I bought this game at a thrift store for like $5...

I bought this game at a thrift store for like $5. I skipped it back in the day because everyone hated it with a burning passion. But now that I've actually played it for a few days, I gotta say, I really like it. I mean, it does have it's flaws, like the simple combat and the controls, but aside from Tricky, I don't outright hate anything in it. I'm kinda salty I skipped this honestly, because I would've fucking loved this shit back in the day. It's not perfect, but it's a solid 7.5/10 so far. Might feel like a store brand Zelda game, but it's not a bad thing imo.

Why do people hate it so much? Is it just because it's not like the old ones? Is it the furries? Is it Tricky? Because those are pretty much the only reasons I can think of for people to actually hate this game. But honestly, if Navi didn't ruin OOT, Tricky can't ruin this game. And if furries ruin this game, they should ruin everything from Crash Bandicoot to Pokémon. And if making a game that's set in an existing universe but with different genre, then Metroid Prime, Mario Kart and BOTW should also be shit.

So what is it with the hate Starfox Adventures got back in the day? Seems like a perfectly adequate zeldaesque GC era adventure game to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


People wanted dinosaur planet and instead we got this. So people just drew a lot of porn of krystal. Assault was great at least. This game was a 7/10 imo for me because even before dino planet leaked, I knew they cut a fuckton of story since everything that happened in that game made zero fucking sense and there were bosses that clearly had more to them that just vanished without a trace. Also the percent jumping from like 70 to fucking 98 percent made no sense.

I never finished this game. Should I go back and finish it?

>People wanted dinosaur planet and instead we got this
So it's like WindWaker? Everyone shat on it too, because they wanted the game they thought that one darker graphic trailer was showcasing. And it took a decade for everyone to admit that WW was great, actually. And no, not saying this is WW levels of great, but it's not that fucking bad that it would've deserved all the hate, either.

I mean it's not terrible. I don't think you'll miss out on anything if you don't play it now. It feels like something I would've appreciated more as a kid or a teenager, but it's still neat. If you have a GC and the game lying around, go for it.

absolutely based. it was actually the first "zelda" game to get me into zelda. It's also amazing on a technical level because it came out near the beginning of the gamecube's life and it's still one of the best looking games on the platform, and somehow runs at solid 60 fps with seamless transition between areas. it's a very solid action adventure game. the worst I can say about it is the lack of enemy variety and too few good bosses, and the combat is a bit too simplistic and repetitive. the puzzles aren't quite zelda level but better than the vast majority of other action adventure games.

Attached: star fox adventures.jpg (640x480, 138.45K)

people hate it because it's too big of a departure from previous star fox games, it'd be like turning metroid into a sony moviegame, people would have it too

oh wait

No, it's not like windwaker at all. It's basically if windwaker cut it's content in half.

the people who make that argument are retarded because it's not like they wanted to make a star fox game then just made it a completely different genre, it was the other way around. they made a new IP but nintendo wanted to slap the star fox IP on to it. which works for me because I never cared for star fox games.

I bought this in mid 2003 after renting it shortly after it came out. Initially I was disappointed because half the reason I bought a gamecube at the time was for an SF64 sequel. Still, game had excellent graphics for its time, good mellow music, overall solid gameplay with few glitches or bugs. Decide to go ahead and get it and I don't regret it. Quickly became one of my favorite games for the system. Admittedly, yes it's nothing extraordinary or innovative but it's a solid little game that is depressingly underrated.


>oh wait

It's decent fun. The shitty Assault is the shitty Star Fox game ( at least from what I played, never bought a wii u so I don't know how much of a turd 0 is. SF64 is by far my fav. )

Yeah, I've noticed pretty much all of these points too. I wish they kept doing more of these games becaus this had some real potential. Feels like a proof of concept kind of game at times. Like they could have crafted an entire lore and a vast world out of this shit and make an entire series worth of games.

Ironic since I've always felt that Winwaker kinda suffered from this. I love it to death, but it does feel like there should've been much more content in it.

I've always defended this game against all the hate

>Why do people hate it so much?

1. It's not a traditional Star fox game
2. There's a fair amount of backtracking
3. The game just sort of screeches to a halt, you can tell they ran out of time and had to wrap up shit without the unique dungeons as the earlier areas and then the climax is insanely rushed.

I agree that it's a solid 7/10, 7./5/10 game though

>The game just sort of screeches to a halt, you can tell they ran out of time and had to wrap up shit
I'm not quite there yet, but if that's the case then yeah, I can see why that annoyed people. Deadlines can be a bitch.

But all of this just makes me feel like this game could actually be amazing if properly remade. That said, it will never happen because, you know, all the hate.

