Xenoblade 3

what will be the new gameplay mechanics

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No, she's not attractive

It's job changes, Arts fusion and character fusion into Ouroboros, we already saw it in the last trailer.

you're an attractive women

Neither was any character from 2
except Morag

Taion is literally me

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Job system. Probably similar to XCX but not as cool. No lightsaber class, sniper, dual gunner,etc

you're a hunk of a man



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OMG... she is so attractive..

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what an ugly bitch, but as an icelandic male i still consider this a crime, spreading racemixing propaganda in an attempt to humiliate my people and culture. I will jerk off to footage of the ww2 fire bombings of japan now, fucking japs. If they want to racemix so much they should use their own fucking women! fuck america and fuck france too! may global warming burn you alive

Yes, and?

>"Guernica Van Damme" (CV: Tetsuaki Genda) is also a mysterious man who appeared in front of six Noahs fighting in the battlefield. He advises the hostile Noah and Mio to aim for "the land where the big sword stands out", saying that there is no "real enemy" ...!

Sex with Mio

who cares, I'm only playing this to see if that's really Nia in the mask.

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Hoo boy they're really gonna name him that

>what will be the new gameplay mechanics
me shooting ropes on Sena's tummy

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>Dash button
Press the L button to move around in combat faster. Mostly used for positioning, such as getting out of AoE range of enemies, or into range of allies buffs.
>Fusion arts
Get to know your allies better to be able to change into their class. Get class EXP to learn their arts. When the arts on the left Pallet are filled, press the ZR button to bring up the fusion menu, which lets you use both arts at once. Increases Interlink level.
Fuse with your partner to create a giant. Depending on Interlink level, the power will be different and certain arts get more effects at more levels

That is pretty much everything new gameplay wise. They will have a gameplay showcase on June 14th as well as the final trailer, which will explain more systems, like Riku's weapon and armor augmentation and Manana's cooking.

Literal tranny.
Fuck off.

Yeah, they are going with it. Makes sense to have someone anti war named after a town that got bombed and a painting made by a famous painter for anti-war sentiment.

Biological woman

Fluffy Nia a cute.

>Riku's weapon and armor augmentation and Manana's cooking.
Figured I would just go ahead and explain these. No one will believe me anyway.
Riku is going to have a gem crafter, the portable version that got made in 1. You won't be able to do crafting like in 1, you'll instead give Riku unrefined gems and various catalysts. Riku will turn them into refined gems that you'll be able to socket into your weapons and armor to increase your stats. You'll get 3 pieces of armor, pants, chest and head, they don't change your appearance. Armor not only gives you stats such as agility, strength or more HP, but will also give you unique augments, like increased crit damage or crit heal. Essentially a combination of 1 and 2's systems.

Manana's cooking acts like 2's pouch items, but for the whole party. You can prepare a dish with 3 ingredients, they must be different. Ingredients are things like, meat, fish, plants. Buffs do things like increase your running speed, opening art damage or even damage against certain enemy types.

>Get to know your allies better to be able to change into their class
Oh man, please don't fucking tell me XC3 will have some sort of affinity grind between all possible pairs in the party like XC1 did, that shit was horrible and tedious beyond belief.

I just want to see my wife happy again.

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For anybody who wants to know who keeps on spamming these, it's this simp named Connor. He basically spends all day on reddit following any e-thot and whiteknighting them at any possible opportunity. He's notorious on the Smash reddit too.

Attached: Connor.png (674x170, 16.75K)

beat torna for the first time finally, the final boss was fucking kino and the cutscenes were probably my favorite in a xeno game
the /m/fag within me was definitely pleased

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>A Smashtranny
Every fucking time
He's our Ivysaur shitposter

I'm sorry, but yes. That is what you'll need to do. The grind between Ouroboros pairs will be less then others. Here is the tier list of difficulty.

>Ouroboros pairs
>Characters from the same nation
>Characters from a different nation that aren't paired
This only applies to the 6 in the main group, the 7th members you can field aren't part of the affinity chart at all and aren't controllable. They are basically only there for support.

Extremely based

Are there alternate/bonus costumes and stuff? Or is the outfit tied strictly to the classes?

it obviously fucking isn't because that guy isn't being ironic while SHE...... IS........ SO........ ATTRACTIVE guy is being blatantly ironic and wants people to shit on her

How do you even know this? Have I missed some reveal? If this is true it sounds awful, I had the impression that Monolith learned from their past fuckups and had an understanding of what does and doesn't work, but maybe not. If I have to grind out affinity I'll probably pick a party setup and never change it afterwards so I don't have to deal with this shit. XC3 really isn't looking like the game I was hoping it would be.

Riku and Manana seem too involved to not be controllable.
With the word choices with Ouroboros pairs, it seems like you are implying we have more than three Ouroboross.
I guess some characters like Malos are able to perform Ouroboros on their own from some special circumstances or have alternatives.

