How is FF XIII? Thinking of replaying the first along with the sequels

How is FF XIII? Thinking of replaying the first along with the sequels.

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13 is doo doo, 13-2 is fun because pet system, lr is fun if you like 100%ing games, also hard mode is fun, you'll find out why

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This. Watch a movie synopsis of the first, and play the other two.

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No force could ever compel me to replay FF13 ever.
I might go back eventually to give 13-2 a shot, but nearly all of FF13 is just the longest tutorial segment ever for gameplay that is not all that deep.

Objective, unironic and unarguable best to worst:


11 is excluded because I haven’t played it, put it wherever you like.

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It's good. People call the first half of the game a tutorial but are in love with FFVIIIR's cutscenes every odd corridor.

didn't ask kys 14fag

>xiv over xi
opinion discarded

Don't let yourself get filtered like these plebs without even playing XIII.

>no X-2
>no Lightning Returns
What in the god damn? The greatest fan service games to date with the two best battle systems in all of FF.

I love lightning

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I tried playing XIII several times, and every time I stop for a different reason. The mind-numbing story, the cardboard cutouts claiming to be "protagonists", the hallway simulator, the semi-auto battle that just has you sitting there waiting for something to happen on your screen, the GODDAMN hallway simulator and the lack of any challenge whatsoever.
Played about 5~6 hours, and at this point a game SHOULD be good or at least decent.

>user can’t read
Sad. Many such cases

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Ever tried disabling the auto-battle? I don't get how pressing X mindlessly on other final fantasies is any better, but yeah you got the option for that.

Ranking mainline only, if we start talking about spin offs we then get into FF7 collection, Mystery Dungeon, Mystic Quest, etc etc

>hallway simulator
Every single rpg in the known fucking world can be considered a goddamn hallway simulator, you cock sucking faggot.

But user, in the others we can walk five feet to the left to grab a Phoenix Down. That's really really important.

a whiplash inducing void of context or agency, you just get shoved in a direction and go that way because it's a video game, the character motivations and internal logic of the setting remain a fucking mystery until you're like 60 hours in then the game opens up, but that's the point where I went "Yeah I have no attachment to any of these retards or their drama NEXT GAME," and dropped it.

I never bothered with II or Destiny is Destiny because I'm not a gay retard who buys shit just because there's a pink-haired waifu on the box.

In which Final Fantasy you can go any direction you want and progress the game? You got me curious.

It used to be the worst game ever made
with the worst writing

But nowadays it's a masterpiece in comparison to most games

That's a long unnecessary explanation that boils down to you being a pleb that got filtered.

Swap VII with IX and I'd agree.

>I'm not a gay retard who buys shit just because there's a pink-haired waifu on the box.
13 is fairly mediocre, but god damn son.

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Honestly, the more I think back on it... the more I realise that while it was kinda boring, it wasn't actually that bad.

Made for BLACKED.

>everyone quit before finding out this is the /ss/ Final Fantasy
Impatient children.

Sorry, shlomo. Clare isn't interested and Serah is spoken for by a White man.

>the character motivations and internal logic of the setting remain a fucking mystery until you're like 60 hours in
So you think every and all plot points should be laid bare in the first six hours? Wow... You really are a retard

13 was the last real final fantasy game
everything that has come out since is a western rpg knockoff with a final fantasy skin

So Lumina is?


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Not real

XIII is probably the best all around. 2 is retarded and a downgrade in every way. 3 is still retarded but at least the gameplay is actually fun

Seeing as how Lumina is a host body for Serah, the same rules apply.

Not until someone mods out Beatrix

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As games they range from mediocre to bad but if nothing else they legit have the best soundtracks in the series

XIII is bad, but for some reason I've always found it comfy. Nice aesthetic, it sort of plays itself if you set it up right, which is easy. Then the more open area at the end has some cool boss fights. Haven't played the other two yet. Haven't played the other two but they're sitting in my Steam library. Don't care what anyone says, Lightning is hot.

Who is the bottom girl?

Played on gamepass recently, 13 was kinda wack and the corridor meme is real, 13-2 was dope and i really enjoyed the game, have not started LR yet

>canonically gets BLACKED
yeah i'm thinking based

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12, 13, and Lightning Returns are the only good Final Fantasy games ever made.

Oh, and Tactics. That's IT.

Lumina, a physical manifestation of chaos created by bhunivelze, the god of nova crystals, to house Serah Farron's soul.
I think...

God dammit I have so many games to play and this thread is making me want to start XIII-2.

I honestly prefer FFXIII to FFXV

I would be worried if you didn't.

She look black to you, rabbi?

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Are you sure? I remember Lumina simply being the younger Lightning. Her emotions taken from her by god.


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Replaying means you played it once. Why do you need v’s consensus for your own memory?

You're probably right. I reached a point in LR where I started skipping cutscenes to rush the platinum.

The PC Ports are ASS, don't bother with them and use the Xbox Game Pass version

It's awful still, but if you can't remember it, I guess you can replay it until you get an inkling of not enjoying at which point you should immediately move onto the good sequels instead. If this decisiveness makes you second guess yourself, there's a recap in the menu of XIII-2 of XIII-1's events if your concern is only the story.

XII is a poor man's Baldur's Gate. The last real Final Fantasy is IX.

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Never happened. In fact, at one point Vanille told him to take his black ass over there away from her.

FF13 PC port is the definitive edition with mods and the game fix. Do that instead of being a cuckold faggot who gives Microsoft money.

>play XIII-2
>make Serah a dumb bimbo with the dialog choices
is it just me or are the characters not as offensive as I remembered them to be aside from Lightcringe

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Vanille took Hope's first time and Claire will never forgive her for it.

I beat it not too long ago, had a lot of fun with it and really enjoyed the music more than anything else.
Lightning being a total angry bitch for most of it and just about having no idea what to do except fight honestly sold the game for me.
I've been in pretty bad situations with a group and it kinda reminded me of that.

Also tried out 13-2 but ended up getting filtered by the battle/pet system. I should probably look at a guide.

It was honestly seeing her being magically dressed as a slut for no real reason. Snow's gay friend even calls her that kek

Yeah that starting outfit is just ridiculous, seeing her run around wearing a tube dress with an absurd miniskirt was ridiculous and it didn't even look that great.

>Final Fantasy 'ecks'
I hate you, who started with FFX and never got rid of this instinctual error.

> Bhunivelze purged Serah's heart and soul from Lightning, damaging Lightning's own heart in the process, making her appear emotionless. Lightning's suppressed feelings and vulnerabilities, which had now been removed from her, used the Chaos to manifest a physical form: Lumina.
Apparently we're both right.

All 14fags should do well to remember the first 14 broke Square and the 13 series literally saved it.

You can straight up ignore the monster catching in XIII-2. I'm not into that stuff so I just coasted through the whole game with one of the basic starter mons. Spamming blitz with the two humans will end every non-boss encounter very quickly

>Barebones Launcher
>50 GB of data for a 2009 game
>Game is prone to crash if played fullscreen
No amount of HD models and ReShade can fix a shit port

yeap, im thinking cringe

That's what the fix is for.

Works on my system.

She has great tits in that though. Toroyama even got jealous and upgraded Lightning'S tits to C cup because Serah looked so much bigger.

GB of data for a 2009 game
wouldn't surprise me if the ps3 version was similar in size. blu rays can hold lots of data

yeah not a fan of that outfit, I switched to the white mage robe immediately