Post your (SUPPORTED WITH EVIDENCE) theories
No schizoposts allowed

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I'm not entirely sure, but Margit might actually be Morgoth.


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Did Marika approve of the Haligtree?

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Two options:
>Yes, fuck the GW
>She might not even be aware what the shota was ploting

Whose side is Marika even on?

Did the new womb tattoos drop? Based.

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The winner’s

That would explain his Ringwraith cosplay henchmen, I guess.

Is Vargram also a finger shade doge like Blaidd and Maliketh?
Or is he roleplaying like Dung rps as omen

Who are the shades for Melania and Miquella?

>Giants were supposedly massacred by the Golden Order in the name of the Greater Will
>But all of the dead giants in the mountaintops have clearly been killed by the Fire Monks, who are human adherents to the Fell God

What gives?

That's not right, the frozen corpses don't look charred out singed at all, it wasn't a fire wielding army that killed them

The armor set says he's a tarnished that's just a big fan of the shadow doges.

STOP! I want to be able to play the game without a tent in my pants every time I cast frenzy.

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They are impaled by huge versions of the blood briars the fire monk crones summon.

Miquella's plan would've made him the ultimate Godking and the whole reason we're in this mess is because Marika refuses to step down in any capacity so, no.

Ghasp! Casterbart... forgive me...

OK so I have a question. Some fags were saying the Erdtree is a parasite and once it bears fruit TGW would come back and consume it along with all life. They provided no evidence and ctrl-f'ing through the text file yielded no results.
It sounded like an interesting theory but does anyone have any conclusive evidence?
If those lorefags were right then it changes quite a bit.

Nothing relating to the GW's intentions is conclusive. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

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>land of reeds will be DLC
>Sekiro had the centipedes
>centipedes are also apart of Elden Berry Sneed
>ashi means reed
>land of reed/ashi/ashina
>this is we have the samurai class, and the two samurai armors, and katanas
>ashina could be one of the many lands that hoarah loux visited during his exile/pilgrimage to get stronger

Do we have a conclusion on the dead tree(s) in deeproot?

Are they from the crucible instead of the erdtree? Or are they the same thing?

They're Haligtrees.

The lesser-giants, Trolls, betrayed the Fire Giants during the war and sided with Marika. Late-game trolls use Pyromancy.

I would be so fucking pissed if we got a stupid fucking nip DLC instead of them finishing all of the clearly unfinished shit in the base game.

Arn’t those just giant fucking arrows that specifically have pierced the Fell God’s face in each giant?

Deeproot is literally right next to the trunk of the Erdtree, they are probably just fallen golden seeds that never fully matured that fell from the branches.

My theory is that Elden Ring lore simply makes zero fucking sense and is a total shitty mess. So many things are in that game simply because Dark Souls had it and Miyazaki is a lazy hack and didn't think things through.

>You respawn Dark Souls because pretty simple concept of Curse of the Undead. You respawn in ER because uhhh some Rune of Death or something? But it was stolen and it makes gods mortal? But you are somehow now immortal?
>Bonfires are conduits of the First Flame you are linked to once you are Cursed. Their flame can heal undead and fills Estus. Meanwhile Graces are uhhh some guidance i guess? Greater Will? Whatever the fuck? Crimson Tear is totally-not-estus but uhh it heals you and refills at grace because uhhhh uhhh umm OK WHATEVER DARK SOULS HAD IT OK?!?!?
>Hollows are undead who gave up on their will to live after dying so many times. Lordran has been like this for very long only gods and extremely resilient Undead Heroes managed to somehow keep their sanity. Also there are other lands populated by normal people. However Undead are shunned there and sent to the Asylum where some can make a Pilgrimage to Lordran. On the other hand everyone in ER is a retarded zombie because Miyazaki can only make one fucking game even though fucking LORE and DIALOGUE implies that shouldn't be the case (Gostoc talks to Stormveil soldiers, Radahn soldiers are explicitly said to be sane, Raya Lucaria scholars should be sane too and cut dialogue from games implied that Leyndell was supposed to be populated by friendly NPCs) but they don't even TALK. Even enemies in FUCKING SEKIRO spoke dialogue when seeing our character and you could eavesdrop on them

Also for some reason as others said, 90% of Lands Between population seem to be generic soldiers, 5% mages, 4% some important/elite people and 1% are some crazy old cunts in European clothing dancing near windmills. Fucking amazing worldbuilding by GRRM and Hackyazaki.

