yeah i'm thinking based
Yeah i'm thinking based
Of all the great weapons BB has to offer, why is this crap always posted first? Did you even play the game?
hehe zap
Looks like that little door spring that goes boing
The sword is the best weapon and it's boring.
>Wide sweep for mobs
>Pokes for range
>Vertical swings for hitting heads
>Good poise damage
>Great rally potential
How is it boring? Compared to the Saw cleaver where you just mash R1 it has actual variety. Is it because it's not a cool hunter weapon that has saw teeth everywhere, right?
LHB forward jump attack + backdash Rinse/repeat breaks the game. I beat the bloody crow 1st try no damage because once I noticed how good it was it was too hard to force myself to use anything else.
(cont'd) I actually deliberately only used light weapons in ER so I could have a somewhat different gameplay experience than greatsword jump attacking openings and backstepping ad nauseam again.
Whoever the OP is, his constant waifuing of the single most boring weapon in the game is both hilarious and hilariously sad. The Tonitrus has no transformation, it has like 2 moves, and its special gimmick is equivalent to just using bolt paper on literally any other weapon. Even if you were gonna go bonkin, there's far more interesting weapons to be found in the game.
>Every weapon is weird as hell
>sword is literally just Dark Souls
Tonitrus is the workhorse. Doesn't do some gimmicky bullshit transformation. All you need is to hit the monster and then when the monster is giving you trouble you get a Free bolt paper to kill the monster.
Best Combo. Battle Torch and Tonitrus.
>Every weapon is weird as hell
>Dual curved swords
>Curved sword+Scythe
>Fist weapon+Kaboom
>Dual claws
>Katana with edgelord 2h mode
>Short spear+Shitty halberd with a shitty gun
>Rapier+Dagger with a gun
Out of the base game weapons, the weirdest ones are the wheel, stake driver and beast claws, but only the first two are "weird" mechanically as the beast claws are just regular claws moveset wise with one of them being a beast hand and a permanent beast blood pellet.
>Best Combo. Battle Torch and Tonitrus.
Ah yes, the combo of the inept.
There's a reason why the first Yahar'gul Hunter to the right of the Grand Cathedral in the Cathedral Ward is considered an easy and reliable source of Bolt Paper; it's because he wields the Tonitrus, and is thus very easy to kill.
The Tiny Tonitrus is more interesting and more useful than the Tonitrus.
Is that ton-tire-us or tun-teer-us?
For me it's the boom hammer.
This user has been brainwashed into thinking Gimmick = Useful. Tonitrus isn't fancy. It's useful.
I like his little sister myself, the teeny tiny tonitrus is kino
I don't understand how arcane works
You just pump stat into it, put an elemental gem into ANY weapon you want, and it becomes an arcade weapon? Isn't that kind of busted?
Out of the way, the Pick chads have arrived
Arcane higher the pick-up rate. It helps ward off the death build-up, so you can tank more shots.
The saw cleaver is the best weapon. The starting axe is the most fun.
You know what's more useful? Literally any other weapon. And you can't even claim that it's good for dreamless runs, because the Saw Spear exists there too, which deals Serrated damage, actually HAS a varied moveset, and doesn't require you to go through a gauntlet of dogs to pick it up.
There is no niche the Tonitrus fulfills. Even its equivalent in the DLC, the Boom Hammer, can hit through walls and does an AOE explosion, separating it from just being a Fire Paper weapon. No one who uses the Tonitrus in any serious capacity can ever be called "based".
you didn't beat it
i reaaaaaaaally wanted to like the actual scythe more just because it looks sick, but i always go back to the church pick. what makes it so good bros
Church Pick is a better scythe than the Burial Blade itself. Deals more damage types, hits faster, and is great both transformed and not.
