Why do i not hear about this game more?

why do i not hear about this game more?
>has extremely good looking levels & probably best graphics
>really well optimised
>good gameplay
>interesting storyline and story progression mechanics
>basically a modern, slightly different stalker

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 134.68K)

Lack of advertising I guess? I bought it a while ago and was surprised by it. It seemed more story heavy than other "stalker-esc" games, but the survival aspect is neat, having your camp, and then the sci-fi stuff is a slight twist. I'll have to check it out again. I assume there have been updates in the last year or so?

it gets a bit repetitive but i enjoy it for what it is. stalker with base building like fallout 4 and some companion stuff.

because most people want stalker, not a base building sim

there was a big update a few days ago

No anime titties.

stalker is dead user, devs are retarded and stalker 2, if the game files havent been nuked by russia, will be shit, either play the mods or move on

why do you need to ask? go watch a gameplay video and that will tell you everything you need to know


unironically the lack of weapons is what kills it for me
>Nagant M1895
that's fucking IT? for a survival game set in Eastern Europe? Not even a Mosin or anything?

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It's an excellent game but it's aiming for a more niche audience than something like STALKER. It also alienated Russian gamers by being outright anti-Russian and pro-Ukraine. The whole story is, if you squint, an allegory for the evils of communist rule, and communist ideology.

I think the games is absolutely fantastic overall, and I'm really happy for the team that it was a financial success before it even left early access. The writing is extremely good. And it isn't a generic STALKER-like story in the way Metro ended up being. You play a professor, and many of the characters around you are eccentric and and atypical.

Just a warning, though. The console versions are by a different team, and there are some persistent save corruption issues on consoles apparently. PC is fine, though.

It's not a combat focused game. You are psychologically damaged every time you kill human opponents. Putting that amount of focus on weapon variety would have been counter-productive because then people would have whined "Why did you add so many guns if the whole point of the game is that I shouldn't use them?"

In a recent interview the devs said that if they were go back in time they probably wouldn't add NAR soldiers to the Zone because having human enemies added all sorts of expectations of AI design and the game's combat design that they as a small team struggled to live up to. If they'd started over again they would have had NPCs in non-combat areas and monsters being the only combat threats.

This, just want a cozy bunker to myself where I stash my shit in between scavenging. Not have to tell a bunch of weird cunts that move into my place what to do.

what was added and is what was added fun?

The game is nothing like STALKER and people wanting a STALKER-like experience will be disappointed. The game is actually a bit of a spiritual successor to the game Get Even, which nobody played, and involves technology from that game, and has a cameo from one of the characters.

All the good russians are pro ukraine and anti putin and russia. Rest are subhuman lying thieving roaches who deserve to be hung till death as they are a plague upon this world

>This, just want a cozy bunker to myself where I stash my shit in between scavenging. Not have to tell a bunch of weird cunts that move into my place what to do.
That's basically how I played most of the 3D era Fallout games desu. I can't recall any games that will scratch the itch without having to lean on mods to get it there.

This is the roadmap of new stuff since release. They've released a new update every 2 months. There is some noise that they're beginning early work on a sequel.

Attached: Chernobylite-Post-Launch-Roadmap.jpg (1920x903, 279.46K)

What has put me off has been the fucking cover and character design that looks like theyre going to be featured in that thomas the tank engine video

Because it's a story driven game with pretty meh story. Everything else about it outside of graphics is worse than STALKER.

It's not better or worse than STALKER. It's nothing like STALKER.

How early access is it?

Only like 3 types of enemies and 5 guns lol.

dumbest ai and combat ive ever seen with the most retarded voiceacting imaginable

It's not Early Access. The game released in full form months ago. When the game hit 1.0, the storyline was complete and they redubbed the whole game from scratch with a revised script. But they've continued to add new DLC (most of it free) as part of post-release support, including new regions, new quests, etc.

What's wrong with the voice acting?

Didn't STALKER have infamously bad AI that threw grenades with laser accuracy from a hundred kilometers away, and terrible gunplay? Seems like a case where nobody can throw stones.

