Breaking news steam decks are reportedly shattering at random
Breaking news steam decks are reportedly shattering at random
Then post an article or something about it, faggot.
Don't worry, no one can get them.
kek kill yourself OP
breaking news
your balls are deflating every day
that was quick
Tendies be reaching, and I’m a tendie. Faggot op.
I hope so, it's what deckfags deserve.
FPBP, what a god
"NOOOOO get back on PS5, we have straight games I swear!!"
It's for me
Fucking nigger faggot.
Was he fighting Master Hand in Oblivion?
>switch user so upset about steam deck they proceed to go on the internet and tell lies
One of the most obvious signs of underage b&: posting a picture with false information attached to it without understand what reverse image search is.
Try again when you're older op.
>1 minute 1 second to open the brand new thread, read it, check the provenance of the picture, save it, post it and reply
decktrannies need to false flag themselves to stay relevant, huh?
>I spent double the money to play the same game
What did I do
Remember how two of these were made and posted at basically the same time on Yea Forums months ago when the deck was announced? Notice how the quality of them looks so wildly out of place next to everything else here? Notice how no others have been made since then, and how they have been posted in basically every thread since the announcement?
Gets the ol' almonds circulating in flowing water, I must admit.
What the fuck else do you expect someone to do when they see a reddit filename retard
Really gets the meds flushing down the toilet
Right? Switchfags are pathetic.
I randomly took a hammer to my steam deck screen Gaben how could this happen?
Don't need to make more, 2 of them demonstrate the point just fine.
Stop throwing your shit you dumb neanderthal. Just because your Xbox controller or your GBA survives it doesn't mean you should be doing it to either of those let alone a $500 mini-computer.
>thread made 51 minutes ago
>google image result says 48 minutes ago
Come on, Decktrannies you can do better
can we talk about the something like 60% failure rate of the steam deck so far, or the fact that many users have to RMA this shit at least twice due to a host of problems with the hardware? This doesn;t get talked about here does it.
Seethe more faggot.
I will never buy a deck.
I will play my games and emulate bing bing wahoos on my PC. Because unlike you, I'm actually a part of the Master Race and dont feel the need to pretend to be a bing bing.
This might be the only time someone
/Thread their own post but were correct
top kek
something something medication
>nintentroons are THIS desperate
user... The reddit post was up for almost an hour with the exact same image even before the thread was made.
based observationfags
more plebbit posts by this falseflagging retard include:
>What Fallout is the most Beginner friendly?
>Need help finding pornhub vid
> Fire Giant could be it for me
>Is it worth getting a index?
and a whooooole lot of simping over ugly ethots.
Seems like Yea Forums in a nutshell to me
>BirdPuzzleheaded800 commented on Steam Deck just Killed GPD Win
and your wife's boyfriend's cat just destroyed the steam deck, kek
Ironically most deck games aside from 360 era stuff runs in the 40-60 range, and combined with the battery life make it so capping at 30 makes more sense. I'm not saying its necessarily a bad thing when you consider all the games you can actually run on the thing, but it definitely won't go down as the "60 fps handheld." Even games that can handle 60fps half the time aren't worth leaving uncapped.
that isn't me, dipshit retard
tendie/chinkshill OP is dead
>that isn't me, dipshit retard
If it was the same guy he wouldn't be using the reddit filename.
that isn't me, dipshit retard
Please leave my reddit account alone
Post your pc
Says everything, doesn't it? OP is a perfect encapsulation of the average Yea Forums poster in these times. Low effort, low quality, hailing from a garbage social media website and only here to spew shit everywhere like an animal. Worthless.
I pretty much doubt boomers tendies can even know how to make a PC
lol of course you would
If you give me 50 gold coins I'll delete this thread
>If it was the same guy he wouldn't be using the reddit filename.
Thread is literally older than the reddit post lmao
The absolute state of tendies/GPD chinks
steam shills on suicide watch