What's the point of this post exactly? I don't think it has anything to do with video games.
zoom out
I feel dizzy
>this makes the european seethe
dishonest photography
the fuck is the point of a diner anyway?
that image is multiple spelling/grammar mistakes in it
it should be U.S. rather than U.S and there should also be a ‘the’ in front of it
This is why capitalism has failed us, the text is in English rather than Japanese.
Quiznos was actually good I miss that chain
does burgerpunk like this exist anymore? when you see that location then vs. today its very sad.
The streets look like gta, McDonald’s has had multiple video games and pizza hut has yo noid on nes.
no but here have two burgerpunk kinos
nice scenery
literally every fly over state
Some would say bugerpunk would be most prevalent today than any other time
For people who want to sit down and be waited on while eating something other than fast food?
Thats like asking what the point of any restaurant is.
Also diners tend to share space with gas stations and general stores so its ideal for a traveler
>It's okay when Japs do it
Japs make it look way better than we do.
When you want to eat something marginally better than McDonallds on a long road trip and also sit in a semi comfortable chair while doing so. OP is a fag for shitting on rest stop towns those places are a god send on long road trips
yes it is.
It's not okay when japs do it. I don't know anyone who says this.
Because it's clean and doesn't have nogs.
I can guarantee kid's toys at McDonald's suck now
japan can do no wrong
>oh no, not consumer goods and convenience
>not places to refuel your vehicle and rest on a fucking road
No, go on, explain to me why I'm supposed to be disgusted.
Whew blast from the past right there
They actually know how to have appealing architecture in a commercial zone, so yes it is.
Hey this place looks nice.... stop to fill up gas, maybe even get a bite to eat.
Tried and true
>fucking lights everywhere
>all the signs blend together
weebs will defend this.
Yes. Literally drive along any major highway in the US and this is what you see. Contrary to what europoors think this isn't what towns in the US look like though. It's only along highways do you get this kind of scenery
How did McDonald's end up like this?
What is it about this image of a soulless country that makes it so soulful?
user you're trying to compare one of the greatest entertainment/red light district in a major metropolitan city, a literal city within a city to shitty rest stop towns, the modern American equivalent to rail road towns
Boomer iq on display.
Shame they never pan over to show them when they realize what they did.
t. soulless bugman
I figured out the secret. You have to replace the cars with people!
more wide open space, green life, clean air and fresh water than whatever seething shithole (You) hail from
So I take it you live in an Amish community?
They don't make burgerpunk like they used to.
>fresh water
>clean air
good joke
Welcome to McCity, small fries.
Doesn't really work anymore since there is a loud contingent of anti-Japanese/anime bias that has taken root on Yea Forums
This division in the one lane road is probably what's causing the most confusion
have people on Yea Forums never driven long distances? it's an average rest stop town, i don't understand why it got memed.
I'm starting to think japan lives rent-free in a large portion of Yea Forums's head. Moreso than any of the other divisive shit that gets thrown around even.
hey hey hey it's time to make some craaaaaazy money
What are some games that allow me to explore a once great land in decline?
Pretty much any interstate has moments like that.
Most people on Yea Forums are sheltered manchildren with the delusion of grandeur.
>I figured out the secret. You have to replace the cars with people!
Unironically this.
You must love public transportation
holy shit america
I do, seeing as I don't live in an American shit hole.
do burgers not have pic rel signs?
I prefer walking and cycling.
But yes, public transportation is objectively superior to everyone driving cars.
>But yes, public transportation is objectively superior to everyone driving cars.
Imagine being so poor and cucked by government you have to cope this hard.
Noid is Dominos you fucking retard. Kill yourself. Seriously, do it.