Elon bought twitter
Tim won again kek
Elon bought twitter
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Classic Timmy. Just because he's allowed to be retarded doesn't mean that he should be.
Friendly reminder Epic is still hemorrhaging money faster then they can make it
>Tweet Ubersetzen
Tim Tencent is really incapable of looking at anything at all and not making it about him.
and with the decline of fortnite this will only get worse since even with UE5 they can't afford to increase the royalties unless they want to lose even more market to Unity
I thought it was just EGS not turning a profit, don't Unreal and Fortnite keep them from dipping into the red especially with the popularity of UE5?
>without any repercussions
lol this bitch was a China slave for so long he forgot that free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. what a dumb faggot.
Reminder Tim is a sjw and a fuck who supports both BLM and Ukraine.
>I created Fortnite to lure children, yes that's the point....the money is meaningless. But rape wasn't enough for me, oh no: it was merely the beginning.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Why is the EGS software so shit? Why don't they just 1:1 copy Steam? Bugs are known for plagiarism anyway
What's wrong with supporting Ukraine?
So SJW's are just going to spend the next few months whining about how opinions that dissent from their gay ass worldview aren't being immediately removed?
>Elon bought twitter
Yes, and they're going to do it on Twitter.
5 Years later and you guys are still seething"
>n-no fortnite is not popular anymore(it is) he will soon run out of money!
>h-he's a China slave despite saying that you are allowed to criticize it unlike what Gaben does!!
Tim really broke Yea Forums huh?
I just made it up user
Yes, of course user. Why would it be any different?
Still eating Americans propaganda huh
>despite saying that you are allowed to criticize it unlike what Gaben does
Uh that's not very contrarian of you user
>supporting jews
Yea Forums suddenly hates Nazis
Still eating russian propaganda huh
Meanwhile Gaben personally called someone an ass and fired him because he "might" have been offending Chinks
Fuck Musk. Leave Twitter if you're not a fucking asshole nazi
Hoholistan is a fake country created by the Bolsheviks.
>if you don't support Ukraine you must support Russia
Americans everyone.
Hillbilly Bob, as usual, your priorities are in the wrong place. If Putin thinks taking over the world via rape and murder of civilians is ok, maybe a nuke is what he deserves. His supporters are literal monsters.
Asshole fascist
Nah, it's more like racists and bigots will become emboldened, and start harassing people. Their posts will get deleted for harassment, and they'll get confused and angry. Then they'll turn on Elon, because he's not protecting their right to harass people.
Words are cheap, have Tim actually proved his claims with actions?
Oh, where did you hear this happening with Gaben, I wanna read about it.
>Can't support something when you can't even fix the current problem on one side
Such cases.
>a jew saying this shit
how ironic
post some more lefty meltdowns
Wow this looks wholesome :)
>Elon takes over
>Retards start saying nigger nigger nigger
>Get banned
>"WTF freeze peach"
>niggas on 4channel unironically argue in favor of cyber bullying now
damn yall niggas gay as hell now
interest lost
this, letting people say whatever they want is how Nazi Germany started, the world cannot handle another Holocaust.
God I hate moral crusaders. look at how much better we are then you because we pretend to care about others in front of others. when we really don't
This ends with buttrape, doesn't it?
>What's wrong with supporting the Ukraine?
There is nothing wrong with supporting the innocent Ruthenian people living in the Borderlands. "the Ukraine" state is a modern invention.
From the Apple trial court documents, UE makes chump change compared to Fortnite. He would definitely not be able to keep EGS running with just UE profits.
I got to the point where I can't tell far lefty parody accounts from real ones. That's how mind broke they are now
>haha I'm not a Russian propaganda bot I don't care about any of them
>that's why I casually post against Ukraine on a vidya board on completely unrelated topics
Damn, that's a low IQ response.
Tim's a queer and Fascism > Communism
Apartment dwellers get the rope
of course not, if there was even the slightest hint of anti-chinese/pro-taiwanese sentiment on fortnite or any other Epic platform that would cause Tencent to threaten to pull out Tim would manually ban the users and delete the posts if that's what it took to keep daddy China happy
The real problem is that he'll probably just hand over the reigns to a different entity, which is exactly what people are afraid of. Imagine China or Russia owning Twitter. He's only in it for money.
>posting an actual parody account that has been on Rogan's show before
Search for James Dota 2 China controversy. It’s been a while but he joked about something during a tournament casting stream and Gabe’s reddit account personally fired him and called him an ass. Been a while though si my details are fuzzy.
Tim doesn’t support blm
He is actually a trump boomer seething steamie
>>haha I'm not a CIA propaganda bot I don't care about any of them
>>that's why I casually post in support of Ukraine on a vidya board on completely unrelated topics
That's actually a step up from current twitter where "stans" just straight up dox people, twitter hatemobs people over minor jokes, etc.
The only difference I think will even happen is that it's gonna be okay to say "I hate black people" as WELL as pic related without being banned.
Same thing that was wrong with supporting the Iraq War. USA/NATO couped the Ukrainian government (Look up the Nuland phone leaks) and started arming them with the goal of using them as a battering ram into Eurasia.
I don't think that will happen. If anything it will just be equal censorship of the left and the right now instead of the obvious bias against right wingers.
>Words are dangerous guys. Unless I'm openly inciting violence against the opposition. Then it's coo'
Tim owns Epic dude
Tencent would fuck themselves
Get education
I feel like the two of you are insulting me in some way, but I can't make sense of your double negative sarcasm. Please translate into more literal terms.
