Look at how flat this bitch is. Disgusting

Look at how flat this bitch is. Disgusting.

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Hahahah, GROSS!
Post some more so I can continue to laugh at her

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Some of her other assets are quite good, though

Attached: f01d715b2350c9f0919ca0997aea5711.jpg (5827x8932, 1.76M)

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Succubus sucks cocks!

Attached: 1639493215179.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

How can she be so flat

Attached: 4deb364ee9a46dc9937dc1fa1a1b0071.png (1620x3036, 2.37M)

What are some other shit games people pretend to play?

Your mom

Your mom

Disgusting. Post more of this flat tart so we can mock her.

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Flat girls deserve love too

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This is some painal right here lol
Heritage for the Future and Melty are peak hipster

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reminder that her and morrigan are 2 halves, and when they fuse the resulting demon gets Morrigans tits and Lilliths ass

this was the power Morrigans father knew would destroy the world if left unchecked

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stfu cheez
back to your containment board

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God modern anime is so cringe. How do people watch this shit

idk who that is. I am getting ready for bed though so, you win I guess?

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She has other qualities.

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>modern anime
this gag is as old as the fucking 90s and they used to just do it with a nosebleed and a KYAAAA BAKA ECCHI

As for why anime got cheaper and less hardcore after the 80's, because it got popular and became a bigger business and started to be broadcast more widely on television, not just in Japan but abroad.

Touhou Project

Don't be fooled by the innocent look of this wicked succubus

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kissable ribs ToT

But flat chests are the best kinds of chests.

Attached: Nia best.jpg (1020x1447, 205.64K)

post more flat girls so we can laugh at them

I read a doujin with Lilith a few weeks ago where she fucked a shota

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>Street Fighter good!
>Marvel VS Capcom good!
>Darkstalkers SHIT!

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damn wheres the lie

The pic or the doujin?

Never said that. I said "What are some other games people larp are good and pretend to play?"

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Attached: Lilith's plastic ass.jpg (2448x3264, 2.03M)

the dounjin

I get not being into big tits, but her face is worse too.

>inb4 nhentai

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Elden ring

Have any of Felicia?

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>it's gay

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you forgot to mention it was trap stuff, but i'll take it, thanks.

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Kys retard

Yeah, her butt looks fine

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Will you be getting Capcom Fighting Collection?

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Yeah, the censorship sucks but I'm mostly getting it for Red Earth

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Attached: Lilith.gif (400x435, 51.87K)

She cute

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When thinking about all the special character-specific damage animations, for some reason I always forget that even their orbiting dizzy icons are character-specific. I like how Pyron has flying saucers orbit his head.

Don't care, still hot.

Attached: Lilith.gif (275x221, 106.1K)

Why did they make this change? What was so bad about the endings?

This art: had a 1/16 chance of showing up. Presumably they got rid of it because it would bump up the rating. note that Savior 2 and Hunter 2 hardly had endings to being with; you just got the same text scroll and single piece of art regardless of who you played as. Only the main three games of the trilogy have proper character-specific ending sequences.

pearshapebros......................we fucking won..........................

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But Morrigan already has the same age, since their measurements are 1:1, except for the boobs.

This pic it was on the PSX, PSP and PS2 ports, But if they wanted to keep it now Cero was going to give them a plus 17 rating instead of a plus 15 and since Capcom loves cheap money more than anything they removed that to sell more copies, they also censored pic related since every version of SF2 in arcade stadium is censored and if you pre order figthing collection all the games get added to Arcade Stadium.
I won't mind this if the official sites and pages selling the game didn't advertise it as being the most faithful emulation

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Bare cat ass

Play her game.

Fightcade 2 Download:

Fightcade 2 Automatic Rom Downloader (Put files in the "emulator" folder and then just join a game's lobby to have it download it):

Resource For Learning Vampire Savior:

Attached: FQbJv7lVIAILqUH.jpg (1335x2000, 242.46K)

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People play that game. It's played more than the entire fighting game genre