Just tied to classes. I don't know if there will be any DLC like 2 to change outfits, though I can guess they might since they specifically made it 'armor' instead of accessories.
I'll let you take a guess how I know these. It shouldn't honestly be surprising. The grind won't be as bad as you imagine. Because the entire party is 'active', every quest increases your affinity gain with everyone and h2h are still a thing. Aside from that, when you are at camp you can select 2 characters to do an activity with each other. These include things like gathering supplies, which will get you a random set of collectables from the area you are camping in as well as keeping first watch. Certain characters are better then others at the tasks, so you have to choose between being efficient and increasing your affinity.
Sorry, but I'm saying that you will only have 6 controllable characters. Monolith realized that having you get your full party up front was a little silly and so they are giving you a 7th bonus character every few chapters. Valdi is the next one you get after Riku and Manana and they are in charge of your vehicles. The place where you see Valdi being attacked is a Keves dock, you are there to steal a boat to be able to get out of the Wasteland.

I'm not that poster, I think the Ouroboros system is an attempt at simplifying the Xc2 affinity-based combat system. In some gameplay segments, it's clear that Noah and Sena are paired up together. As Sena is 100% performing the same movements and actions as Noah. It's like if Dagas is your partner and he has his own health bar and attacks while you abuse his Kaizer zone field/bonus.

Great taste, Torna's ending is 11/10

No, it isn't a pair up system. Sena just so happens to also dash forward like Noah for an attack. Dashing is a good move to close distance and you'll see the AI perform it constantly, especially if they need to get into position for an art that has something like Noah's break from side only. Most of the time it is them performing it from getting knocked back, they will stand and dash back in. It honestly makes combat feel very dynamic, as you'll be able to weave it between arts and not lose your combo of cancels.

> (You)
>Sorry, but I'm saying that you will only have 6 controllable characters. Monolith realized that having you get your full party up front was a little silly and so they are giving you a 7th bonus character every few chapters. Valdi is the next one you get after Riku and Manana and they are in charge of your vehicles. The place where you see Valdi being attacked is a Keves dock, you are there to steal a boat to be able to get out of the Wasteland.
Fuck. We are literally leaving behind better designed characters like they're used up whores? To be honest, the Nopons kept me interested in the game because of how good they look. And they will be discarded?
At least have Taion be a traitor. Or, kick out the stupid blacked couple for the majestic Malos. This game is shaping up to be really fucking boring to look at and ugly. I want old Gormott back with its cat people and shit with that traditional southern feel. They looked very nice and have nice warm colors that give off a wonderful presence. What the fuck is this game's presentation? Stale bread?

Question, how many driver arts are dependent on positions?

Like, do all break arts (besides Ouroboros arts) need a position thing to work, along with toggle, but not for daze, launch, and smash?

>every quest increases your affinity gain with everyone
What does this even mean? The lead character's affinity with everyone? I seriously doubt it increases everyone's affinity with everyone else because the whole system would be pointless and retarded if it's just a number that goes up for the whole party with 0 input from the player anyway. I could see controlling A increasing A's affinity with B, C, D but increasing the affinity between C and D while you're using A would make the whole system worthless.

Go back

>being this out of the loop
Nice try

A bunch of bullshit nonsense mechanics layered on top of each other that you can largely ignore for 99.9% of battles.

The /m/faggotry in 2 was SO GOOD but SO SPARSE.
Similar with 1, honestly. Despite the prominence of face mechons, most of the game is spent on the two shitty ones, brown- and black-face. Gadolt's, Fiora's, and Yaldabaoth were all great designs.
At least X let us indulge in mecha masturbation.

Sorry but her and the other spurned-by-protag bitch have become Hitlers now.

Pic related put me off the game so I don't really fucking care lmfao

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Every time. Stinky bastards.




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How much flute music will we get in this game

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Battle theme has flutes so you'll be hearing them a lot.

I hope the battle system doesn't slow down and have some stupid announcer saying BLADE COMBO THIRD STAGE! AWESOME!

Running around with the full party feels pretty comfy

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It seems like there won't be that sort of thing this time around but we're bound to get a big dedicated Xenoblade 3 section in the Summer Direct that goes into gameplay stuff. I imagine we'll also get regular Xenoblade 3 update videos up to release about new mechanics or the like
I hope Nintendo does proper TV advertising for it

How can Nintendo justify putting out a game that runs at the resolution?

What resolution? That's a screenshot of a video nuked into nothingness by excessive compression.

I meant that* resolution

Also don't get cute with me boy we all played XB2 and know that the game is going to top out at 720p when you look directly at a wall and plummet down to 326p when out in the field.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.45M)

For what it's worth, the Switch takes ass videos and screenshots. It completely fucks up their resolution and post-processing.
Whenever the successor comes out, I hope it solves that issue

Xenoblade 2 looks like shit in handheld mode, and in docked mode when there are a lot of enemies on screen it drops resolution and framerate pretty badly. Hopefully 3 is better, if they are confident enough to have 8 party members out at once it should be better you would think.

Not him, but I would still buy it. So yes.

>top out at 720p
Yeah it's a Switch game
>plummet down to 326p
If you play in handheld maybe
>posts png of handheld mode upscaled to 1920x1080
Here's a random screenshot of what the game actually looks like

Attached: 2020-08-21_02-54-33.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

>posts screenshot of indoor cutscene of the absolute best case scenario


Want another?

Attached: 2020-08-03_06-18-23.png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Testing something

Attached: 0D829195-DD3B-42BD-ACD4-3821A1EEC8AA.jpg (1280x720, 238.07K)

You fucker you’re posting emulation screenshots. The switch fucking never hits its max resolution and you know it. I just posted an xbcde screenshot taken from a docked switch and sent directly to my phone. The switch doesn’t do png screen grabs