I only play games with cute hebes

I only play games with cute hebes

Simple as

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pokemon fans

at least they're older, you are half degenerate.

What's the story here? A ghost pokemon did it or did her dress just naturally get stuck on her bag?

She doesn't look very Jewish

just say children

You posted this exact picture/post yesterday

Don't post it again

Does it scare you?

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>JC/JS/whatever gook shit
fag terms


Too old

>"lolis? Hellz yeah I love lolis! But not real 3D little girls, dude that's pedophilia!"
>"there's nothing wrong with being a pedophile"

What happened?

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That's a good question, though a better one would be why this site has effectively turned on it's head in almost every aspect, not just that one.
Having changed very little compared to the site I kind of feel out of place here lately.

edgelords who found mammoth memes
thats it.

For me, she's perfect.

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heres something of your taste

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No one said anything about pedophilia being fine

I did.

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Is that the year you were born?

Who are you talking about?

>laugh at murder, rape, racism, gore and everything under the sun
>somebody wants to fuck a fictional kid
>Oh no think of the hecking childreninos


socially acceptable reason to be a violent retard, that's all it ever is

Making 7 Aryan children with Lillie

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Leftists are literally retarded, why would it be different here?

Too old

thats a lot of sex user

It's what she was born for

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Please recommend me some loli stuff to fap to?
I'm so horny, i wanted to fap all day but now i can.

that means other anons can have a turn too

Careful not to break her user.

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be like

more like poke mons fans.

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>Muh """"""""""hebe""""""""""
Fuck off you pathetic kissless virgins. Just admit that you retards are way too insecure to even look at girls your age so you go for literal kids. The fact that youre even too much of a loser that you cant even admit that as well and instead jump on the "hebe XD" train makes you even more pitiful.

Everyone realized that western weaboos were just coping

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Hebe threads make jannies seethe because they can't refute scientific proof

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>cuck posting

oh now anons like science?

>one study that has never been reproduced despite several attempts
>scientific proof
Pick one.

I agree on the "hebe" part. Fucking retards have to make up a term just because they find icky being called what they are, pedos.
>B-but this single sexologist that no one takes seriously says we are not the same
Fucking cope

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nothing wrong with cumming inside a hebe after several anons have already creampied her

Using other dude's splooge as lube is so disgusting, how can anyone enjoy gangbangs

Heberews fuck off

One more than you, cuck simp.

one word makes for so much seething

ignoring puberty in favor of abritrary numbers is retarded, if you are attracted to girls that are not pre-pubescent then you're not a pedo, simple as.

>ignoring puberty
So you like 8yo? Because puberty doesn't start just when secondary sexual characteristics are present. And if you like 8yo how are you not a pedo?

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>that pic
black haired shotas are my fetish

Tits and gtfo feminist pig

I'm more interested in finding out who made being pedo a bad thing. Hint: it was feminists and eugenicists who want to destroy birth rates. If you people are honest about how this anti-pedo psyop began I might take you more seriously.

" muh hebe uoooh XD " you're trying too hard to fit in and make up a word to feel special

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That was an order, foid.

No, user. You're the one with just one lone discredited study. All the other studies, and there's many, show 18-26 to be age at which females are considered most attractive.


Fuck this thread

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people are slowly becoming based

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>everyone who doesnt like roasties is insecure
Lmao. No eggs.

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Based Shotachad.

>and there's many
No there aren't lol

user posted his study, I bet you have yours at hand.


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Any woman that age has taken dozens of dicks if not hundreds

That's true though. Nothing wrong about it

sex is disgusting

Here's your reproduction

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It is not, that's why most hebetards are fucking retarded, as they made their entire shtick out of it being considered bad and wanting to distance themselves from that instead of just dealing with it. I've come to find that most of them are either people who like entirely developed-looking girls (which would fall in ephebo category) but that for some reason want larp or guys who like girls so young that there's barely any difference between them and their prepubescent counterparts and as such are clearly coping.

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why would you use kuro and illya (lesbians) for your h*teropedo shitposting

It's the only image I have with the graph

they both crave onii-chan cock

Have you never been on old school Yea Forums or something?

sorry ur not gonna fuck my kindergardener sister

you don't play fate do you

why does 11 stand out as the only low before 17?

This game is mostly played by us anyway; the subject pool is tainted

Didn't read

And you don't watch Kaleid Liner


It's a medical term, user..

Slippery slope “fallacy”

we should chain all the femoids to a wall and impregnate them repeatedly, that will teach them humility when they post on Yea Forums - Video Games.

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