Is it crazy to anyone else that creepypasta characters who were memed to Hell and back like Sonic...

Is it crazy to anyone else that creepypasta characters who were memed to Hell and back like Sonic.Exe and Lost Silver are now super popular with zoomers who were never there entirely because of Friday Night Funkin?

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Zoomers grew up on this shit


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Zoomers where the ones who grew up with this, you're looking at gen alpha

This, no one over 13 gave a fuck about Sonic.exe

for me, it's my wife sarah

Fuck off

Sonic.exe is a little bitch.

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Everything old will eventually be new again user. Friendly reminder that retro games probably wouldn't be as fondly remembered if it wasn't for YouTube instilling fake nostalgia in millennials

No, I think they are fondly remembered for the impact and influence they have and not your neurotic obsession with Youtube.

God Sonic.exe takes me back.
>8 or so years ago
>Senior in high school, classmate is a literal autist
>both in drama so autism is welcomed
>see essay on his desk he left behind
>glance at it with the intent to give it back
>Sonic.exe is the title
>it's for his special needs English class
>he writes that he likes it because he thinks about making people pay
>he relates to it, yadda yadda
>Give it back to him, don't say a word
>actively be his drama class partner in numerous projects
>mfw he didn't shoot up the school
You're welcome, class of 2014
Thank god he showed up to school for Halloween as regular Sonic too and not Sonic.exe. Think his mom prevented that mess.

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Wasn’t the creator of this a pedo?

so enjoy friend, and let the feast begin

This is the most retarded thing I've heard this week. Your perception of reality is actually being distorted by social media algorithms like what you suggest about others.

JC the Hyena? Yeah.

>t. bad taste

And didn’t threw a rage fit over the creepypasta being moved to Trollpasta.wikia?

He did. His tantrum is legendary.

Yeah all those games that sold like shit in the 90s that no one played. Like earth bound and it's sequel in the late 2000s
You might actually be the stupidest human being on the planet if you don't see how social media like YouTube propels things into popularity and it's not just vidya, it's also forced meme. Castlevania 2 sold like dog shit as well as castlrvania 3. That didn't stop social parasites from meming them into classics because of muh angwy bidya gaem need much like he created the sub genre of le quirky gen x retro game reviewers who subsequently did the same thing with all the copies of earthbound and mother 3 they didn't buy and emulated and just like trannoids and speed runners created false fan bases for metroid, f-zero and many other things that also sold like shit and that analytics and sales prove were never important or revolutionary

Hate any faggot that uses the word "retro." They're just classic games.

he was? i only knew he was an autistic furfag who threw a hissyfit over his pasta being moved to trollpasta for low quality


Post it

I deeply regret to inform you all that I received some bad news.
The Admins of the Creepypasta wiki have finally decided to delete Sonic.exe 'offa the wiki, on the grounds that it was "badly written" and "had too many cliches" and "was a bad example of what should be a creepypasta".


As you can see I am FURIOUS with the fact that my masterpiece, which has won the hearts of millions and has made a massive impact on the internet, is being brought down by a bunch of jealous, arrogant, retarded FURRY-HATERS.


That does not mean I am just going to sit down and take this lightly.


They have been messing with the bull, and now they've called out the horns!

Listen everyone, I need your help with this. We are at WAR here.
I want every Sonic.exe 'fan' who is reading this to get the word out!

I want you to tell every other Sonic.exe 'fan' out there, every 'fanatic', every artist, every 'follower' of my creation about this. Tell your friends who are also Sonic.exe 'fans' if they have to! Tell them we have to keep the 'spirit' of Sonic.exe alive!

Make more 'fanart', make more 'videos', 'block the haters', 'praise Sonic.exe' like you never have before, build websites dedicated to his greatness, whatever you gotta do to keep him alive and strong, JUST DO IT.

The 'deletion' of Sonic.exe from the wiki is but a 'minor cut' on our 'flower of greatness', my 'friends'! And that cut has done nothing but further the spreading, and we are the 'pollen of this flower'! We need to prepare for our victory over the Haters! The Haters need to BLEED for their 'crimes'!! Rejoice, my fellow Sonic.exe Fans! Our glorious little Hellspawn shall have the laugh yet!
THIS will be his ultimate victory!

