Character lies about themselves

>character lies about themselves

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>OP lies about what he really wants to talk about

post cute girls

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Who lied about what now?

She ever done a feet reveal? I don't even know what she looks like, but she sounds like she has cute feet.

She a basic bitch hapa user

what did she lie about now, or is she still [insert meme sexuality]?

She's asexual or not into sex. She's basically a waste of air on earth and wanted to let strangers on the internet know.

Ok, that doesn't sound like a big deal to me.

Literally fucking who
Also not vidya

how is that a lie?

What would be a big deal, her being a tranny all along?

She went crazy drawing furry shit and no longer finds humans sexually attractive. Many such cases.

I don't recall her saying she wants to be a man

Imagine being so much of an incel that you get offended by a girl YouTuber saying she’s not interested in sex.

Yet another 2d cute avatar > 3dpd irl

She's lying, she just hasn't met somebody she wants to fuck.

I dunno, I just think calling her a waste of air on earth is a bit of an overreaction.

At least she's not a fag

>character tricks the player

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My step dad is begging my mom not to divorce him bros

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Why is asexualty considered a sexual minority? Its an oxymoron.
Also, is anyone fully capable of supresing their sexual desire? Not even priest and shit are capable.

I don’t remember consent ever being required.

She's making YouTube videos, not curing cancer or feeding the homeless, calm down.

>Never got her figure
>can never hotglue it
I bring shame to my family

>Yea Forums - Video Games

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It wouldn't be her lying it'd be her not knowing, right?
If a little kid says that jet fuel can melt steel beams, he wouldn't be lying because how would he know?

>please don't show up looking like a goth witch and definitely please don't step on me oh nooooo haha

Meh fsce, but she has cute toes. Too bad there's only a few pics of her.

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Apparently it’s more about not wanting to fuck other people than totally abstaining from sexual acts altogether. Literally every girl you know has a toy or something.

She knows, she has definitely masturbated. She's not asexual, she just has extremely specific standards and is probably only into being raped by wolfmen or something.

Yeah I can agree with that. Calm down from what though? I wasn't being emotional.

Oh jesus christ that's her?

and there's nothing wrong with it. Being asexual should not be a stigma.

>spend years making animations about yourself for attention
>alphabet craze
>get even more attention for picking your favorite letter, not an ounce of actual work required
She's a woman with no conviction, user. The only lie here is telling yourself this is a surprise.

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Did she JUST come out as a lesbian? WTF?

candyevie is pretty nice, come on.
attention sluts like tamashii that ask why she can't go out without wearing a shirt that are the issue with this fanbase.

To be honest knowing the kind of people in her circle, her having sex off the table entirely is probably a good move.

Well I don't know what this fucking thread is about, but I'm going to answer seriously.
This mother fucker. Ferham was 100% based in comparison, especially that final scene after the final boss.

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Anything can and should be a stigma, no one deserves special treatment for being different

There's a lot of people who wear the label of asexual for reasons that are not "I'm asexual". Sometimes it's for clout, sometimes it's because they're not horny by default, sometimes it's just because it makes them feel better about themselves.
It is not worth your time to dissuade or challenge them on this, even if it's dripping with hypocrisy, lies, and evidence to the contrary.
Same with anything that's a part of someone's identity.

She made that shit up, didn't she?
Fuck I hate women.
They lie as they breathe.

>Not even priest and shit are capable.
Real priests are

no idea what this thread is about but everyone in it should be murdered

Being stigmatized is bad treatment though, so "not being stigmatized" would be neutral not special treatment. Special treatment would be like if we gave her a cake or something.

Konichiwa, dude!

Yup she looks exactly like the kind of girl who would be "asexual"

It's the same thing as how agender is a gender, and how "no apples" is an amount of apples you can have. Just weird edge cases of categories that usually aren't reflected in the language.

>user when he learns about Dante

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I'm starting to think being asexual isn't a choice for her


Konichiwa, dude!

fun fact: that was taken at Pewdiepie's wedding

most annoying part desu

>In 2016 talks about how she was attracted to a man
she is just begging for attention because she is becoming irrelevant and she still wants that sweet sweet YouTube money

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>today on things that never happened

did she come out as a spicy straight?

She isn’t. She’s literally only saying shes aero ace (aka aesexual) to stop people from making porn of her….which didn’t work. At all.

In fact the best way for her to stop the porn is literally to just fucking stop using the animated avatar and start using live action footage of herself.

