Am I missing something or is this easily one of the greatest FPS ever made?

Am I missing something or is this easily one of the greatest FPS ever made?

Attached: 642689-doom-eternal-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 126.18K)

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its a little much if you ask me and I prefer the streamlined simplicity of doom 2016

Battlemode is underrated. "Horde" mode is shit.

That's fair enough. The high energy fights in Eternal make it great for me though.

You like having to juggle half a dozen cooldown abilities while running around like a chicken with its head cut off?

This, Eternal was one step forward and two steps backward.

Horse could have been good if it was actually randomized.

>You like having to juggle half a dozen cooldown abilities while running around like a chicken with its head cut off?
Your first mistake is assuming that this is a bad thing.

Attached: Arc Complex.webm (896x504, 2.86M)

Fast weapon switching is how you make a portion of your arsenal useless. The chaingun and plasma rifle aren't needed when you have the sniper heavy cannon and ballista to DPS the fuck out of everything.

Having an infinite supply of chainsaw fuel also means that you're hardly punished for spamming your best guns.

2016 is better.

Is that Overwatch? Why does doom have color lol

>Color bad

so true xd

Attached: 1630503797243.png (256x256, 1.54K)


Nah you're completely right. It's has the best fps combat ever.

Attached: DOOMEternalx64vk_2022_04_24_03_33_23_465.jpg (2560x1440, 1.28M)

the coolest FPS level ever, desu.

Attached: Super Gore Nest.jpg (2560x1440, 1.72M)

Pre-release, Eternal looked like one of the greatest action games ever made. Reality hit me square in the face though.
What I got was:
>a game that pushes you into playing exactly how it wants you to play and punishes you for deviating from that course
>a constant bombardment of noise
>gameplay design that consists of waves of enemies being teleported into a locked arena while you try and survive
>a game that doesn't feel good to play on either controller or KBM
>poorly executed platforming ideas
>muh super deep lore about muh hardcore Doom Slayer
I really tried to like it. When everything is cranked to 11 all the time though, it just becomes overbearing.

I couldn't agree more, I really enjoyed DOOM16 but Doom Eternal is EASILY one of the FPS ever made.

Attached: Super Gore Nest.jpg (2560x1440, 1.66M)

>streamlined simplicity
2016 had nothing, it was slow as fuck, it was just Doom 3 without horror.

So does Doom Eternal have a modding scene or what

best theme song Mick has done. His score for Eternal was also a significant step up from 2016

Attached: classic.jpg (2560x1440, 791.68K)

It's the best FPS ever made, user. I only hope they can at least match it with their next game. Blood Swamps is shooter pefection.

That's where the weapon mods come in. Chaingun has the shield, which is very useful in some master levels, and plasma rifle has the microwave beam, hands down the best mod in the game.

This. Why can't people just admit that these were the only good FPSshit in years. Best engine I've ever seen, even now. I can't believe how good this thing looks on a base PS4.

>It was slo-

Attached: DOOM 2016 Nightmare.webm (720x405, 1.13M)

>streamlined simplicity

>gameplay design that consists of waves of enemies being teleported into a locked arena while you try and survive

Fuck these retards, nuDoom 3 should double down and be based on Doom 2 slaughter wads like Okuplok.
Not sure if the engine can handle thousands of NPCs, but that's the natural evolution of it.

>Blood Swamps is shooter pefection
good taste. TAG1 was so fucking good

Arguably not even the best track from the game.

Why aren't you playing Doom II WADs, Yea Forums?

Attached: Mancubi genocide.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

The movement speed in Eternal is noticeably slower than DOOM '16, though the dash ability is supposed to make up for that. I'd rather a slower recharging dash ability and faster run speed.

Not enough mancubi.

>The movement speed in Eternal is noticeably slower than DOOM '16
Holy bait

Attached: Doom Eternal movement.webm (1172x659, 1.36M)

Uhh, 2016bros...