STALKER sucked in pretty much every way except for environmental atmosphere
people have the most insane rose-tinted glasses for that series. in reality it was a fucking mess

not poster but he didn't use Russian lang with English subtitles

You become more and more psychologically damaged every time you kill human beings. Exactly how would more guns and more enemy types make this better? (They did add some new monsters in the Monster Hunt update, and have added a few extra weapons since.)

Why would he use Russian lang? Chernobylite isn't Russian (it's Polish), and the main characters aren't canonically speaking Russian. Your right hand man is Canadian. You're from the UK and speak with a pronounced British accent and everyone mocks you for it. The game was clearly written in English, the main character is British, and stuff like The Rat King being the enigmatic KGB spy codenamed Agent Splinter is obviously a reference that works better in English than Russian.

Attached: 1016800_20210716205848_1.png (1920x1080, 3.18M)

The game is poorly optimized. It stutters heavily every time you pull the trigger.

What platform? Is this with the latest patch? It's possible the new patch broke something.

>You're from the UK and speak with a pronounced British accent and everyone mocks you for it.
what the fuck, no you aren't. The game defaults to Russian, why would you think to change it to anything else especially when the English dub is just changing shit?

>Your right hand man is Canadian
wasn't he explicitly stated to be a veteran of the afghan war (soviet)?

Yeah, I'm curious too. I played months ago on a GTX970 and a pretty meager CPU. It ran fine for me, at least not stuttering. I didn't have the settings cranked though because of my setup.

>The game defaults to Russian
No it doesn't.
>especially when the English dub is just changing shit?
The English version is the original. The Russian dub is full of glaring issues, like the fact it gets Igor's personality completely, utterly wrong.
Olivier is a Canadian mercenary. His codename in the NAR documents is "MAPLE LEAF." His name is almost certainly a reference to the French composer Olivier Deriviere, who composed Get Even.

Incidentally, the whole Rat King = SHARD = Agent Splinter thing is something someone who can speak English would come up with.

Attached: Codenames.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

This looks like it may get some new modes so maybe you can get a bunker-simulator-only feeling from it.

Chernobylite has a reference to the TV show Chernobyl like 5 minutes into the game. It took a lot of inspiration from that show, including the decision to have a cast of actors using their real accents instead of giving them fake Russian/Ukrainian accents. On top of that they made the delibate choice to make the main character someone who has spent decades in the UK working as a professor. And also he's not the real Igor. He was born in like 1985 and grew rapidly into an adult because the Chernobylite created him. The game isn't STALKER. I feel like people have these preconceptions about the game, its native language, and so on because they were expecting a STALKER-like experience. The TV show Chernobyl was not intended to be in Russian. Nor was this game.

Yea, the new modes sound really promising.

Also, this game's soundtrack is amazing. It is really, really good. Super atmospheric.

I sure love going to the same levels over and over for janky ass quests.

Then why, upon booting up the game for the first time, was it set to russian for me?

The game's climax where you realize the horror of what you've been doing the entire game was pretty kino. As was multiverse Olivier crossing infinite time and space with a stolen portal gun to save you from the real Igor. The world he came from is a living nightmare, but he still believes in you.

Is your PC region or language or something like that Russian? The Russian dub was added for the benefit of Russian gamers (which didn't work because Russians didn't like it).

>meh story
>meh base building
>lifeless world
>combat is kinda shit
game's nothing like stalker, not sure why you'd compare them

It's possible they mucked around with it with one of the patches to stop people whining. Regardless, the English dub is absolutely the original one. The Russian dub, per actual Russian speakers, sounds like a high school play.

No, I am from America. The only things I changed were video settings before starting the game I thought the game was Ukrainian so I didn't realize it could be played any other way.

Because it's shit.

>stalker is dead user
No, it really is not.

the first 30 minutes were boring walk and talk that ended with mindless waves of baddies. quick uninstall for me.

>DLC roadmap
in to the trash it goes.
I will never EVER support ANY game that thinks that paid mini expansions = content and replay value.

Make a finished game and sell it for a reasonable price, or kys.

>The Russian dub, per actual Russian speakers, sounds like a high school play.
Really? I started looking up the game after you guys told me its in English but I keep seeing people say the same about the english dub and to play in russian to be immersed? Have not played the whole game but I personally like the russian VO's. Though I have not heard much russian, I cannot say they sound much sillier than stalker or warthunder or any of the few russian films I have seen

user... all that stuff is free

One of the devs commented on why they refused to have characters speak in fake Russian accents.

