Play FGO
Play FGO
You already have one thread on this board to many. Now kill yourself FGOfag.
Is there more art featuring her rear?
If you ask nicely
Of course
Ah just because I keep seeing only images of her front side, I guess that's her best side.
Her back side is quite good, too
Why is titoria so much better than arthoria?
Because is her full potential
Excalibaaah was a mistake.
If you say so
Why would they ruin my king like this?
God, I fucking detest modern day Type-moon.
Where can i find Nicely?
I love all sabers
The more the merrier i say
why do the worst franchises have the best porn?
Fuck off Takeuchi. You saved, then ruined the Nasuverse
What is FGO? Looks like sort of animu coomer game, so not interested.
Your loss mate
gatcha cum segs booba feet
I really, really like this artist's drawings of Arthoria.
>Yea Forums - Video Games
>Not a single actual screenshot of this supposed video game
Wow user, you've truly sold people on trying whatever the fuck this is supposed to be
Bumble Bumble Sea
They're great, aren't they?
You are welcome
Why would you announce to everyone that this is your first week here? Either way, welcome
Is Fate/Extra any good?
I sold my account and I regret not selling it for more
Hey bro, can you post some webms of the gameplay instead of offtopic images?
That's right!
What makes you say they're off topic?
Sorry user, you've done a terrible sales pitch for this game. How about posting some actual screenshots of this game?
kek saved
I'm "unsheathing my blade" to this image, so to speak...
>such a great game, OP refuses to show us it or tell us anything about it
I'm teleporting behind you with twin katanas
Just kidding, have fun user
Man what’s wrong with you, just say you want to erp upfront instead of misleading with the thread subject, or go to where you subhumans belong
Nice thighs
>sending coomer weebs to /trash/
No, he belongs on Yea Forums and /h/
what are you talking about bro, Nasuverse has never been more alive
>Tsuki Re with Red Garden on the way
>Type Lumina
>Mahoyo getting an official EN release for all the EOPs
Never been a better time to be a TMfag. Unless you're a Fatefag in which case: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
you get what you fucking deserve
Don't see anyone roleplaying here.. I'll be sure to report any that I see, though
I like it a lot, but a lot of people who are more attached to the original lore of Fate quite dislike it.
I like it for aspects not related to the Fate franchise.
Still waiting for you to show us the game, OP
I'm rewatching DEEN/Stay Night and remembering why I liked Saber in the first place.
Not a single screenshot.
I gotchu bro.
>Doesn't release Remake and Maho on pc because muh widescreen
>No Chaos on Type Lumina
Nasu is such a retard, at least I can still just emulate the switch version of Remake and Maho.
So it's just a VN? And is this the character OP has been posting? She looks nothing like the artwork OP has been posting. Not only did OP fail to tell us about the game but he has false advertised it as well.
The character that OP has been posting is from a gacha, that's a spin-off of the VN. The character is from an alternate timeline where she's allowed to grow older and taller.
just google fgo gameplay