When I first played it I hadn't played a "real" starfox game before so I didn't care and enjoyed it. Prepare to be let down by the ending though.



Love this game honestly even though it's not perfect. By the way, "it's not star fox because it's not a shooter" is the most autistic comment ever. Please stop.

To be fair, I rarely, if ever, get caught up by the story of these games to the point I'd have any proper expectations regarding endings. But yeah, someone also mentioned the endgame feels rushed and falls flat.

I like the music a lot. There hasn't been any certified hood boppers like in shit like Zelda etc. but it's been a pretty solid OST nonetheless.

windwaker did have cut content. I think some was restored in hd
I learned about all the cut content when I played a patched version of dinosaur planet.

They absolutely assraped that game. It has so much more shit going on in the n64 game. They tried to make up for it with the presentation on the gamecube one and a better framerate but what was on n64 is so much more impressive.

Yeah but afaik the cut content thing wasn't even public knowledge until much later? People hated the game even before that.

better get dem fuel cells
felt awkward to play but I had fun.
sure wasn't star fox tho
Even though Saurian is just Not-as-good-Al-Bhed, I still like it

yiff in hell furfag

Miyamoto unintentionally sabotaged the game by telling them to make it a Starfox game. People who like Starfox didn't want a Zelda clone. It would have been more well-received if it had just been left as Dinosaur Planet, but then on the other hand it wouldn't have sold as well since it wouldn't have the brand recognition.

>I think some was restored in hd
No HD was the same game with some QoL stuff, maximum bloom, and some miiverse features that barely lasted.

stop trying to fit in

More like people wanted Starfox and instead we got this lmao

It's controls were a little jank and the overall gameplay was tedious. Shooting controls were awkward, Tricky was annoying. There's plenty to complain about. It's competent sure, but far from flawless

Bro people knew there was cut content day 1 after they hacked the demo with the game on it and the final game after it just fucking abruptly ended. People were and still are pissed with the ending of the starfox version to this date.

It wasn't till dino planet came out that people knew what all those cut fucking rooms were. They were ports of n64 maps with a ton of missing audio and assets.

Yiff to Krystal.

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There is no evidence that Nintendo planned to make any Star Fox game after 64. What makes you think you would've gotten your wish? Gamecube Star Fox never existed either way.

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>"it's not star fox because it's not a shooter"
it's more an archaic argument from nintendofags because back then video game news was a lot less readily available. nowadays the existence of this game makes more sense to people. they needed the game to relevant so they slapped the slapped star fox name on it. I'm betting players were younger on average too.

Adventures has such a weird reception its technically the 2nd highest meta critic score for all of the star fox series and the users score isn't too bad either yet it was hated a decade ago.however now it starting to look more fondly especially after star fox zero

It's not starfox because it's literally not fucking starfox. It blows my mind that they got people fucking hyped for dinosaur planet and had a bigass event for it and even had a playable demo then just did this. They had big ass statues and everything. They should have just fucking let that shit out and made a second game that had starfox in it.

This game was just another victim of nintendo using rare to teach them how to use their own hardware again since the graphics on this game at the time was pretty revolutionary.

But your average consumer and Nintendo fan who didn’t know anything about Dinosaur Planet wouldn’t know that.

Adventures was not "hated" on release. Most people considered it a decent game and good exclusive for the Gamecube. It's a massive retcon by people who are obsessed with repeating exaggerated outrage comments like "it's not star fox and it ruined everything and it was the blunder of the century and and and". Normal people don't think and act like this, because it's obviously so silly and exaggerated. Most people thought it was a good game, and the idea that it is the devil is something invented very recently. It's obvious to me that this game is an easy target because of its backstory and uniqueness, but it's still a very silly thing to see.

>no fight with General Scales

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yeah even reviews and users gave it an average of 8/10 at the time, and game reviews were probably a little more strict before.


amazing looking water for a gamecube game

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I think sunshine and twilight princess did it a lot better, but that area is the most beautiful in the game overall.

Still better than Assault


You never were going to fight general scales even in dinosaur planet

He also saved a lot of people's jobs at rare by guaranteeing them a job during this very uncertain and difficult transition when Microsoft were acquiring them

Then I guess the game was just destined to be disappointing.

>all the zoomers ITT defending it because they were born in 1996+ and have nostalgia goggles for this trash
If a game came out with a final boss fight like this today Yea Forums would collectively lose its mind and the board would be flooded with
Threads nonstop

Don't reply to ACfag. He thinks Other M was a movie game and not just a shitty game and he also thinks that people like it.

