which modern game aged poorly
Which modern game aged poorly
The one that respawned you.
I refuse to believe hes 18
why are all the zoomers losing their hair so young? is it stress? microplastics? something in the water?
all of them besides obscure classics that people didn't treat well at the time besides like valve games
the darkness and prey 2006 were both actually pretty good while games from the same time era with way more praise were often shit
Headset on head 20 hours/day.
microplastics and estrogen does bad thing to males. have you seen most trannies?
think about this for a second
not only did they go through 9/11 not realizing what effect it had on the world they went through covid and the worst inflation the usa has ever had since the 70s and 80s
a shit lifestyle of processed foods, sugars, no exercise and anti-depressants.
I knew kids with worse hair loss at 16.
just get a hair transplant like the twitter owner did
>History of balding by mid 20s in family
>22 now and already getting grey hairs
At least I'm tall I guess
>white genetics
Shit sucks hard for us. Most of us were fucked before the gate even opened.
they're giving too much head.
Why are you assuming that everyone is going bald after seeing a picture of a screenshot of a bald guy posted by an autistic man
>Full head of hair
>Short as hell
>Not pretty enough to be a femboy like all the other manlets
Everyone has a camera now so if someone is a one in ten thousand fringe case, you'll see one hundred of them for every million people their age. People are just as bald as they were generations ago, you're just more exposed to it now because the premature balders now take pictures of their baldness and post it on the internet. You'll be overexposed to something that's rare because people like OP will screencap them and go "haha" and even more people will gawk at it because it's eye catching.
I went to a high school where a classmate was balding in 10th grade.
Some people just aren't destined for hair user.
It's funny you mention anti-depressants.
Considering how hair loss is the modern attractiveness equivalent to lepers, I wouldn't be surprised if their were plenty of prescription medications that contributed to hair loss but don't mention it because:
1) It would be a long term side effect and would be nigh impossible to link back to the medication, not to mention a purely cosmetic side effect that wouldn't negatively affect the person's health.
2) People would avoid it like the fucking plague out of sheer vanity.
>tfw when short fat and bald at 26
The game was rigged from the start
>I still believe I can get my hair back
Poor guy. He's approaching MIGApede levels of denial. Your hair is gone, Trump lost. There's no going back.
Its 100% something to do with massive chemical exposure in every facet of our lives, from our clothes to our food to the toys we played with. Look at how different people in high school look today vs those from as recent as 1980. And I mean physically, like bone structure, height etc. People are scrawny, feminine and just don't look healthy.
Trannies regrow their hair when they start using estrogen you idiot, because they are suppressing test which in turn suppresses dht. Zoomers are not losing their hair more, its just that we have become more hyperaware about male hairlines. Even in mid 2000s you were only considered balding if your crown was thinning out. No one really considered you balding if you had a norwood 2 or even norwood 3.
the fat part is your own fault
Why did Darwin fail you user?
why is it acceptable to mock men for something that is completely outside of their control? why not mock them for something they DO have control over like stupid tattoos or being fat?
ive seen 3 such pictures. it is certified and confirmed
Too much constant heat and pressure on their scalps from styling their shitty haircuts
When are we getting lab grown follicles /sci/?
You should be able to mock someone for anything eg. race, height, gender, sexual orientation, weight, etc. Stop being a sensitive little midget
beats the hell out of spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, annually on upkeep and maintenance for the animal/other people's hair that you glue on because your only alternative is looking like a dirty brilo pad.
This. Zoomers are the most lanklet creatures I've ever seen.
I only mock trannies and only because they are annoying
Why do white people have such dog shit aging genetics? Compared to other races they look fucking grim by their 30s.
Estrogen would actually help to keep the hair... it's mainly the fault of Testosteron.
I started losing my hair at 26 it felt like I should have had more time. maybe I would have started losing it in my 30s if I wasn't taking anti-depressants for most of my childhood.
nigga black people start balding at fucking 15. and if they happen to keep their hair it's curly and hard to manage.
Blacks have to spend 1000s for hair systems and extensions of other people's hair lol by default they don't have any
>tfw started balding at 15
At 19 I look like a 40y old man
Jesus just shave it off you fucking autist
So is testosteron actually increasing? You're giving me mixed messages Science with a capital S.