Jews play both sides doe, the only true antisemtic option is to not give a fuck about it
Someone has GOT to take a stand against these racists and bigots soon. They sound like a tribe of dirty niggers!
Do you know where we are?
You mean he has not banned anyone or fired anyone unlike Gaben? Yeah
Short TLDR:
>Valve (Icefrog) personally asked him to to work for them and told him to "be himself" as he is known to be a bit of a personality
>James did exactly that
>his one mistake was that he did a joke that "might" offend chinks, so Gaben became furious and personally fired him and called him an ass
Have you ever seen a CEO act and say something like that? He became so mad and love China's dick so much he had to personally fire and call out the guy he employed and said to "be himself"
She's a Christian turk you dumb faggot. Sometimes I'm amazed by pol fags lack of basic search skills.
It's not about free speech when people know Elon is openly racist
nigger delete his twitter account as "protest" lmao
Pardon me. The whole point in my post was that the line from parody accounts and real accounts is blurring
That was my point. I don't support either side.
>Muh free speech
A forum without jannies is bound for disaster. You may not like them, but they are the only thing standing between a legible site and a truly cancerous hell.
Elon's already restored some of my favorite Groyper accounts :)
>Watch as police beat protestors in a city sanctioned protest
Can't blame them for being outraged.
The previous post said something about American propaganda. If you believe that support for Ukraine is the result of American propaganda, you are supporting Russia, either consciously or as an useful idiot.
Honestly, I hope that Twitter becomes incredibly racist and empowers the right. That way we can further accelerate the incoming right wing civil war and root out all racists and bigots just like we did in the last civil war.
In 10 years I'll be able to tune in and watch /pol/lacks get hanged for inciting insurrection against the United States of America.
>implying Yea Forums isn't a truly cancerous hell WITH jannies
extremely based
i mean niggas be saying "you typed words on the internet thats harasment and violence"
like shit nigga i dont think i know where i am aint this the sewer of the internet or yall just reddit now?
Has he unbanned SmegmaKing yet
Imagine if he just puts word filters on, if you say nigger or nigga in any form you are instantly banned, imagine the salt actual niggers would have if they were denied their special word lmao
what kind of piece of shit doesn't support Ukraine? how /pol/fucked are you?
To be fair, the cancer will sort itself out eventually, as it always does. It's human nature.
>if you support Ukraine then you listen to American propaganda
trannies, everyone
(and probably american, considering this faggot didn't know to place a comma)
Damn, that's a low IQ response
user, if a dictator run country wanted something and was walled by a single person, what do you think would happen to that person? Literally something that applies to Epic and now Twitter.
All their money goes into paying off developers for EGS exclusive titles
Donald Fucking Grumpf
22 ('67-'90) Year Army PsyOps Veteran
I vaugely recall LtCol Aquino's story.
He was a member of LaVey's Church of Satan while Active Duty in the Army. He left the Church of Satan to found the Temple of Set. He served in the Army for an additional 15 years.
I also recall that he was alledgedly involved with a Day Care Ritual Abuse Scandal at The Presidio in San Francisco. He was discharged without being retired (possibly in lieu of a Court Martial).
I am looking at his story and am interested in ANONs knowledge, thoughts and opinions about LtCol Aquino, his PsyOps work, his relationship with LeVay, and the founding of The Temple of Set.
In true kike fashion, LtCol Aquino's Wikipedia page IS ALWAYS DELETED no matter how many times people re add his entry along with his cult's. It's up now still. For now...
All he did was ask a question, turbo-sperg. Maybe if you stopped letting mutts live in your head rent-free you could function properly.
Hello amerimutt
When the jannies are asleep, it gets worse. Because apparently they only get them from America and Europe, judging by the massive gap in their coverage every day, which promptly gets filled with porn and the shittiest of shitposts.
will the porn be safe?
>just like we did in the last civil war.
unfortunately, the north wasn't trying to root our the racists
they only wanted them to stop trying to secede so america could remain united
we wouldn't be here had the the racists been brought to justice but instead the north let them be as long as they remained part of america
They put the tard in poltard.
Can't blame them, sure, but you can enforce the rules equally and ban them for racism. But you won't, because twitter doesn't think racism towards white people exists and that any and all vitriol is justified. All I'm saying is that at least with a true free speech platform, everyone can air their disdain, and it's no longer limited to just them. That's how it should have been from the beginning, cause they should be allowed to say those things but also get actual backlash and mockery for saying them too instead of it being lopsided in their favor.
>cat liking belly rubs
it's good to always have hope mein nigger :)
They may be
and that's a good thing
>the Steam shills who were making gabe jesus memes were chinks and wumao
chink vs chink
Epic is printing money, retard. A long term venture like a steam competitor is not a problem when you have multiple other cows to milk. (UE and fortnite here)
>6 years ago
>Imagine China or Russia owning Twitter
They probably wouldn't buy it because American brains like yours would be conditioned to delete your account if that happened and it would immediately tank in value.
He's right. Their current leader was placed in power with the help of the CIA during the Maidan Revolution.
root out*
Putin also used to think that, that's why he thought invasion of Ukraine would be easy. Now, because of this very war, Ukraine actually has become a real nation and a real country. You are witnessing a birth of a nation.
>When the jannies are asleep, it gets worse
it gets better. That's the only time fun is allowed. How could you not enjoy screaming into the void with your Yea Forumsros?