Dinosaur Plant was a much more sophisticated game with a much less retarded story. People are still picking apart the leaked N64 rom from last year working to shape it into a more playable experience.

Dinosaur Planet is really jarring when you play it side by side with SFA because they made SFA so much worse through rebuilding sections of the game and then rushing them to completion. Drakor was the antagonist originally, and he's barely in SFA.
Krystal was originally like 50% of the game, and she's barely in SFA. It sucks.

It's very unfinished, but this is the WIP final boss from DP. Or the final boss as far as the story had been completed.


There's a whole section of the game about travelling through time an discovering the Krazoa are actually the bad guys (Rare loved Babylon 5) that is not in the rom. There are voice lines for it, I think, and an empty Krazoa temple. But DP needs a lot of work, and it'll be a white unfortunately.

My hot take is that combining Star Fox with Dinosaur Planet wasn't really a bad idea itself, necessarily. What really killed it is that the game was completely unfinished because of the Microsoft buyout.

I honestly don't think the game was going to be a great Zelda clone either way, but Star Fox or not, it could of had a more complete, coheisive story if Rare was just given time to actually complete it.

It was also the last Star Fox game that was a million seller, before ironically Star Fox 64 3D (though that took almost an entire decade to get there)

Attached: starfoxsalesgraph.png (458x297, 54.75K)

I have a lot more appreciation for adventures after reading about its development history

Agreed. If they weren't rushed by the take over date much of the games issues would have been resolved

I feel like Nintendo's involvement automatically meant a shittier story and a worse tone. Remember that Nintendo were the company who shot down a Metroid Prime Bounty Hunting game because they didn't understand what a Bounty Hunter is, and said that Samus is driven by love and a desire to protect the galaxy and stuff. When they called Samus a bounty hunter they basically meant "secret agent". Nintendo characters aren't allowed to be bad or morally grey people. They have to be paragons of justice and right thinking.

DP was a The Dark Crystal-inspired story with a lot of darker elements and Krystal being adopted by the wizard Randorn who had gone on a genocidal rampage against her species after his son (and Saber's brother) died in a pointless war against them.

This is all gone in DP, and I'm 99% sure it was always going to be cut. Similarly, the Krazoa spirits being the true evil presence in the story was always gonna get cut to push Nintendo's kiddy Andross bullshit. Rare wanted a villain (Drakor) that was a genocidal asshole but less evil than the "good guys". Such concepts are... not what Nintendo likes in their games.

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>So what is it with the hate Starfox Adventures got back in the day? Seems like a perfectly adequate zeldaesque GC era adventure game to me.
Mostly because it was such a vast departure from what Star Fox had already established itself as in Star Fox SNES and Star Fox 64. A fast-paced on-rails 3D action game.
Then Adventures comes out, which ends up being a Zelda-like adventure game with Arwing segments tacked on. Despite Miyamoto considering it a spin-off/side-game, it wasn't really marketed as such. So it launches as a new mainline entry, and fans are (rightfully so) like WTF is this?
I don't hate this game, or any Star Fox game for that matter. But I do hold Adventures responsible for starting the decline of the series. Sure it sold over a million, but when you compare that to SF64's 4 million, its easily the largest sales drop between two games.
I can't help but feel that Star Fox would be in a much better place if this one stayed as Dinosaur Planet.

Attached: Adventures Promo.jpg (1400x700, 194.29K)

>it wasn't really marketed as such. So it launches as a new mainline entry
I've always thought this too desu. They should've kept more of the original plot, even the name Dinosaur Planet, like in the leaked build. I think it would be looked upon much more favorably if it had been made clear from the start that it was a separate thing which Star Fox just happened to be making an appearance in, like what eventually happened with Starlink.

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>I can't help but feel that Star Fox would be in a much better place if this one stayed as Dinosaur Planet.

I don't think it would of desu. I'd argue Assault (which was going to happen even without DP becoming Adventures) did more damage considering THAT was the GCN SF game that outright got slammed in reviews by critics at the time, and also the first SF game to NOT sell over a million, as shown by . I feel if Assault had gotten better reception, it could of still crawled over a million.

Attached: sfmc.png (210x230, 6.3K)

Pretty much. But guess there's no point in theorizing about what could've been since we can't change the past.
Despite Star Fox's current status, I truly do believe there is a future for the series. Despite not having a NEW game since Zero six years ago now, Star Fox has still gotten some good attention from Nintendo. And with all the series having new life breathed into them on Switch, I pray one day Star Fox will get its turn and become a household name again.

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>Why do people hate it so much?
This was the game that followed up Starfox 64, people waited 5 years for this