Beta comes out tomorrow. What do we think? Will another AAA title - that took years and millions to create - flop or finally be successful in the year of our Lord 2022?
Overwatch 2: Electric Boogaloo
co-op missions?!
where we dropping, gaylaydees!?
is it still fucking shield watch?
No, only one tank from now on and Orisa no longer has her shield
I was in top 500 in season 1 before it became trannywatch and I will never come back, everyone is a faggot now and blizzard is literally staffed with troons
It's honestly overhyped. It's just a glorified update that rebalances everything for the worse. No reason why everyone's so excited when it essentially removes everything about the game that made it unique and turns it into a generic deathmatch where instead of teamwork, the game values each individual player's killing skill.
Kek, this seems like a carbon copy of the original. They changed what the characters look like and they really think they can slap a 2 on it. I hope it flops
Maybe they should have tried to Rush the Beta out before the Gundam Evolution beta came out and was actually good.
>No reason why everyone's so excited
literally no one is excited for this
anyone who complains about barriers is simply too stupid to shoot the shield because they have it in their heads "well its not REAL damage, so i should hold my shots". if everyone actually picks heavy damage and puts bullets down range, you can easily melt 2 shields and advance.
>Overwatch 2
Fake news. Same game.
This is just the first beta out of many betas to come. I don't expect much, but I'll give it a shot since the changes do seem like they're going towards the right direction for the game.
what does her ass look like
Lots of people are complaining that tank synergies are gone and personally, I couldn't be happier. Off-tanks have been historically cancerous with how easily they shut down flanks and shit like halt hook was just trash to play against. The game needs more individual carry potential and I hope 5v5 delivers
Oh boy I sure do love shooting at retarded AI that just take every shot
overwatch 2 is doa, the death of blizz is coming lmao
Did anyone get invited yet? or is it over for me bros
Who asked for this?
Nobody I personally know online or offline is hyped about this at all. I don't believe any of these dipshit streamers hyping this up for even one second. They literally just want new content so they can continue avoiding getting a real job.
I think it'll have a brief honeymoon phase because of twitch drop marketing shenanigans and then quickly crater back down to where Overwatch has been the past 3 years.
they dont ask poverty spics. sorry, jose
>don't find shooting shields fun?
>here's the solution: shoot the shields!
You won't receive an email until tomorrow and if you don't get an invite, then on wednesday you can watch 4 hours of a OVerwatch twitch streamer and that guarantees you an invite. The streamers can only have the drop in an 8 hour windows so not many will get in.
Good question. Everything they do could’ve been done in ow1 as content updates especially since ow2 will be free for ow1 owners
Gotcha thx
>No reason why everyone's so excited
There's no reason for anyone to be excited
Not that I disagree with you, but I've seen this exact post copy and pasted in more than one thread.
The amount of shields and stuns was actually reduced.
>co-op missions
the only people who will play this are streamers paid to shill it and the few kids they trick into buying it.
I'm on Yea Forums all day every day even though I hate it. I mostly just rehash the same conversations over and over. The worst part is I know I'm not even autistic, I have a pretty ok life and a girlfriend(female).
In this case, I'll try it. Overwatch 1 was fun until everything became shields, heals, and tanking.
co-op is where you will find all the thots, yo. if you dont get in that game first, Tyler is going to swoop them all up for his own
>repetitive behavior
That is absolutely an autism symptom. And no, having a gf doesn't mean you're not autistic, kek. Don't worry about it though, this is Yea Forums. Everyone here is on the scale for sure.
Remove role queue and forced classes and I might consider playing again.
Overwatch should be casual fun first and foremost instead of competitive esports nonsense.
>Remove role queue and forced classes and I might consider playing again.
bye. no one cares, nerd. go back to whatever FOTM spics are playing
No, I'm sure I'm not autistic, I'm actually well above-average with things like social cues, speaking, and facial expressions. My natural social skills have been my saving grace in my otherwise pathetic NEET life.
I probably have ADHD though.
You could just play the arcade modes (or custom servers) that don't have those limitations.
nope sorry this is Yea Forums and we're gonna pretend quickplay classic and competitive open queue don't exist or at least don't count for some reason
the other night some fucking faggot even tried to tell me those modes are only available irregularly lmao
nobody here even plays the games they bitch about
they dont actually want to play. they just want some brown person to write the word based to them
not based. blue pilled.
>let's fucking gooo
kill yourself zoomer shill
gross, a spic replied to me.
It will fail as Elden shit has failed. Complete shit garbage of a game that is praised by paid/free shills and corporate goons.
the spics be raging. top kek
>as Elden shit has failed
Take your meds schizo, OW2 at least has a chance for failure. You were completely wrong in every conceivable metric with Elden Ring.
>praised by paid/free shills and corporate goons
you are posting from an iphone nigger
>Overwatch 2 is copying Battleborn wholesale
Battlebros, we won from beyond the grave
brown people have such a low iq
I asked for the PvE events to be made permanent. And of course, the monkey paw made sure to corrupt my wish in every way it could.
Depends if everyone still gets pissed off every single match instead of having fun
How the fuck is this a major change? What were they thinking?
you are projecting too much, you'll never be white.
i still to this day believe people only buy mics so they can whine to strangers in pub games
Zoomers can't have fun user. Either you're esports or you play casual games, there's no in between.
i hope a white man from middle america reads this, bro
>completely silent during the game
>only speak up to flame the team when it's over
Many such cases
Whoa why did no one think of this
I like that every time I see a shazma'am post it's a different stage of grief.
You know I thought they would take the opportunity to fix the worst default skin in the game, Baptiste, but nope. He still looks like absolute shit.
Then play a fucking flanking hero and harass them from their flanks and back.
the funniest part is that its always a spic posting it and they only play games where they can larp as whites