Master duel

make any good pulls lately?

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I only have 500 gems no dust, I need link 1s help

Are you retarded? I'm rolling for predaplants.

Most recently

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EZ pull

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this was my best pull. I don't even care about the starving venom shit but it's basically a free UR at this point. I wanted Titanklad and Quadreitis for despia dogmatika shit so i was pretty pumped

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why did they count Live Twin and Live Twins separately

>opponent is playing lunalights
>goes first
>play through 3 negates
>still lose
When did Lunalight turn into gay rank 4 spam instead of Leo Dancer OTK?

Does anyone still use Firewall post errata? It seems more reasonable to just go into something less resource intensive like Knightmare Unicorn to bounce shit

This is the Cubic/Predaplant pack you fucking mongoloid.

>Does anyone still use Firewall post errata?

I think code talkers can still utilize the bounce effect even if it's been reduced to a HOTP

literally never seen exodia players use the extra deck, though that might be because I always scoop when I see someone go for a lengthy ftk

I know we like to shit on this game but honestly this looks really healthy to me. I know Bo3 with side is objectively more competitive, but Bo1 makes it so a lot more decks are viable purely based on cheese. That's not necessarily good or bad but it does make the game a lot more diverse

Triple anime villain pack, with a free Duster.
This was from two months ago, because I haven't done any pulling in a while.

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What's your main deck?

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IDS more like AIDS

I had a dream where i bought a "shadow" tcg booster pack and the rare card was imperm but had a huge dark smear, making it unreadable. I couldn't even see the art properly.

Yusaku rp deck forever

user, I think you might be a chosen Eldlich Player.

Nash was raped

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do the shows ever adhere to the tcg rules of it just everlasting animu bullshit you can't actually emulate irl?


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They stopped normal summoning monsters in face up defense position after Zexal, I think. There's always asspulls like Re-Contract Universe and Storm Access (even though that was an in-universe asspull) but they mostly follow the rules.

Madolche primarily. Sky Strikers and Thunder Dragons secondarily

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there is a notification in my store button than wont go away, I already checked every single item in the store

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Don't have one.
I crave novelty, so I make a new deck every month.
Someone get me out of this mindset please.

Virtual World. Fuck everything

Probably traptrix, it might not be the one I used the most but it's the one I have the most fun with

If your opponent surrenders, it should count as inflicting X amount of damage to their lifepoints, with X being whatever amount they currently have left. If they have monsters on the field and they surrender, it should count as destroying those monsters. Having missions that don't even reward you if you concede in a game where a turn can take ten minutes is already awful, but making it so that your opponent conceding denies the mission rewards is even worse. I so rarely see someone actually lose normally. It is always either conceding or instant dying to something like D D Dyanmite

>craft a cyber dragon infinity for a brickbot deck I want to build
>get a free cyber dragon pack
>pull an infinity

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You needed to open a Synchro pack from the event. If you never earned one, I think you can't remove the notification unless they patch it.


shit like this is why I always play out lost causes unless the other guy has 4th world wifi or is deliberately stalling to just be an annoying fuck

Dragonmaids, I'm always looking for ways to improve my deck.

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You got 1/3 of a free staple.

Tenyi. Not Yangzing synchro turbo. The tenyi.

nah fuck that, if you're some sweaty faggot and top decked every gay card in the book I will waste as much of your time as I can.

Got Almeraj for free from random pack.

Put him in my IDS, I used artemis before because I rather use UR for other staples.

brick city

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No, drytranny.

what are some good synchros to send out with destrudo?

>Craft tenki
>Free pull
>pull tenki.

>Craft o-lion
>Free pull
>pull o-lion

I'll take it.


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>make it to plat 1
>start scooping to help others get there gems

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That and people also just don't really mind making low power/shit decks when it's digital, free, and matchmaking is quick.

Someone set up a room.

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Clear wing, FA dawn dragster, PSY-framelord zeta?

it hurts

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>just realized that master ticket cards can't be dismantled
I can smell the sweat from all of the handrubbing jewnami is doing

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Meklords. 95% of the time I am playing pure Meklord as a deck, with one Citadel if that makes it count as a hybrid.
I have 12 decks finished and you'd never guess that 10 of them are just cutesy decks (e.g. Madolche) because I only ever play Meklords. Used to do Earth Machine but I realized all I wanted was to summon the Dreadnoughts.

I kneel

You do have a one link monster to use right, user?

You must be mental to think it's a good business model to let you dismantle thousands of cards you get from all those shitty tickets. Not defending Jewnami but fuck, you people are dense.

I like to make yazi, pop itself to summon mare mare then make 3 tokens and use them to make ip and a link 2 for avramax.

see this is why I include Clara and Rushka

>Had to sit through the entire combo of a trickstar player
>Get burned for 3.6k damage on turn 1
>Get my hand resetted 2 times
>Finally my turn
>Put a cubic counter on his monsters with cubic wave GY effect
>He instantly scoops
Atleast let me finish you off

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Earth Machines
Gib Therions soon please

they should at least let you dismantle them if you have more than 3
seems dumb to let you keep +10 of useless cards that you can only use 3 of

it takes a long while build that many cards, they could at the very least give them half the value

I've been playing a bricky ass OTK deck and while it could keep going defensively for a bit I just surrender if it doesn't work

Again, it's just a complete loss of money to do so. They hand them out like fucking candy, it really isn't hard to accumulate a large amount of cards from them. You get them from quests, after every duel, events, etc.

Is this a good card?

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code talkers can use it to U-link and disrupt on your turn

dead on turn 1, you'd need almiraj if you went first

Fuck Shaddolls. I spent 6000 gems to build Zefra and the fucking konami gives me eight Apkallones (A FUKING ROYAL FINISH), three Constructs, two Winda and five Shaddoll Fusion.

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they are losing more money by doing nothing and just letting the game die
why punish players that actually bother to play your game?

Yeah but I can't afford Almiraj.

Anyone got a good speedroid deck?

post deck I don't want to sift through 5 archetypes

>phantom knights
>nibiru them
>they get out 5 more monsters
>pop my nibiru
>5 mat rhongobongo

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skill issue

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How would you improve this F.A. List?

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Just draw your (one) out which is an extremely specific card (xyz encore).

how compatible are resonators and rokkets?