage, leave this website you reddit browsing nigger

>you're complaining about a lack of platforming in a...*checks notes*... MMO?
GW2 does it well

This. Tipping is as cucked as donating to streamers

At what point will the FFXIV community accept me as one of their own, what do I need to do/achieve in game to no longer be considered just a WoW refugee?


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White as snow.

All XIV players are WoWfugees. It's like how people who came to Yea Forums in 2015 call everyone else election tourists.

I don't recognize that, is that something they added at some point?

You'll never stop me!

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Sorry but youre in the wrong then. Only black people can get away with not tipping as its part of their vibrant and diverse culture

shut the fuck up and post you're are characters

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>they don't get paid normal wages
Why not?

they just dont ok please tip

What? I pay what's written on the bill, that's it. I am formally opposed to the notion of tipping. Do you tip your prime minister for manager the country? Do you add a tip to your taxes for the person who will check your declaration? Do you even tip your plumber, your carpenter, or every person who fulfills a service for you? Of course not.

Shut up dont ask questions just donate to your local hole

Why not? What makes the job so special that they need to be payed less

People idolize YoshiP way too much. The stale formula is getting old (that includes Soken's music to be honest). PvE jobs don't have any identity, but at least they tried to give them one in PvP now. Engine is shit and I wish they'd drop this game now in favour of building something new from the ground up.

They get paid less because they receive tips. Tips, even on a low wage, makes a lot of fucking money. Whenever someone doesn't tip them (and top them "enough"), they get uppity and women rage. When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.

Ultimate leak
We've had these since ShB, good fun

lost the housing lottery and unsubbed
fuck you yoshipiss

He tips himself from my wallet actually

i really dont like shadowbringers zones dungeons and battle music

Tipping culture is so retarded. I'm glad there are people who refuse to take part in it


>They get paid less because they receive tips.
Shouldn't the price of said tip be added to the food and the whole tip thing be removed instead? Tipping isn't really a thing where I come from and instead they get payed a proper wage

footage straight from TPS' private server? Whoa

No. They don't want the price of the tip to be in the food because then they can't guilt every single customer into giving them free money.

I do not care for the direction the devs are taking the game. Expansion after expansion we get less content and the jobs get easier and easier. Everything is as safe as possible and they are full of themselves enough to embrace memes.
I hate the community too, for enabling all this. Anytime something goes wrong and people get mad, they have someone come out and cry and then all is forgiven, as if the problem never existed. People treat the wholesumrino devs like fucking Jesus. And the devs are playing them like a goddamn fiddle.

what the fuck went so wrong with your service industry?