rally sux tho
a shame they designed the best scythe in any of their games and then put it at the very end and made it the worst scythe damage-wise of any of their games
what were they thinking
ah yeah its the boom hammer for me
simple as
the Holy moonlight sword that is
thrust damage
Is walking past dogs you should be one or two shooting hard to you or something? Why are you arguing so hard against some fags preference. I don't like the weapon either but if he enjoys using it and it's sufficient to him he's either better than you or your a complete shitter which you obviously are since dogs are apparently hard to walk past to you
If you're having trouble with the pack of dogs in the Yahar'gul street then you're either inexperienced or underleveled. If it's the former, then the weapon you used to reach the Tonitrus will benefit you better. If it's the latter, then the weapon you used to reach the Tonitrus will STILL benefit you better. If it's a dreamless run then there's no reason to risk the run ending by going down there at all. And if you got it from the Spark Hunter Badge then you truly must have zero insight, as that badge also lets you buy Bolt Paper.
The Tonitrus is used for Bloodborne weaponfu OPs and it's annoying seeing the worst weapon in the game used to pitch the game in the catalog. Seek skill, hunter.
>BMA double barrel pistol
>Riposte with Reiterpallasch
>Blow their fucking brains out
I love bloodtinge builds in this game
I was trying to use beast cutter in my current playthrough it's just too damn slow when tricked. Eats through your stamina too.
I'm playing BB for the first time and I just killed the witch and vicar Amelia. I'm still using only the hand saw I started it, but the only other weapon I've found is the mace in OP, am I gimping myself by only using the saw or should I expect to find more weapons soon?
The saw is one of the best weapons in the game, stick with it if you want. Every weapon is at least decent so don't be scared to swap if you find something else that looks cool and fits your build.
Is using Ludwigs holy blade easy mode?
cool, thanks for the response.
Saw cleaver is the easiest mode there is. Fast, easy, simple, powerful, you get it at the start, good against everything, very good at the start, and ends up being like the second most powerful weapon even if you min/max autism.
>Weapons were all fun in Bloodborne, an absolute blast to use all of them in different playthroughs
>They just made weapons the same boring shit as they were in dark souls for elden ring
They literally decided to make things shittier on purpose. Fromsoft is extremely lucky they got memed by the internet into their astronomic fame.
Nah I found the pizza cutter to be the true ez mode. Ludwigs is just a good early mid game option. I used the spear cleaver and I felt like it was much better than ludwigs
Yeah but saw is dlc. Ludwig is vanilla
Yeah Bloodborne has the best weapon variety of the from games for sure, each one is unique in some way and entirely viable
I've never used any of the guns besides the basic blunderbuss and pistol, am I missing much?
DLC has a minigun
for me its the beast hunter saif, mainly because of how entertaining it is to work in the transform attacks into your combos
Yes. Other weapons are more fun, but when you want to win, you just cheese it with the sword. It's like Elden Thing fags saying
>noooo you can't use magic you have to make it harder on purpose noooo
luv me spear
Guns can do a fuckton of damage with Bone Marrow Ash and some guns, or weapons that consume bullets at least, like the flamesprayer totally trivialize some fights
No that's a baster
Bloodletter is my favorite easily, is there anything similar in Elden Ring?
Seeing this thread makes me want to go replay BB, but then I remembered that I lent my ps4 to my brother. PC port any day now, right bros? Ha...ha ha...
no weapons in elden ring are terrible and boring
Not even any good big maces or flails?
i lent my ps4 to my dad because he's going through some rough times and needed something fun to keep him occupied, and i went a few years without playing much vidya anyway, and now that im craving some vidya after a few years of playing nothing, i just dont have the heart to take it away from him, and my graphics card burnt out to boot
>versatile and reliable longsword
>attaches onto a giant hammerhead to create a BONK-machine
This is the best weapon. I liked the threaded cane too on my previous playthrough. Hunter Axe seemed cool, similar to BKH
they all share the same boring moveset
RIP, sorry to hear that user. Guess I should be grateful I at least have a functional PC in the first place. What does your dad play
>doing an early playthrough
>dump assloads of resources into my weapon
>welp I may be empty of pockets but it's time to confidently go out into the worl-
>find a cooler looking weapon soon after
I use the rifle spear
The most underrated weapon.
It's peak BB weapon design.