The absolute subjugation...

Jesus Christ. The absolute lack of self awareness is astounding.


Creepypastas nowadays seem to just be "Take character and make it very long with a gaping mouth" and then you're done

That’s factually wrong.

The best creepypasta's are the ones where there isn't a cartoonishly evil demon / monster like creature or automatic superpowers from mundane things like not sleeping

So you're saying that because these games didn't sell as well as others, the only possible way that anyone could like them is because social media conditioned them to? Yeah, you're retarded and you can barely even string a coherent thought together. Fuck off ESL faggot


>zoomers have no taste
What else is new?

>cool plot about sonic getting possesed by a demon and becoming a psychopath with red eyes
>cool fan content
>cool comics
>acknowledged by sega
>got a reference is sonic 2 movie
pic unrelated
read fleetway

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KINOway wins again

Why do he have eyelashes
I am feeling funny

you fools

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the thing is they absolutely did grow up on it as like 4-7 year old kids getting shit scared by them on the internet


>Perfect Chaos Revival
>Death Egg Robot


Prove it

your right. all those reviews gave viewers a nostalgia loop

Are you too young to remember the sonic.exe mods for SRB2? For Sonic Adventure?
Rom hacks?

Also a reminder everything cool about the original sanic.exe was because of JCtheHyena's tard wrangler. You could hardly call it "his" creation.

>got a reference is sonic 2 movie

Stop acting like you even remembered Sonic Exe or Lost Silver. It's too late to gatekeep something you stopped caring for a long time ago. Creepypastas in general fucking died off 10 years ago save for some that came back every now on then due to flavor of the month tiktok shit like Tail Doll.


>I'm sorry, Mobius...
bravo miyazaki-sama! he did it again!

I think it was the guy that did Faker & Black Sun. Everything about those two songs got nuked because of that.

Nonono, it was both. The original Sonic.exe creator turned out to be a pedo and handed 'ownership' of the character over to someone else, and then the guy who made the version of Sonic.exe in Faker and Black Sun turned out to be grooming people.
God I hate that I know this I'm so glad I stopped going to /funkg/.

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Revie wasn’t a pedo. It got confirmed as a nothingburger in the end. I was talking about JC.

clan of the grey wolf 16 bit gems videos were pretty cool back in the day, shame they sort of disappeared off the map

seems like a decent guy. but his reviews are too professional for my taste.

I rather have a cringe avgn ripoff, which oddly i only got into after youtubepoop trends phased out around 2010's

The troon who made Faker and Black Sun released evidence that it wasn’t true, and the worst he did was ERP with some guy’s OC. He got kicked off the team because the lead dev is a massive clout chaser, and thought fabricating a controversy would help the mod.

>Not doing indecent things with minors
Forgive me if I'm hesitant to believe you
>The worst he did was ERP-

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>but his reviews are too professional for my taste
that's a shame user, it's what I like about them looking back from our current time, feels like they aged a lot more gracefully than some other stuff from that era, while still having a cringe joke or two here and there for good measure

Yes. ERP is cringe, but both parties were consenting adults.

My sister is autistic as shit and really into this spooky shit and FNF. I assume creepypasta just naturally brings in autists because they can handle WORDSWORDSWORDS and all the weird Newgrounds shit they never even grew up with.

I mean they're good but I seen similar styles in 2015 from projared, squaredeyejak, and ign reviews

Creepypasta nowdays are " I went to a place, therecare RULES there". A subcategory i found interesting at first, but, like with all popular horror, retards misunderstood what made it good.
They write the whole story where the protag has to either follow or break all those rules with description about what happens, spoiling all the mystery.
A good way to write a pasta like this would be simply writing down the weird rules mixed in with a lot more normal ones.

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again I have my doubts given how you've phrased this and get the feeling you may be the kind of person that doesn't get sexting a minor isn't ok if you pretend to be sonic