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Elden Ring your lips around muh dick!

You sound like such a faggot.


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you are autistic

Why are Ice and Primeval spells similar

i cant fucking believe i read all that faggot bullshit about elden ring from a guy who didnt even play the game. go fuck yourself

>Accusations of autism in a shitty ER lore thread where people try to make sense of a game that has been clearly rewritten hundred times and has went through 3 layers of mistranslation.
fucking lmao

why not both?

Some of this is explained, but it's still mostly on point. Everyone who claims to have an explanation for why there's undead has zero evidence to back their claims because there is none. The game also never explains what Grace does, why it's littered all over the place, or why it resurrects the player.

Ice Crest Shield [30140000]
>Small metal roundshield. Heavier than a wooden shield, but boasts higher damage negation.
>The ice crest originates from a Carian princess. Though the effect is slight, it boosts magic damage negation and resistance to frost.

Spinning Weapon [120]
>Defensive skill employed by Carian princesses.

Freezing Pot [360]
>Engraved with the crest of the Carian Royals.
>Originates from the cold, dark moon of Ranni, the Carian princess.

Discarded Palace Key [8199]
>A key discarded by Lunar Princess Ranni alongside her very flesh.
>Opens a treasure chest passed down to Carian Princesses.

Carian princesses? Plural? I thought Rennala established the Carian house as royalty? Who was princess before Ranni?
And is the ice crest in Ice Crest Shield Ranni's?

I thought they were all impailed by the death spike that comes from the death status effect

They're not undead, they're fucked up by Erdtree reincarnation.

Gib land dlc or literal moon dlc where we find rannis great rune or reeds who fucking cares about miquella and his mohg cum filled coccoon

The wandering mausoleums hold the bodies of dead Demi-Gods. The game doesn't talk about them at all, but it's apparent that the ones in the game weren't the only Demi-Gods.

They're called undead, in-game, per the description of their set.

Whats the Lore on the Crystallians?

for me it's gravity

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Someone non-human carved them from Crystal and now they stand around guarding crystals and wait for their return for some ambiguous reason.

As OP image shows, their magic shares a sigil with the Carian royal family.

Magic Downpour description says they have some ancient concord with the Carians too.
>Said to have been taught by the Crystalians to mark the swearing of the old concord.
I don't know of any other connections between the two.

Which sets?

The ones that drop off of the wandering undead nobles.

Ok, then they must be those who live in death?

They don't get back up, so unlikely. The game just has Zombies for no reason.

now that i think about it, dont TWLID revive?
like when you kill a skeleton in catacombs, it has those white particles and then comes back. the entire point behind Litany of Proper Death is to kill them permanently.
but Aristocrats dont get those white particles. when you kill them they just flop over dead. so they arent TWLID. yet their gear says they're a product of unending life. did the removal of the Rune of Death just give everyone infinite lifespans?
>Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead wanderers are pitiful product of unending life.

>They don't get back up
Doesn't really mean much, that's just a skeleton ability.

>did the removal of the Rune of Death just give everyone infinite lifespans?
The problem is that everyone thinks the Rune of Death was part of the Elden Ring to begin with, when it wasn't. It was held by the Dusk/Gloam-Eyed Queen and wielded by the Godskin Apostles before Marika ever had it.

As usual with souls game I have absolutely no idea whats happening.

>Why are all the soldiers undead?
They can't die a true death, so they're immortal. You killing them does nothing, as a true death is returning to the Erdtree, which they can't do.
>So what's TWLID?
Those are people who died, but thanks to Deathroot they're given life again.

>Late-game trolls use Pyromancy.
Wait what ? As far as I am aware there are troll that use Frenzy magic but that’s it

The Yeti-looking ones use O, Flame! on the birds if you sit and watch them for long enough.