Attached: Chernobylite Language.jpg (1343x211, 58.57K)

Remember that you're dealing with retard Russianboos who don't speak a word of Russian and flat-out don't understand that the main character in Chernobylite is a British professor. This is a case where the game's plot and setting smacked face-first into their ironclad expectations of what the game should be. They see it as a flaw that Igor in English is book-ish and soft spoken. But that's literally the character. Other characters make a huge point of making fun of Igor for being British. The kind of people who wanted Chernobylite to be a STALKER substitute don't care about that, and they're confused by the game's design approach, voice acting, etc.

Igor isn't Russian. Olivier isn't Russian. There's absolutely no reason on Earth why they would speak Russian to each other. There's no "immersion" there. It's just weird people trying to use the game as a STALKER substitute.

Bought it from steam sale like a month ago but haven't got to play it yet

I mean, I see your argument but I don't entirely agree with it. Igor is Ukrainian and the NAR soldiers realistically shouldn't be English. its pretty obvious the game is supposed to be like stalker/ roadside picnic. It steals a lot from its 2 inspirations. Roadside picnic takes place in Canada but feels nothing like that and everything like russia to the point you can't tell. I kind of feel the same way here that they are in russia interacting with mostly russians like all the residents of the zone and the NAR troopers

>Igor is Ukrainian
It's more complex than that. He has lived in the UK since 1986 and speaks English. And he's not actually the real Igor. Nu-Igor was born the mid-80s after Tatyana was taken, and the child grew rapidly into an adult copy of Igor.
>and the NAR soldiers realistically shouldn't be English.
They'd speak Ukrainian if anything. Not Russian.
>its pretty obvious the game is supposed to be like stalker/ roadside picnic. It steals a lot from its 2 inspirations.
At the same time, a LOT of the central themes of the story come directly from the game's predecessor, Get Even, which took place entirely in the UK. The VR headset you're using is a stolen piece of tech from the corporation in Get Even. You even overhear Grace from that game in a flashback.

Igor doesn't like Russians. In the early access version in the early days he had lines of dialogue about how he had no problem killing Russians. This was censored because Russians got hurt feelings. The Russian dub was also added for the benefit of Russian gamers. But it's not the original intent of the game, which was to mimic the show Chernobyl which has actors from the UK playing Ukrainian and Russian characters.

I'm suddenly reminded of how GSC Game World are almost certainly going to rip the Russian dub out of STALKER 2. They are probably extremely upset in hindsight that they used Russian in the game's reveal trailer instead of Ukrainian. It's always been weird how people think of STALKER as Russian when it's not. The characters should be speaking Ukrainian.

Add tokarev pistol and that's all you need

While not the same, Ukrainian is similar to Russian. I read that the game was written in polish, so I am not really sure it matters. All I can say is that as an English speaker Ukrainian and russian is indistinguishable so it is close enough for me. Ive also read that english igor sounds like an aspergers dork. I like Russian igor who is just a dead pan asshole who only cares about 'muh wife'. He sounds as dead and soulless as his dialogue icon depicts and how I imagine a disgraced researcher with a dead wife would sound.

What did they do?

Attached: off topic.png (449x391, 14.79K)

ukraine charity pack/ the general war stuff I would imagine

>Ive also read that english igor sounds like an aspergers dork.
Igor is quite literally a complete retard. That's the entire character. There's a scene in the game where he has to create a distraction, and he embarks on the worst fake dying over the radio you've ever heard, and the rest of his crew are like, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
>I like Russian igor who is just a dead pan asshole who only cares about 'muh wife'.
But that's not accurate to the character. The actual Igor in dialogue and other characters responding to him is a very weak, feeble, fragile character. The idea of Igor as an aggressive asshole doesn't get in the slightest with the fact he has mental breakdowns when you kill people. Russian Igor is completely off the mark. Igor is a character who gets into a heated argument with Mikhail about whether the Earth is round (Mikhail's alternate facts) or in Igor's words a "fucking oblate spheroid!" He's a socially awkward doofus who obsesses over the daftest shit while everyone else is like, "Just chill out."