Anyone else who actually knows about hairloss ever see threads like this and the discussion makes you cringe. 99% of the posters in this thread know nothing about it. Its weird how people are just so confident in the non sense they are spouting.
I think the only thing I've got going for me is good hair genes. My grandparents all died with a full head of thick hair, I have no bald family members and I've never used damaging products in my hair. I keep it medium length and take good care of it. I've never gotten a split end and my hair line and thickness is fine at 21. In highschool I won "Best Hair" during the graduation awards and girls would ask to feel how smooth it was (I used my mom's conditioner). Take care of your hair guys and you could be like me one day
The headset thing might not be a meme. I feel like my hair is slightly less dense where my headset rests. Kinda freaks me out. I think I might just be paranoid but I'd watch out
No lol
Any hormones imbalance causes hairloss for men, and low test is more a sign of shitty hair than high test as Testosterone promotes thick healthy hair growth.
You look like a madman. Shave it.
I have male pattern baldness but it only started 3 years ago. How do I reverse it?
yeah, it's called an entire generation not going outside to play.
When I went to university I knew so many guys with hair loss. There were very few bald students but the amount of JUST hairlines I witnessed actually made me fearful of my own. It's one thing for a guy to have a prominent widow's peak or a 5head but I knew dudes with bald spots, absurd amounts of thinning and I even saw a couple of genuine combovers. Ironically the two oldest guys I became friends with in college (30 and 36 years old respectively) also had really nice hair, so I do think it's a Gen Z issue.
Honestly if you're a manlet like me or have some other issues, but you have good hair, you gotta rock that shit. I made the mistake of shaving all my hair off last month and it really puts into perspective what a queer I look like without it.
Google testosterone, DHT and hair follicles
>Dad bald since he was in his 20s
>Full and thick head of hair
>Suddenly started turning white after a bad car accident when I was 19
I'll take it
the /x/ thread on hair loss had a few anons who say they imagined they had hair and it came to be. if the placebo effect is real that means all healing is possible in the mind.
reality is much more malleable than you are led to believe. this is also why when a doctor tells an npc they will die, they do.
At this point it has to be from something in the water.
Science says that testosterone is decreasing with each generation
Science says that testosterone is bad for your hair follicles
Reality shows kids balding early
Science now tells me to take estrogen
What am I supposed to believe anymore?
I agree. Shave it. You can lie and say you have a disease which makes your hair grow poorly. Technically not a lie if it's in your genes.
Finasteride and/or minoxidil. Start taking omega 3 capsules and vitamins that help promote hair growth. If you smoke cut that shit out your system and any excessive sugars as well. You may not reverse it fully, but at the very least you can slow it down.
Same, I forget his name but he had a huge bald spot and would always wear a hat to cover it up.
I'm in my my 30s, and while my hair isn't as thick as it was when I was younger I'm happy that I still have most of it. Hopefully it stays that way.
>TFW almost 40 and gaining hair
There is no guaranteed reverse. Finasteride, and minoxidil will maintain it and can reverse it. Tons of people do reverse it, it's just not necessarily guaranteed. This will get you 95% there. You can add it Microneedling as well. Everything else is a meme and bullshit. There is dutasteride which is like Finasteride, but way stronger and is only recommended in extreme cases. Most men don't need dutasteride.
Guess I how I know you have never been around black people
it's genetics. when your hair starts thinning, every time you wash it a few hairs come out.
28 now, just getting by on the 'shaved sides with metro top falling to one side'. I'm definitely going to need to just shave it all off by next year.
Zoomers never had a chance because their mothers all fell for the plastic water bottle meme. They're literally formed with plastic in them while they're in the womb and it's literally affecting the way they are formed. Girls get cursed with PCOS and boys are born with small scrotums which signifies smaller penis and being all around sissified.
Thank god I was born before the bottled water craze and got to go through puberty drinking reverse osmosis water, not tap that's full of women's birth control chemicals.
>b-but whatabout da blacks
Why do wignat incels have niggers on their mind 24/7
because it's always niggers who make the butthurt comments they're replying to.
why do you have whites on your mind 24/7