That kid who called controllers "remotes"

>that kid who called controllers "remotes"

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Well, it kind of is

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>that kid who called paddles "controllers"

>Parents call all Vidya controllers "joysticks,"

>that kid who called the X button “cross”

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This here's a "clicker" family. Best you boys keep movin along

>that kid that caught you stealing his vidya and you made uncomfortable eye contact for like five long seconds and you pocketed the game anyhow and he said nothing but stopped inviting you over and you never gave the game back

remote control.

>that kid who only had one remote

>that kid who called cutscenes "cinematics"

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Thank fucking GOD, I have never met a dumbass who has ever called it that.

>that parent who called cartridges "tapes"

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You are a nigger in spirit (or even physically, I don't know)

>that kid who called characters 'toons'

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>that firend's mother who called video game cartridges "game tapes"

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>That kid who ate game controllers
>had tons of chewed up ones he stole in his room and was gnawing away at them, taking months just to finish one
>he ate the fucking batteries too.
>only (you) knew about it
>later realize why he fell down in the middle of school and never got up
>he ended up getting lombotomized

>that kid who calls vames "video games"

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He’s most likely physically a nigger too if the other kid didn’t retaliate at all.

"People" sitll do.

This was me. I would "borrow" my friends game. He never asked for it back so I would keep them. I would then conveniently move away.

My parents always called them "paddles" because of the Atari.

>That kid who called 1-ups "extra guys"

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>that kid who called grenades "garnades"

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Cross, box, donut, and pyramid are the correct names.

>that kid who called sentries "turrets" and spelled it as "turrents" every time

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>that autistic chunky girl who would run around the quad

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these people should be exterminated

>That tard kid who was fucking godlike at all the Mega Man games
He was absolutely non-functioning in every other way and said his name like Timmy from South park half the time but one time we watched the fucker effortlessly beat all 6 (at the time) Mega Man games in one sitting

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>that kid that spelled rogue as rouge

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>that user who plays video games
Surely none of you do this, right?

My girlfriend does this and it drives me fucking nuts.

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>friend still says “reticula” instead of reticle to this day

>that friend

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>20+ years ago
>"Friend" acts like he's above me
>Broke my retainer by hitting my head for "fun"
>repeats his own words in whispers after talking normally
>have an annoying phrasing and tone of "my turn"
>he isn't even native to our country
>stole and scammed games from neighbours
>wants me to keep quiet about it
>tells the whole neighbourhood about his scams
>he ends up being ostracized by the close bond we in the the cul-de-sac have
>doesn't talk to me anymore
>moves out a month after
>his mom was a drug addict too
>stole his Bomberman 64 cartridge
>stole his Majora's Mask cartridge + expansion pack
>he was the fat kid on the block
Good fucking riddance. Childhood was better without him.

>that kid who called the controller a paddle.

>that kid without any friends

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>that kid who called Ganondorf Ganordoff

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>kid who called games 'tapes'

>that kid that rubbed his dick on his autistic cousins pussy

>that kid who would mispronounce like every single Pokémon name
>he’d call Sandshrew “Sandscrew” and Far’fetched “Farfuda”
He was really good at THPS2 though

My zoomer bephews still call them paddles because of their dad

post 3 faggot

that kid who called people niggerfaggot

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>the kid that stayed in playing video games in the summer
80s babies rise up

>that zoomer retard who calls the PSX the "PS1"

I’m pretty sure I called the PSX the PSX, what else would you call it?

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>that kid who called rocket launchers "Bazookas"
this was me and I still do it

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the PS1

Fuck you justice you fat fucking trombone player. I told you not to come back to my house because you kept stealing my shit.

>ctrl f "turrent"
>1 result

seriously what the fuck is up with this?

My friend called them "gurr-ger-naides" and might even still. He's 31

You mean that kid who grew up with a Wii in the house?

i call it a gamepad without a hint of irony

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>that kid who pronounced iron as "eye-run"

Attached: 1621247659741.png (826x738, 1.02M)

>that kid who called his mum by her first name and slapped her arse as she left the room

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>that kid who pronounced melee as "mee-lee"
>that same grown up kid who pronounces gif as "jiff"


>Not calling them potato-mashers

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>haha no its called budder hahaha