Untrue. One of the realest priests ever, St. Augustine, one of the four fathers of western Christianity and the one who is responsible for most of the anti-sex christian rhetoric today, managed to stay celibate after becoming baptised but still woke up every morning with morning wood and sexual urges. It's impossible to supress because it is biologically hardwired into our system.

Konichiwa, dude!

>She's asexual or not into sex.
No such thing.
She is either a huge porn addict to such a degree that she is not interested in real people,
or a victim of sexual abuse
or just lying so that internet creeps don't try anything

>spend years talking about yourself and your nerd hobbies
>get put on a pedestal by other lonely nerds who think you're "just like them"
>years of harassment and surrogate friendship with orbiters
>sex drive now artifically deflated by putting yourself into a circle of naturally broken people giving you nonstop attention
>guess I'm asexual lol
>gain even more clout from said circle for trying to be just as mentally fucked up as they are
It's a self inflicted wound. Disregard females.

do people find this ugly? for real? i think she's very cute do i just have low standards or something?

nah when a chick is "asexual" it really means "i'm hot and into nerdy hobbies but sick of fat neckbeards hitting on me all the fucking time"
t.i know a chick like this who even did some modelling gigs and TV appearances who does the same shit

a dude who's "asexual" is the typical hipster/bi/gay/fag/feminist type that pretends to be non-creepy and approachable in the hopes of getting closer to women (which usually doesnt work)

Konichiwa, dude!

you do have low standards, but I think it's probably better to have low standards than high standards

wtf is that hand????

she gained ad revenue though, and that's all that matters.

>stupid name for made up bullshit
don't care

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you didn't watch the video

It just made me want bored and ignored porn of her and casual nudity stuff.

of course user
women do this shit all the time and its literally just for attention
>hehe i'm not like OTHER girls xD uWu so randum :3


the fuck is ugly about her? she looks slightly above average to me. the average person in the west is fat and ugly.

Whenever a girl claims to be asexual, they're just losing their sex drive in their 30s and are too stupid to realize it

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>she came out asexual to try & stop the massive amount of porn being discovered by her child fanbase

>the child fanbase after looking up jaiden r34:

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hiro pls add internet celebrity board

ah, never mind, it's not candyevie, just a literally who.

i can fix her...

Haven't watched her in years. Is the white cuck drawfag still orbiting her?

Not until /vt/ either gets turned into /incel/ or becomes a full on containment board for vtubers.

So never.

You first

is this a tranny?

Too late at that point. RIP your dad he is gonna off himself by the end.

>She's asexual
Tyrone will change her mind

Asexual people can masturbate and have sex.
Being asexual means you do not think about or desire sex.
The reasons for that can vary from person to person. Some people have bad experiences with sex, while some people literally just do not think about it.

I hope her strict asian parents disown her and force sudoku.

She does like Pokémon… so who knows maybe she secretly wants Aggron love or something lel.

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Konichiwa, DUDE

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>a dude who's "asexual" is the typical hipster/bi/gay/fag/feminist type that pretends to be non-creepy and approachable in the hopes of getting closer to women (which usually doesnt work)
Or they're just genuinely extremely low t

I fucking hate white girls

Konichiwa, dude!

Isn't she half white?

>probably only into being raped by wolfmen or something.
she's asian not white

both the same thing
they're low T so they dont have the balls to do normal things to pick up women, so they resort to this passive-aggressive pretending to be something they're not in the hopes of catching some scraps

Asexual means you don't get horny and shit, you don't feel sexual attraction to people.
You can still be pleasured by sex if you are asexual.

Konichiwa. dude!

based Aggron appreciator, but it's pretty stupid that they are all gen 3.

she wants an older, bald, fat fuck to pin her down and give her the old mating press, she probably likes Lickylicky, Snorlax, and Hariyama too but that would be too obvious

Asexual people can get horny, they just don't want to have sex.

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Asexual people can still enjoy sex and masturbation. how is she a liar? Nothing wrong with being asexual.

exactly, you can have sex without desiring sex.

>you played Ruby and Sapphire a lot as a child and never let go

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>still enjoy sex and masturbation
the doublethink of it all

Its different for different types of asexual, just respect people for fuck's sake.
Its really that simple.

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fix your back posture Yea Forums

>woman claiming to be asexual
She just has a low libido and claiming faggotry for attention

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