Recently built a computer, only to find that the harddrive I got didn't have wifi. Now I gotta figure out how to run an ethernet cable across a hallway and around a big living room to get to the only router in my house. Would you bros recommend installing a new ethernet port that goes through the wall, or just getting a really long ethernet cord and hanging it up around the ceiling to the router?
Recently built a computer, only to find that the harddrive I got didn't have wifi...
It's extremely easy to just use an ethernet cable. They're always extremely long and it's always easy as piss to just run them along the bottom edges of the walls, holding them down with tape. It's really not an intimidating chore.
>Recently built a computer, only to find that the harddrive I got didn't have wifi.
Just download more RAM
>his hard drive doesn’t have wifi
Lmao’ing @ ur lyfe
Is it true that length doesn't matter? I'm considering just buying a 100ft one and just rolling up whatever I don't need near my computer.
I read that powerlines don't work that well and aren't as reliable?
I meant motherboard lmao, this is my first time building a computer.
>harddrive I got didn't have wifi
if this is a thing, science has gone too far.
Do the world a factor and kill yourself you stupid faggot.
Just buy a WiFi card
Better make a new thread, this one was born dead.
>Would you bros recommend installing a new ethernet port that goes through the wall
I don't think you realize that how much of an undertaking that would be to install in completed home construction across that distance.
>USB wifi adapter
>Wifi pcie card
>Powerline adapter
>Run a cable
>Delete system32
>Download more wam
Get a wifi adapter retard
>delete system32
do you want repeat of the kid who was tricked into killing the PC and then the hard drive itself
just download more wifi bro
Dang, your hard drive didn’t come with wifi? Have you tried resetting the PWM pins on your SSD?
Nah, but joking aside, I would highly recommend a wifi adaptor that you can insert into a spare PCIE port or a USB port adapator. My mobo didn’t come with wifi or Bluetooth
>this is my first time building a computer.
Don't worry, we can tell.
>I read that powerlines don't work that well and aren't as reliable?
Only if you live in a shitty old house. Me and my brother both use power through plugs in a 30 year old house and have never had issues with them.
>expects to install wifi without a CD-ROM drive
what a fucking idiot
just get an ethernet cable man, or buy a decent usb/pcie wifi card. Is not that complicated. I would 100% go for the cable tho, fuck wireless trash.
Why would the hard drive have wi-fi?
really long cord is usually the way to go but women in your house will hate the idea
if you're daring you can route cabling through the attic or the basement, or even outside the house
OP, surely your PC has a USB port right? Just get one of these.
Here you go, OP.
Just run your internet through your electric outlet, it just werks.
Same reason printers have been wireless for 20 years
I already have wi-fi. A wife I beat
Lurk moar. Also Yea Forums was good.
I had to rewire my phone Ethernet outlets for internet. For some reason the retards building the house didn’t expect people to use wired connections.
Is this real?
Don't hang it around the ceilings, go through the ceiling and run a cable in the roof space
>the harddrive I got didn't have wifi
These are a waste of money. It’s cheaper and more effective to just do the proper wiring.
Just get a wifi usb or pcie u stupid cunt
Yes, you just plug 'em in and they work.
If you have any issues with random disconnects then there's a simple youtube guide out there that shows you how to make a script in 1 minute that constantly pings your modem and fixes the issue.
Also wi-fi is fucking trash in comparison to an ethernet cord.
I heard these break after a few months and have shoddy connection compared to just using a usb wifi adapter or going through the trouble of ethernet. Have they become better in the last few years?
My house was built in 62 and none of my outlets are grounded. I use powerlines from my pc upstairs to my nvidia shield downstairs to stream games thru steamlink to my TV. They work great even on pretty old shit.
>running cable through the ceiling
You know you can use the footer of your walls right?
>taking up TWO outlets for ethernet
Blatantly underage holy shit
>Would you bros recommend installing a new ethernet port that goes through the wall
Definitely the nicest, tidiest way if you're happy to do some DIY.
>or just getting a really long ethernet cord and hanging it up around the ceiling to the router
I just let a cable snake along the edge of the floor for years, since I was renting. Do a tidy job and it'll blend right in.
>Is it true that length doesn't matter? I'm considering just buying a 100ft one and just rolling up whatever I don't need near my computer.
That will work fine (length limit is nearly 300 feet), but it sounds really annoying and unwieldy.
Make sure you don't frig with your tcl/tk, it'll bugger your F drives.
you need to download more RAM
this shit is pure garbage.
well running it through the walls is the ultimate solution, but a hell of a lot of work if you don't have any of the tools or experience necesarry. The easy way would be to just buy a bunch of cable concealers and run it up in the ceiling or something.
If you're actually considering doing this don't fuck with extenders or powerlines, a physical lan cable is always best.
I used to have a 100ft cable making a 75ft run so 25ft were coiled up by the router. A tech guy from my ISP once told me I shouldn't coil up my Ethernet cable like that but I don't remember his explanation and I didn't really have a choice unless I wanted to run the 25 ft around more walls just for fun. Everything worked just fine anyways.
I'd be careful about using long Ethernet cables. I have a Masters in Network Cable Engineering from the University of Florida. I have to stress that the phenomenon known as "digital degradation" is the real problem regarding speed of your internet connection. Networking Speed isstored in digital filing cabinets called "directories" which are prone to "digital degradation" - slight bit alterations that happen now or then. Now, admittedly, in its ideal, pristine condition, an internet connection using a short cable contains more information than a longer cable. Thus this causes "digital degradation" as the internet transmits across the cable, leaded to more packet losses along the way.
What is this schizophrenia
>100ft cable
bro you gotta buy a shorter cable so the internet has a faster travel time. you can save about 10ms of ping.
Powerline adapters "werk". A key issue of these things is that you won't get the full download speed compared to just running a 100ft wire across your house. It's enough to play online but if you're going to download large games constantly, then more often then not, you're gonna have to manually disable the ethernet connection and use wifi if you have the adapter installed.
muh voltage drop
just buy a good quality USB dongle or a PCIe card if you really want wifi, they are not that expensive
everything you don't understand is not schizo, zoomer