I bought this game at a thrift store for like $5...

I bought this game at a thrift store for like $5. I skipped it back in the day because everyone hated it with a burning passion. But now that I've actually played it for a few days, I gotta say, I really like it. I mean, it does have it's flaws, like the simple combat and the controls, but aside from Tricky, I don't outright hate anything in it. I'm kinda salty I skipped this honestly, because I would've fucking loved this shit back in the day. It's not perfect, but it's a solid 7.5/10 so far. Might feel like a store brand Zelda game, but it's not a bad thing imo.

Why do people hate it so much? Is it just because it's not like the old ones? Is it the furries? Is it Tricky? Because those are pretty much the only reasons I can think of for people to actually hate this game. But honestly, if Navi didn't ruin OOT, Tricky can't ruin this game. And if furries ruin this game, they should ruin everything from Crash Bandicoot to Pokémon. And if making a game that's set in an existing universe but with different genre, then Metroid Prime, Mario Kart and BOTW should also be shit.

So what is it with the hate Starfox Adventures got back in the day? Seems like a perfectly adequate zeldaesque GC era adventure game to me.

Attached: 745746533675765675.png (800x1133, 2.17M)

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People wanted dinosaur planet and instead we got this. So people just drew a lot of porn of krystal. Assault was great at least. This game was a 7/10 imo for me because even before dino planet leaked, I knew they cut a fuckton of story since everything that happened in that game made zero fucking sense and there were bosses that clearly had more to them that just vanished without a trace. Also the percent jumping from like 70 to fucking 98 percent made no sense.

I never finished this game. Should I go back and finish it?

>People wanted dinosaur planet and instead we got this
So it's like WindWaker? Everyone shat on it too, because they wanted the game they thought that one darker graphic trailer was showcasing. And it took a decade for everyone to admit that WW was great, actually. And no, not saying this is WW levels of great, but it's not that fucking bad that it would've deserved all the hate, either.

I mean it's not terrible. I don't think you'll miss out on anything if you don't play it now. It feels like something I would've appreciated more as a kid or a teenager, but it's still neat. If you have a GC and the game lying around, go for it.

absolutely based. it was actually the first "zelda" game to get me into zelda. It's also amazing on a technical level because it came out near the beginning of the gamecube's life and it's still one of the best looking games on the platform, and somehow runs at solid 60 fps with seamless transition between areas. it's a very solid action adventure game. the worst I can say about it is the lack of enemy variety and too few good bosses, and the combat is a bit too simplistic and repetitive. the puzzles aren't quite zelda level but better than the vast majority of other action adventure games.

Attached: star fox adventures.jpg (640x480, 138.45K)

people hate it because it's too big of a departure from previous star fox games, it'd be like turning metroid into a sony moviegame, people would have it too

oh wait

No, it's not like windwaker at all. It's basically if windwaker cut it's content in half.

the people who make that argument are retarded because it's not like they wanted to make a star fox game then just made it a completely different genre, it was the other way around. they made a new IP but nintendo wanted to slap the star fox IP on to it. which works for me because I never cared for star fox games.

I bought this in mid 2003 after renting it shortly after it came out. Initially I was disappointed because half the reason I bought a gamecube at the time was for an SF64 sequel. Still, game had excellent graphics for its time, good mellow music, overall solid gameplay with few glitches or bugs. Decide to go ahead and get it and I don't regret it. Quickly became one of my favorite games for the system. Admittedly, yes it's nothing extraordinary or innovative but it's a solid little game that is depressingly underrated.


>oh wait