Attached: Doom Eternal movement 2.webm (782x440, 2.74M)

Because backstrafing and jigglepeaking based combat is fucking boring and Doom Eternal proved single player FPS combat can be so much more.

Git gud

It's literally impossible to be bad.

Meathooking is not your normal run speed. Yes, running around on foot is slower than DOOM '16 and that's why there's dashing and the meathook and monkey bars so you can get around faster. I'd rather Quake bunny hop the way John Carmack didn't intend.

Attached: Ancient Aliens.webm (896x504, 2.86M)

>mfw decino spending almost 24 hours to complete Quantum Strike without savescumming

primitive and boring

>Am I missing something or is this easily one of the greatest FPS ever made?
>Baby's second shooter after Call Of Duty
>Greatest FPS ever made
I know you are not baiting, but what a sad existence you really have.

>unable to state what he thinks is better
post discarded

user, zoomers got filtered hard by Eternal.

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 10.41.07 PM.png (1778x668, 646.11K)

Best DLC. Sorry, Bloodborne.

>nuDoom 3 should double down and be based on Doom 2 slaughter wads
And with that you filter out like 99% of the FPS market, and 100% of Yea Forums

Agreed I prefer 2016 a lot but eternal has some cool elements. The sun of its parts just ends up being too much, I can only play like 45-60min of eternal before it starts to seem mentally exhausting.

Absolute blasphemy

I’ve done 5 full playthroughs of Eternal and played each map individually easily twice as many times.

>1 random faggot on leddit
>meanwhile boomers seethe daily at doom eternal on Yea Forums

>Am I missing something

how could you miss anything with the constant tutorial popups?

Both boomers and zoomers get filtered.

This is ironically the main cause for people missing a lot about the combat. They see the little pop up video showing a specific way to kill a demon, and assume it's the only way, or even the optimized one. It never is. They use the chaingun to deal with the dice things in the Blood Swamps tutorial, can't think of a worse weapon for that part.
Not trying to excuse the game, either, it's 100% their fault. The excessive handholding ended up hurting them, as it should.

Kind of wonder if it was a required inclusion dropped on them by Zenimax execs (which they intentionally sabotaged)

I saw an interview with Hugo where he talked about Sekiro and how it didn't spell things out for the player. He said that's something he wanted to avoid with Eternal.

A literal danger sign on top of your head saying "hey, retard, pay attention to the next attack". How is this not enough?
Anyway, they certainly got more than enough negative feedback on the "there's only one way of dealing with enemies" to figure out that the heavy-handed tutorialization was the cause, so they'll surely address it with the next title.

hasn't it been basically confirmed that their next title isn't a doom game though?

>half a dozen
there's like 4, what the fuck. your two grenades, the flamethrower, and the dash.

can't really compare it, sekiro is a much slower game than eternal on nightmare/ultra nightmare. giving players all the information upfront serve something like eternal better

>use all of your best weapons
>going to use chainsaw
>it isn't ready yet
>stuck without amo while more demons keep spawning

The thing is that it plays more like a bullet hell platformer than a FPS, especially on higher difficulties.

Chainsaw and blood punch recharge slowly, but you can get extra ready-to-use charges for them too.

I really could not disagree more with this entire post

>a game that pushes you into playing exactly how it wants you to play and punishes you for deviating from that course
What are you even referring to at all, this a huge blanket statement that says nothing
>a constant bombardment of noise
music? audio cues? the sounds demon's make stands out even against the soundtrack
>gameplay design that consists of waves of enemies being teleported into a locked arena while you try and survive
It's a shooter, if you're looking for a more exploration based game like original Doom I can understand being disappointed.
>a game that doesn't feel good to play on either controller or KBM
>poorly executed platforming ideas
Do people seriously have such a big issue with Eterna's platforming when your character does half of it for you. I never got the complaints with it, if anything it's too easy because it is quite literally just you using dash at the right moments.
>muh super deep lore about muh hardcore Doom Slayer
Didn't phase me, I'm not looking for something to be taken seriously I'm looking for a fast paced shooter to have fun with.